
Sorry it's taken me nearly a month to update this story. The next chapter's original plan had me stuck in a rut that I couldn't get out of, so I changed plans and decided to zoom through it. I know it might not flow, but don't mistake that for me not caring. I care about all my stories and my readers and whenever I miss an update, I feel like I've let you down.

However, because that was supposed to be a chapter, I am going to write it as an outtake and then upload it after the story is complete.

The next week and a half passed by quickly. Once I'd spoken to Angela, Alice and Rosalie and made amends with them, we'd hashed things out. They knew that I no longer trusted them as I had before, and whilst that obviously hurt them, they assured me they understood. They also told me they'd be trying their hardest to make it up to me and thanked me for not giving up on our friendship.

Once that was sorted, we were quickly able to come together as a team and work. We kept tabs on my mother through a spell of mine, and were quickly picking up on the patterned schedule of her day; when she'd be out, for how long, where she went and what she was doing. All these bits and pieces shaped an organised 'break in' that was scheduled for the weekend as that was when she was out for the longest.

Edward had quickly suggested that we allocate different jobs to everyone so we could get it done officially and quickly. That was why Emmett and Jasper were watching the sides of the house to make sure no one knew what we were doing, whilst Edward came with me to search for something we could use.

Alice and Rosalie had hit the big malls today. They were hoping to find a few ribbons I could use for the ritual. Yes, ribbons – plural. I was only going to be using one and it didn't matter what colour, but it needed to be something thick enough to cover the entire photo and we had no idea how big it would be. They'd been searching for everything from wallet-size width ribbons to your proper A5 and A6 sized photos. It didn't matter if it was too big, but it did if it was too small.

When they'd arrived home, they were triumphant. They'd found one of each size that they'd been determined to get. It had only taken a few hours, apparently, and they were deadbeat but happy they could do something to help. I had told them to put it in the bag I was taking with me and they did so before going to bed.

"So what are we going to be looking for exactly?" Edward asked me. We were sprawled across the couch in the living room, the others all having gone to bed. The TV was on, but neither of us was watching it. We were, as always, too caught up in each other.

I looked up at him and smiled softly. He smiled down at me, tightening the arm around my waist in response. "We need something that represents her, like a photo or something. There's many there, but I'd rather use one of the more recent ones, just to be safe."

I felt Edward nod. "How are you feeling about this?" He whispered to me after a moment. "I mean… are you sure you can go through with this? With… with hurting your mother and taking her powers away?" He blew out a huff of air, looking away for a moment. "I just… I don't know if I'm comfortable with knowing that you are doing this because of me. I hate that I've caused this much anguish between you and your mother."

I turned in his arms, sitting up. He frowned a little, but sat up with me and I straddled him. He smiled at me, licking his lips as he wrapped his arms around me tightly to hold me in place.

"I will do everything in my power to make sure that she can never separate us, Edward," I said strongly. He nodded wordlessly, his eyes flickering between my lips and my eyes every few seconds. I cupped his jaw in both hands and lifted his face to look him in the eyes. Leaning in, I whispered, "Besides, she was never a mother to me. She always tried to rule me and that's not what a good mother – any good mother – does. She wronged me – us – in ways that I can't even describe Edward. She has taken away any love or respect that I ever may have had for her and she needs to pay for what she's done. Not only that, but she could hurt us, Edward… she could hurt you-" my throat got tight at even the mention of Edward's possible pain and I had to stop for a moment. Edward hushed me, hugging me to him and I melted into his embrace. After a moment, I pulled away again and grasped his face in my hands. "-I am not going to let that happen. I will do everything in my power to make sure that never happens because if it did, I would never be able to forgive myself for not doing something that I knew could prevent it. I love you, Edward. You are my life."

He closed his eyes, swallowed, and smiled. "I love you, too."

And then our lips met, and we were gone for the rest of the night.

So how was that? I know, pretty shit. It's a filler, and not a good one at that. I'm sorry.

Please review anyways,
