I don't own Naruto or Bleach

AN: Ok, my first fic. It's an un-beta chapter – just warning you – because I don't have a beta reader. Well, unless you count autocorrect on Microsoft (which I don't own!)

And just to help some of the people out there, this is Naruto's POV. If you look at the chapter titles it will tell you who's view we're in, but it shouldn't change around that much.

EDIT: Nothing major. I just fixed a sectence in there that Servent Satsujinki pointed out was wrong. I can't believe I missed that...

It's dark. Very dark. So dark, in fact, that I can't tell if my eyes are opened or closed. Come to think of it, I can't even tell if I'm moving! Damn it! I bet I'm unconscious or something. I was fighting Madara… But I never remember unconsciousness being so… boring.


Damn it, now I'm imagining voices. That's not healthy. I'm pretty sure that's not the fox's voice too – it's not depressing enough, and it doesn't exactly sit there and call its own name multiple times. Then again, the only time I talk to that thing is when it's trying to take over. Or when I'm unconscious and it wants to complain about something. For all I know it might like calling it's name like that… That's not a disturbing thought at all.


Ah well, maybe if I ignore it then it'll go away. That's worked on the fox plenty of times when I'm trying to sleep. Besides, it's not like it's talking to me, anyway. Whoever it is they're talking to the fox. In the mean time, let's try to wake up…

'Do not ignore me, Kyuubi.'

Hehehe, someone's mad at you stupid fox. You should answer.

'Fool, what are you talking about. I'm talking to you.'

W-whoa. This guy's like reading my thoughts or something. Creepy.

'...Of course. We are in your mind after all. Though it is surprising that you don't remember what I am capable of.'

Eh, so you can read my mind. That's awesome! But, weren't you trying to talk to the Kyuubi? He's probably sleeping right now, lazy ass… If he wasn't, then he would have been over here harping at me to maim something.

'You are the Kyuubi.'

W-what? No I'm n-

'Do not deny it.'

Too bad. I'm denying it.

'Fool, playing these childish games with me isn't going to get you out of your punishment.'

Punishment? For what! If anyone here should be punished, it's you. Coming into my mind and accusing me of being that stupid fox. Who are you anyway?

'Hn, it makes no difference if you want to go along with this game. For the crimes you have committed against humans, I hereby-'

Hold on a minute, I see it now. Everything was obvious now. This is all just some joke.

'It makes no difference what you see.'

You're Sasuke! It's so obvious now, this is all a prank to get back at me for dying your hair pink earlier. I should have known. Saying 'Hn' gave you away.

'I do not know who this 'Sasuke' is.'

Dude, you can stop the prank now. Turn your freaky eyes off and get out of my head, it's creeping me out.

'I am not this Sasuke you speak of!'

Oh really? Then who are you? God this was getting irritating. Just accept defeat already Sasuke.

'I am Creator! The one who rules over this world and the next!'


'Che, I believe the humans call me 'God'. There are quite a few of them who call me 'King of the Worlds' too. You demons also have many names for me.'

Sasuke, we've talked about this. Uchiha's do not reign supreme. When I wake up, we're taking you back to therapy. God knows you need it.

'You are even more infuriating than the last time, Kyuubi! Forget this, I'm just going to punish you. No more pointless arguing.'

Bastard! Calling me Kyuubi again. I'm gonna hurt you when I wake up!

'I hereby punish you to-'

Shut up you stupid bastard, and get out of my head!

'I hereby punish-'

I said shut the fuck up! God, you're so irritating sometimes!

'I hereby-'

You fag! What don't you understand about shut up!


'Thank you. Now, on to your punishment. Normally, I would just spontaneously combust the soul of someone who has committed as many crimes as you. But, seeing as you were the first being I brought into this world, I have made an exception. You will be sent into a new dimension I have created, and you will be stuck there eternally.'

…Sorry, what? Things tend to just fly in one ear and out the other…

'Gah! Forget this. You're hopeless. Now be gone to your new home, and leave me alone!'

Suddenly, it was bright, and I saw, for the briefest moments, a palace. And not one of those crapy my-house-is-bigger-and-better-than-your-house that the rich nobles owned. It was… magnificent. That's the only word I can think of the describe it. But, that brief moment passed, and I felt a small tug. Then that small tug turned into a pull, and that pull into a feeling of falling.

Sasuke? I'm sorry! I won't take you to therapy! Just make this stop! I swear I'm gonna barf! Gah, h-hey, wait! What's going on! Sasuke? Sasuke! SASUKE, DAMN IT, WHAT DID YOU DOOO!

Then my world was thrown back into darkness.

AN: Hehehe, this was a fun chapter to write, considering who Naruto was yelling at.

Oh, and for all you religious people out there, this is a fanfic. Which means that there will be made-up things in it. So please don't harp at me about the 'Creator' thing, I'm religious too. Christian, actually.

I will try and get the next chapter out next Friday. In the meantime, enjoy and review!