"Where's- Where's your gavel? You… Your Jury?… What my offense this time?" I mumbled to myself, scribbling lyrics down. It was after the Camp Sing-Along and I had an hour before curfew, I needed this time alone. Everyone expects to me to be this amazing, talented demigod… but I'm not. I almost died during Trails of Strength, if it wasn't for Nico, they would probably be scrapping me off the lava wall.

Yes, Nico di Angelo, saved me from my doom. And he hasn't let me forget it… it's only been an hour.

I kept mumbling lyrics to myself, and scratching them sloppily on the paper. I was just about to be done, when a pair of pale-tan hands covered my eyes. "Guess who?" The person said, not even trying to disguise his voice.

"What Nico?" I sighed.

He sat down beside me, "Is that how you talk to your Hero?" he said, his voice and face dripping with sarcasm.

"When the 'hero' is you, yes." I murmured.


"Yes, yes you are."

"How am I rude? I saved you!"

"And you haven't let me live it down!" I yelled, and slammed my notebook shut, "Nico it's only been a hour and a half since, get over it!"

"Well aren't you grateful?" he rolled his eyes, and slumped against the tree behind us.

"I'd wish you would've just let me melt." I muttered, and leaned against the tree as well.


I looked at him with a confused expression, was Nice di Angelo actually…. Caring? I've only known this kid for a couple of hours, but I already know that he's not one to show emotion. Or any emotion at all.

I continued to look at him, and when he didn't falter, I sighed. "I hate it here."

"You've been here for a day."

I raised my hands in the air, "Exactly! Its just…"

"Its just not your thing." He nodded.

I looked at him, was he getting me?

"Yes, Aria. I am capable of having a casual conversation." He smiled at me. My eyes widened, he smiled?

"It's a good look on you." I blushed. He raised an eyebrow at me, I cleared my throat, "Besides, my only friend here hates me right now."

Nico cringed and grabbed his chest, I jumped and freaked out until he said, "Am I not a friend? That hurts Aria."

"Please quit calling me that." I mumbled, after beating the crap out of his arm.

"Why? It's your name isn't it?"

I laughed, "Yeah… but It was my mom's name too. It reminds me of her."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

I smiled gently at him, "It makes me miss her. So please call me anything else."

"What's your middle name?" he asked, standing and stuffing his hands in his hoodie.

I raised an eyebrow up at him, "Roni?"

"Alright, I'll call you Roni then."

I cringed, "Please don't."

"Why?" he raised an eyebrow.

"That's my step-fathers name… I've never liked him, let alone be named after him."

"Roni, is your name. Besides, I don't want to share the same nickname as everyone else… think of it as a, a pet name."

I thought about for a moment, I did kinda like the ring to it, "Alright… but only you can call me it."

"Alright. Well see you later Roni." with that, he spun on his Converse clad heel and walked towards the cabins.

I smiled to myself, Nico was a… decent person. Maybe I was just being to judgmental…

But something made me hope he was just being nice to me… and only me.

I woke up the next morning to a loud trumpet.

"What the hell is that?" I muttered into my pillow.

"Breakfast and Cabin Inspections…" Cay mumbled from the bunk beneath me. I moaned and sat up, running my fingers through the rat's nest I call my hair. I was about to get down and join the rest of siblings in getting ready, but Cay stopped me. "Wait a minute… let it clear out a little."

I nodded, and slumped against our bunks ladder. After a couple of minutes, the cabin was almost completely clear and I was half awake. I grabbed my clothes, and followed Caydence to the showers. Surprisingly, it had cleared out quickly. I got a quick shower, got dressed and ran back to the cabin. I forgot to tidy my bunk, and I didn't need my siblings to get pissed at me for causing us to lose a couple of points.

I shot into the cabin and quickly climbed the bunks ladder, "Forgot to clean your bunk?"

I spun around so quick I almost fell off the ladder, "Nico!" I scolded, but my heart's pace quickened, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't because I nearly fell off.

"Tsk tsk tsk," He clicked his tongue, shook his head, and wrote something on the clipboard he was holding.

"Wait, your doing inspections?" I raised an eyebrow.

"All cabin leaders have to at some point."

"But you're the only Hades kid…" I said, confused.

"Making me the leader by default." he continued the sentence for me. My mouth formed and 'O', and I quickly made my bed. "You should probably get outta here."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I spun around on my knees and placed a hand on my hip.

He laughed, "Where not supposed to be in a cabin alone."


"Don't worry, I won't mark you off this time, since your new to this and all, but you won't be so fortunate next time."

I smiled and let out a huge sigh, "Thank you Nico."

"You owe me." he pointed his pen at me as he walked out.

I couldn't help but to look over at Nico during breakfast. I had to admit, I was developing a school girl crush on him. I mean, can you blame me ? Everything about Nico screamed bad boy, the type that could make a girl fall to her knees, and make dad's everywhere fear for their daughter's innocence.

Yeah… he's that attractive. But I'm pretty sure I already told you that.

I was always a sucker for brown eyes, but his are like none I've seen before. They're almost black, which gives him that mysterious aura. And the way his hair falls into his eyes, doesn't help either. His body is lean, but muscular, and his Camp Half-Blood shirt shows his abs when he moves just the right way. His face not far from perfection, flawless skin and perfect features. The snake bites on both sides of his bottom lip add to the appeal.

I'm sure I'm not the only girl here who hasn't noticed. I thought, trying to make myself feel better about the current daydream going through my head.

"What are you looking at?"

Or maybe I am.

"Nothing." I quickly smiled at Cay, and finished my breakfast. I drank my last drop of milk chocolate, and stood up, "I'm heading to Ancient Greek, see you in Pegasus Riding?"

"Yup." Caydence smiled.

It felt weird saying that, normally its 'see you in Chemistry?', but then again nothing is normal in my life now.

I was mentally going through the things in my life that are actually normal, when two hands covered my eyes.


"Let me see you jackass."

Nico laughed behind me, and walked by my side. "I saw you checking me out during breakfast."

My eyes widened, there's no way he seen me from across the pavilion!, "I was not!"

"Whoa, I was kidding," he held up his hands, "But since you freaked, you pretty much proved that you where." he smirked.

"Nico di Angelo, I'm gonna-"

"kill me, right?" he smiled, and opened the door to Big House.

"Pretty much." I murmured, and walked in.

"I don't get why you can't read this."

"I told you, I don't have dyslexia." I said, shutting the book that had a bunch of gibberish in it that was supposedly Greek.

"But all demigods do." Annabeth continued.

"Maybe it's apart of her gift?" Percy shrugged.

"Or she's just lucky." Nico concluded.

"Either way, she's going to have learn it." Chiron spoke from a table across the room. He was playing a game with Mr. D, the main camp director. He preferred to call me Arica, or Armanda, or anything but my name.

Annabeth sighed in frustration, she couldn't figure why I was so different. And to be honest, I'm glad she hasn't. I didn't need another reason for the campers to hate me. But Annabeth continued trying to shove the confusing language and writing into my brain.

"Ugh, I don't know if I'll be able to handle power practice." I murmured, rubbing my temples.

"Sorry," Percy patted my shoulder, "You gotta do it."

I moaned and rested my head against the table.

"So how in the hell did you know I used to play Mythomagic?" Nico seethed beside me. He had been my 'test-subject' during 'Power' Practice, and I had revealed some stuff that he didn't want anyone to know.

I shrugged, "I don't know,"

"Well tell anybody, and I swear-"

"You'll kill me, right?" I smirked, Deja-Vu from last night both hitting us. He gave me a small smile before walking off to his next activity, which for me was Pegasus riding.

"I love history." I smiled. Myself, Nico, Annabeth, and Percy were set around the table in the Big House again. All them were going to tech me Greek Mythology.

"Geek." Nico muttered.

"I heard that." I sang in a sarcastic tone, and then turned to Annabeth.

"You were supposed to." he sang back. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Cut it you two." Percy scolded.

"Alright, tell me everything you know about Zeus." Annabeth said, and wrote something down on her notebook.

"Zeus…" I scrunched my eyebrows together, and concentrated, "Zeus, lord of the Sky, ruler of Mount Olympus, one of the Big Three, weapon is the lightning bolt, tossed Hephaestus off Mount Olympus because he was 'ugly', his wife is Hera, who actually is… his sister?" I paused and looked at Annabeth, disgust etched in my face, but hers held an awe.

"Continue." Chiron spoke from behind Percy, I hadn't noticed everyone in the room standing around us.

"Uhm… He was the last child of the Titans, Kronos and Rhea…" and my mind went blank, "That's all I know."

"Aria, how did you know all that?" Percy asked.

"I-I don't know. I just thought about Zeus, and everything came flooding into my mind." I shrugged, "Kinda like flashcards."

"Your eyes… they started changing colors." Nico murmured, his face still in shock.


"Normally they are brown with tiny golden specks," Nico said, how he knew that, I have no idea.

"But when you started naming all that off, they turned gold, and started changing to the color of the rainbow…" Annabeth finished for him.

"What? You guys are nuts." I laughed, nervously. My eyes hasn't done that since my mom died, two years ago.

"Roni has this happened before?" Nico asked.

I shut my eyes, "No." I lied. I opened them, and looked straight into Nico's eyes. He knew I was lying.

"Aria-" but Percy was cut off by a horn, signaling it was time for the next activity.

"I have to go." I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed for the Dining Pavilion.