Torchwood Birthdays

A/N: Okay, the problem with attempting Jack's birthday, is we don't actually know when Jack's birthday IS, so, I'm gonna use Christmas Eve instead. I hope that's okay. If not, too bad, I'm using it anyway *evil laughter*

Christmas Eve 2008 – Jack's 'Birthday'

Even if Jack wanted to tell his team when his birthday was, he couldn't; months and dates were different in the 51st Century, and he had no idea what he could say was his birthday in the 21st Century correctly. They'd learnt about it in school, but he'd never paid attention.

So he was quickly suspicious when everyone started sharing knowing looks on Christmas Eve. They weren't planning on throwing a Christmas party were they?

By mid-afternoon, he was past suspicious, and was just getting cross.

When the entire team entered his office at that exact moment, still sharing that knowing look, he found he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Okay, let's just cut to the chase; please don't say you're planning on throwing a Christmas party, when you've been to as many as I have, they lose their appeal pretty quickly. I prefer to spend Christmas Day in bed, thank you very much." He winked at Ianto, causing the young man to blush.

"No, Jack, we're not throwing a Christmas party." Gwen giggled, noticing Ianto's blush. "We just figured, we don't know when your birthday is, and we don't want to give you 'birthday' presents on Christmas, so we're going to give you them today." And with that, Gwen handed Jack a well-wrapped parcel.

Staring at them all in disbelief, Jack unwrapped the parcel to find some new navy blue braces. "Thanks Gwen." He said smiling.

Tosh then handed him a wrapped up large box. Unwrapping and opening it, he found a new pair of boots, identical, but clean, to the filthy ones he was currently wearing.

Thanking Tosh, he took his old boots off and put his new ones on, finding that they fitted perfectly.

Owen then tossed (or, more accurately, threw at his head) a soft parcel. After scowling slightly at Owen, Jack opened the parcel to find a pair of socks identical to the ones he'd given Ianto in August.

He chuckled. "Real original, Owen." Owen just shrugged, while Gwen, Tosh and Ianto laughed when they saw what Owen had given Jack.

Jack then turned, almost expectantly, to Ianto.

Before Ianto could do anything though, the rift alarm went off, and Owen, Tosh and Gwen all ran out of the office.

Jack sighed and started to follow them out, but was stopped by Ianto.

"We won't need to go as well." The young man explained a little nervously. "And besides, I don't want them here when I give you your present; they won't understand why I'm giving you it."

Jack raised his eyebrow at Ianto. "Okay." He said, drawing the word out.

Ianto smiled cheekily at him, then leaned down and opened Jack's manhole, signalling for the immortal to follow him down.

Once in Jack's bunker, Ianto pulled a long, well wrapped, card box from under the bed. Jack raised his eyebrow again as he unwrapped it.

Inside, much to his amusement, was a hockey stick.

He looked up at Ianto, and saw the Welshman had the same dirty grin on he imagined he wore.

Looking back down at the hockey he saw that it was engraved too.

The engraving read,
Nadolig Llawen,Blwyddyn Newydd DdaaHapus 'Pen-blwydd'
Llawer ogariad,

Jack looked back up at Ianto and said, in his best Welsh accent, "Diolch yn fawr cariad."

"Eich cariad yn croesawu" Ianto replied, taking the hockey stick out of Jack's hands and putting it on the floor. He kissed Jack hard when he returned to his upright position.

Jack decided Christmas Eve was now his birthday in the 21st Century; that way, there was an extra excuse to stay in bed for all of Christmas Day.

A/N: Again, all translations done on an online translators, so I'm still sorry about any mistakes. Thanks for reading everyone! I don't suppose any of you are kind enough to review, are you?