A/N: This story has elements I believe everyone can enjoy - Action/Adventure/Romance/Drama. Readers need to be very patient when reading this. It may come off as slow from the beginning but thing begin to pick up shortly afterwards. There will be several Arcs - that will be marked - each with a different focus, antagonist and new main character (No OCs).


The Fight Begins


He could feel his palms getting sweaty. He slapped his face few times to occupy them for a moment. The underground fight clubs that he had been to, ranged from city to city but this one was famous for its dirty and underhanded fighters. Many of the fighters here occupied more than half of the available rooms in the hospitals (exaggerated).

Just a few seconds from now he would be facing the toughest fighter in the fight club. He didn't know the guy's name. Heck, he didn't even know what the guy looked like but all he knew was that he was good. He was the undefeated champion for 3 years running. No one could stop him. He was the one who put more than half of the fighters in the hospital.

"Now, for our challenger who came all this way for a decent fight, give it up for Kagemaru!" The announcer screamed his name and all the previous tension he was feeling seemed to fade to the back of his mind. Putting his most confident grin, Kagemaru stepped forward. When the crowd cheered, all the fear in his oversized body simply disappeared.

"That's right! Kagemaru is ready to rock and roll!" He roared, strutting into the ring of viewers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. It is this announcer's pleasure to present our undefeated street fighting champion," He paused to build up suspense, "Kamikaze!" A roar rang out among the crowd that was near deafening, much louder than when they screamed for Kagemaru.

"Kaze! Kaze! Kamikaze!"

In the crowd, people moved and shuffled their feet revealing Kagemaru's hardest fight yet. He steeled his will and readied to see a large man with battle scars all of his body proving how much of an accomplished warrior he was. He could feel that previous anxiety building up once more. But the mature champion fighter he had expected would never come. Out of the crowd a boy, much younger than he was, wearing nothing but a black vest, a silver dog tag and onyx pants appeared in the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here we have our first two combatants for the night!"

"What? This isn't a Joke?" Kagemaru was honestly confused, he couldn't fight a kid.

"Oh it's no joke." The announcer chuckled "Give it your all or else by the end of the night you'll be in a stretcher I'm afraid."

"Fine then! Kagemaru will defeat this 'so called' undefeated champion named Kamikaze and show you all just how much better Kagemaru is."

The boy simply shifted his large hands through his hair and gave an exasperated sigh. He glared at Kagemaru for only a moment before his eyes fell onto the crowd.

"Oh did I frighten the little boy? I don't blame you. Even Kagemaru frightens himself some-"

"Will you just shut up and fight?" The boy remarked coldly.

The boy's remark wasn't the thing that angered Kagemaru but the uninterested stare the boy was giving him. He didn't look into the crowd because he was scared; he looked because he found something better to see in the crowd. It's like he is saying I'm wasting his time!

When the bell rang, Kagemaru came out ready. Kamikaze on the other hand seemed a little less enthusiastic. Kagemaru had no idea what this boy's fighting style was, but still he felt more than prepared for a fight. Besides what could a boy do to Kagemaru? He was roughly twice the boy's age and size. If anything Kagemaru could have crushed him like an ant.

"Kagemaru is going to crush you little one!"

It was a sudden forward charge; he was going to finish this quickly. Kagemaru raised his arm as high as he could and slammed it down onto the boy. Still giving off the unimpressed look in his eyes, the boy easily side stepped avoiding the attack completely. Kagemaru followed up with a horizontal chop, which the boy easily ducked following up with a brutal kick to Kagemaru's ribs.

Immediately after the boys kick, he felt the boy step on his bent knee (as Kagemaru bent over in pain) with his hands clasping tightly around his head pulling him down followed by a stinging pain in his head, throat and chest. Kagemaru shook his head, realizing the boy kneed him multiple times before he kicked off his chest.

Kagemaru charged once more. The boy quickly rolled out of the way and delivered three destructive blows to Kagemaru's ribs. Kagemaru felt like his ribs were breaking in two. His strikes were too precise for him to be merely counter attacking. The boy had been aiming for his ribs on purpose! He ignored his aching ribs and noticed a metallic tower directly behind the crowd.


Kagemaru imitated his first punch and again the boy dodged to the right. Kagemaru grinned. It was a feint. When the boy dodged, he spun his wrist and grabbed the boy's vest and pulled him in for a series of blows to his abdomen and chest. As a finisher to his blows, with his final punch he lifted the boy into the air and threw him as hard as he could towards the pole. The inner ring of people cleared the way leaving the boy to hit his back on the hard floor.

"Gah!" He groaned in pain as he felt the full impact.

"You're good. But you aren't better than Kagemaru!"

With a hand on his back the boy groggily got up clearly in pain, only to be tackled by Kagemaru as he rushed straight for the tower. The outer ring crowd in the way immediately rushed out of Kagemaru's way before they got hurt. The boy didn't resist. He waited until he had been 5 feet away from the tower before he began his counter attack.

"You thought I would go down so easily?" The boy scoffed angrily.

He gathered the strength in his leg and slammed it on Kagemaru's weakened ribs which caused him to momentarily loosen his grip on him. The boy wasn't done there, he held the wrist of his left hand and smashed his left elbow at the back of kagemaru's neck causing him to let go of the Boy completely.

"What?" Kagemaru's entire body wouldn't stop shaking after that blow. It was like he was going through shell shock. "What's going on with my body?" This boy knew what he was doing; he knew exactly where to strike to get the results he wanted.

The boy pulled himself onto Kagemaru's back and kicked off shooting Kagemaru straight into the metallic tower. With a loud clunk, his skull came into contact with the pole which left the Kagemaru dazed and in pain. Kagemaru felt himself tipping backwards but before he could fall he felt the boy's hands cover his face.

"Good night." The boy said coldly as he slammed Kagemaru's head into the ground below. Even with his aching head and throbbing ribs, Kagemaru wasn't done yet. He couldn't let some punk kid beat him so easily! But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get up.

"Don't bother. I hit the back of your neck on purpose. It's an awesome technique I learned." The boy cracked his neck "I just temporarily paralyzed you."

"What? That's cheating!"

"Cheating? This is a fight club. There are no rules in street fighting."

It was there that the crowd burst into fits of cheers and praise. The crowd chanted Kamikaze's name as he began walking away. Kagemaru never felt more cheated in his life. There was no way he was going to let the little runt get away with it. The boy was deeply surprised at what Kagemaru did next. He grabbed the closest thing to his hand and got up with a loud groan. Kagemaru gathered the remaining strength in his hand and threw the item, which happened to be a sharp stone at the boy before his body clamped up and he fell onto the floor. The boy immediately pulled his face out of the way only to have the rock graze his face.

"Effect took longer because of your fat hide," The boy scowled wiping the loose trail of blood that trickled down his cheek.

"Shut up! Kagemaru is not fat! He is big boned!" Kagemaru retorted. Even though he was paralyzed he could have still talked all he wanted. This was probably the only bad side-effect of the technique.

"Same difference." The boy sighed, how was he going to explain the cut on his cheek? Just then the crowd showed their excitement by screaming and chanting his name louder and louder. The boy scratched his head and made his way to the announcer to collect what was rightfully his. He wanted to leave as soon as possible.

This is the pilot chapter. Thoughts about what you read throughout the story would be greatly appreciated. Tells me what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.