"My baby, my baby," Molly coned to her new daughter. She had a tuft of bright red hair and she smiled up at her mum.

"She looks so pretty!" Bill exclaimed. Molly smiled with watery eyes.

"I know," Molly cried, "I know, Billy. Oh Merlin knows…"

"Mummy, let me go on the train, oh please!" Ginny cried to her mum. Molly Weasley rolled her eyes. Ginny had been the most rebellious, spunky little girl to be born into the wizarding world.

"Ginevra," Molly sighed, "come here, love. We have to wait until your daddy comes back. You can't go over there, you know that, darling."

Ginny curled her lips in a snarl and Molly almost laughed at the sight. "Mummy, oh please! I want to see the red train! The magical one. Please, mummy, I'll do Fred's chores for three weeks!" Molly smiled at her daughter's eager and dedicated willingness.

"Ginny," Molly smiled as she extended her hand for Ginny to take. "You always have a way of making me fall for you."

Ginny grinned with three teeth missing in the front.

"Mummy, have you seen my letter?" Ginny asked with eager eyes. "The one from Harry? You know, the one with the special emblem-"

"Ginny," Molly said with a laugh, "I know which one it is. It's on top of the table there, dear. And listen to me when I say, I don't want you two dating so young! You're only fourteen years old, Ginevra!"

Ginny blushed to the root of her red hair. "Mum, I'm not dating Harry Potter!"

Ginny marched away from the Burrows' kitchen as her mum started laughing. "You will one day….everyone falls for you..."