Summary: After extracting all the taild beasts, the Akatsuki still need more power to fuel their weapon, so they travel to The World of Avatar to capture Avatar Aang and drain his power. During the adventure, they battle all the greatest forces and masters that are the Avatar's allies.

Set four years after the events of Sozin's Comet, and after the Hidan-Kakuzu Arc. Kakuzu and Hidan have successfully captured Naruto, and have brought him in to drain the Kyuubi from him, and killed many Leaf Shinobi in the process. Pain had also brought down Killer B, and has taken him in to drain the Hachibi. These are the only two jinchuriki they have left to drain. Also, in the Kazekage rescue arc, Gaara was not revived, and Sasori was not killed.

Rated M for language, violence, alcohol, character death, and some sexual content (but NO lemons). Pairings include Nagato X Konan, Canon Avatar Pairings, (Aang X Katara, Sokka X Suki, Zuko X Mai), and Hidan X June. Also very small bits of Itachi X OC and Deidara X Azula. No Yaoi.

The perspective of the story will change periodically between the Akatsuki members and the Avatar characters.

There will also be many funny and interesting omakes. Most of which star the Akatsuki, but a few will involve the Avatar characters and other Naruto characters.

This is my first M rated story here. Enjoy!

On a dark, cloudy, rainy day, somewhere an unknown mountain range, in a large, dimly lit cave hidden deep within the slope, the Large, Demonic Statue of the Outer Path had been raised, and the nine remaining members of the Akatsuki stood on each finger, leaving one middle finger empty. Each figure was shrouded in an ere green aura.

Beneath the hands, being held in a torrent of blue chakra, were two more figures. One was a middle-aged man, in white clothes, shades, and had a white beard and a nice tan. The other was a younger man of about fifteen, wearing orange and black attire, with whiskers on his face and spiked yellow hair. These were the final two jinchuriki, Killer B, and Naruto Uzumaki. Once their power had been extracted, the Akatsuki were to have all the power they needed to fuel their weapons, and trigger the Fourth Shinobi World War, and win.

Extracting two jinchurikis at the same time was so difficult a task, that every member needed to be there in person rather than using holograms like they normally did. They needed to hurry and extract the final tailed beasts before their villages came to try and retrieve them. Also, they wanted to congratulate each other on their job well done.

"Say, great job, taking down the nine-tails here, Kakuzu." Deidara said at last, breaking the silence.

"Hey, shit-hole!" Hidan shouted, "I was there two!"

"Ah, yes, good job to you too, Hidan. Sorry about that." Deidara replied, his apology not sounding very sincere.

"Well, it was not easy for either of us." Kakuzu muttered. "It was just like Madara warned us. Naruto had many allies willing to protect him. He was a pest himself in our fight. Thank goodness he had not mastered anything too powerful for me to handle."

"Yeah. It was a tough fight." Hidan said in agreement. He was starting to calm down from the outburst. "I bet Lord Jashin will be very happy to have everyone we slit for a sacrifice." And then he turned to one of the thumbs. "Oh, and thanks for the small hand there, Madara. We actually kind of needed it."

"Even for shinobi as powerful as you too, I knew that Konohagakure would be no easy fight." Said the dark, mysterious man who still wore his orange mask. "I knew that if we lost you two, our mission would be a failure, and we would have lost our immortal duo all for nothing."

"LOST THEM?" Snapped the Deva Path of Pain from the other thumb. "You came to their aid but none of you rose a finger to help me and Konan when wetook on the eight tails?"

Nagato himself was in the corner of the cave, strapped up in his throne that held him together, which was placed near the cordless refrigerator. The five other paths were safely locked up in plant pods that Zetsu had summoned. Nagato was not concious because his energy was being channeled to the Deva Path. Although tears were streaming down his face, as well as that of the Deva Path.

"You all left me and Konan to the wrath of the eight tails!" He cried out in rage. "And now Konan is dead! Now the last person who ever mattered to me isgone!" He began to sob some more. After a minute, the Deva Path began to recollect himself. "This is the third time in my life I have ever felt Pain." He said softly.

"Admit it, Pain, you loved Konan." Said Deidara, somewhat mockingly. "It's so obvious by now."

"She was like a sister to me." Pain wept. "I promised Yahiko I would take care of her."

"Well, I'm going to miss her myself." Kisame spoke up. "She was the most silent of us, but she was also the only female member of the organization. Without her, I think we're all going to look like a bunch of sexist pricks."

"Hm. I never thought of it that way." Deidara nodded.

"Pretty much everyone on this continent hate us because of our crimes." Sasori hissed. "Are you all really that concerned if they think we're sexists?" Sasori was standing there in his own body, not hidden in one of his puppets like he normally was.

"I guess that's a good point, Sasori." Said Deidara.

"Try not to think about it, Pain." Itachi said to Pain, in a warm, comforting voice. "Your closest friends may be gone, but you still have something to live for, right? What about that dream you all shared about bringing the world to a steady peace? The dream we're all working together to achieve here?"

"Yes." Pain sneered. "I will bring about peace, for Yahiko and Konan."

There was another moment of silence before Kakuzu spoke up. "Say guys, lets not forget. We are very close to achieving our goal here. How about after we are finished here, why don't we head off to a bar in the nearest village to celebrate? My treat."

"Wow. Drinks on Kakuzu. This must be special!" cackled Hidan.

"That certainly sounds like fun." Deidara announced. "I'm kind of in a partying mood myself."

"I could go for a drink I suppose." Said Sasori.

"Sure. Why not." Said Zetsu.

"Oh, wait I got another idea!" Hidan started laughing. "What if at the bar we all got really drunk, so we decided to pillage and destroy the village."

"Oh, yeah! That would be awesome!" Deidara giggled. "And during the killing spree, what if we found some hot women and hooked up with them?"

"Screw hooking up with them." Hidan cackled. "Let's just rape them! Rape and Pillage? Ha!"

"Hmm, a rape-and-killing spree. Sounds like a real party!" Kisame chuckled as a large grin spread across his face.

"Who knows," White Zetsu said. "Perhaps getting laid will cheer you up, Pain."

Pain did not respond to Zetsu's comment.

"We can rob and mug everyone who looks worth while." Kakuzu added, his eyes liting up.

After recovering from his excitement a little, Hidan spoke again. "And then in the end, when we were done slaughtering people, or when too much security picks up, what if the boss here did his Shinra Tensei [Almighty Push] jutsu to blow the whole village to Hell? Will that be sick or what?"

"Why should Pain be the one to do it?" Deidara snapped, annoyed. "Why don't you allow a true artist to finish off the village?"

"Oh please." groaned Sasori.

"Come on, Sasori. Even you have to admit I'd finish off that village with more style than he would."

"I don't know." Hidan taunted. "I've seen Pain use that technique once before. It was pretty destructive."

"What do you know about Art, Hidan?" Deidara snapped back at him, "You stick to worshipping Jashin!"

"Shut it, cockhole." Hidan laughed. He then decided to get off the argument. "So it's decided then? When we're done here, it's party time?"

"Very well." Said Madara. "One party of pillaging, and then we begin on with our true campaign; taking over this ninja world." Madara took another minute, possibly to imagine his upcoming victory. "Finally, I will achieve the status I was meant to have. I shall become this world's overlord, no, its God!"

"And then we will bring about peace to the world by controlling them with hate and fear." Pain added.

"Say, Itachi, what about your little brother, Sasuke?" Kisame added.

"Whatever our organization goes through," Itachi answered, without changing his facial expression, "Sasuke must kill me. I must die at his feet. For that, he will have avenged our clan, and I will have given him the fullest power of the Mangekyo Sharingan. Or at least he thinks he will have."

"So, even he will be living under a lie under our reign?" Madara asked.

"Madara, I beg you." Itachi pleaded. "Do not tell Sasuke the truth. If he knows I slaughtered our clan because I was assigned to, he will never break out of his cycle of hate and revenge."

Madara did not seem to answer. He did not say anything, and his mask hid his face. Madara knew that Itachi loved his brother more than any other being in the world, that Itachi had sacrificed everything for him. That Itachi only wanted what was best for him.

"I just hope Sasuke doesn't end you before I have a final sparring match against you, Itachi." Deidara interjected, breaking the silence. "I've been working on my art, and my immunity to genjutsu, just for this, getting ready to go up against you and prove that I'm the better artist."

"Sure thing, Deidara." Itachi answered, with a slight hint of a smile. "I'll be happy to face off against you any time."

"Hey, why don't you settle it after the pillage?" Hidan shouted, "A little after-party, ya know?"

"What do you say, Deidara? After the pillage?" Itachi asked.

"Sure. Let's do it! I'll be all fired up for it!" Deidara smirked.

"Alright. I think we're almost done!" Shouted Black Zetsu.

Kakuzu looked down at the handsome boy with bright yellow hair that they were draining. He remembered the determined faces of all the leaf shinobi he and Hidan fought. "This boy meant a lot to the people of the leaf I suspect." He spoke. "Everyone fought so hard to protect him. And he was such a talented boy too. He must have done a lot for his village. Fought very hard for them. He was on his way to becoming a very skilled, well known shinobi. Truely, this is a dark day for Konohagakure."

He imagined all the sad, possibly crying faces of all the people in the village who would miss Naruto, how devastated they all were with his passing. And then the was reminded that it was more than likely that most of them were probably on their way to the hideout right now to stop them and try to save him. No need to worry though. If anyone was coming, Zetsu's jutsu would warn them. And thus far, they had received no warning of intruders.

"It's also a dark day for Kumogakure, and pretty much the whole world." Kisame snickered.

"True." Kakuzu replied.

At last, the purple rays of chakra streaming from Killer B's face cut off, and the last of it was pulled into the statue's mouth. And next, Naruto's chakra followed.

"That's it!" Zetsu announced. "That's all of it!"

Slowly, the blue ring of chakra holding up the corpses also receded back into the statue's mouth. As it did so, the bodies were dropped carelessly onto the ground. They landed lifelessly. Both Killer B and Naruto Uzumaki were dead. The akatsuki members stopped imputing chakra into the statue, and their green auras soon faded. And then they jumped down from their fingers to face the statue. Not all the eyes of the statue were open all the way. A few were still closed. Everyone just sat in silence, waiting for something to happen.

"So, what happens now?" Deidara asked, breaking the silence. "Is it suppose to glow or come to life or something?"

Madara jumped up to the collar of the statue, and lifted his hand to where the adam's apple was, feeling it. After another second. He pulled away and faced the others. "Well, it appears I have miscalculated." He said, evident disappointment in his voice.

"What do you mean?" Kakuzu asked, annoyed.

"Well, it seems the statue is only half full."

Immediately, everyone's mouths dropped and hit the floor.

Hidan was the first to respond. "WHAT? HALF FULL? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?"

"Well, actually its more like at seventy percent, but half full makes it sound more frustrating." Madara answered, hiding a slight chuckle.

"This isn't funny!" Kakuzu hissed. "It's really frustrating that we killed all the jinchurikis, did all that hard work, and its still not enough!"

"Believe me." Pain answered. "I'm frustrated too. I think we all are." And then his voice trailed off into saddness as he remembered something. "Now it really does feel like we lost Konan for nothing."

Suddenly, he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Pein turned to see that it was Itachi's. He faced him, as well as Kisame and Sasori, who were looking at him compassionately. Their looks helped cheer him up a little.

"But seriously." Sasori said. "We have absorbed all of the jinchurikis, hence all the tailed beasts. Where are we going to find another power source that is equal to three of those?"

"I... I'm not sure, exactly." Madara faced down, away from the group.

They all took a minuted to think about what to do. They had all worked so hard, and their victory was so close, they could taste it. And now all of a sudden, in only two minutes, all of their worked seemed in vein, and they did not know what to do next. Was that what it all was? In vein? Useless? The organization's goals, as well as their own personal goals they have been striving for. Were they all lost?

Perhaps not! Suddenly, Kakuzu got an idea.

"I got it!" He exclaimed. Everyone turned to him.

"Upon my travels, I remember once or twice, as I stopped at an inn, bar, or restaurant, that I've met travelers from a different world. A different continent, you might say. From the other side of the world."

"And?" Madara beckoned for him to go on.

"I have spoken to a few of them, had them describe their world to me, and they have talked about a very powerful warrior, though not necessarily a shinobi, they said, that has mastery of all five elements nature transformation, or four rather since they do not count Lightning."

"Is that all this warriror can do?" Hidan whined.

"No. I think there is more to him. They say he is gifted with the powers of an alternative realm very distant from that of the human realm. I suppose you could say this realm is like Mount Myoboku, or the Shinigami's realm and other spiritual homing grounds we know of. They call it the Spirit World I think. And I believe this warrior is known as... the Avatar."

"Well, sounds like as good of a chance as any to get more power for our statue here." Deidara spoke up. "I say traveling to this realm and catching this Avatar is worth a shot."

"Is that all you know about him, Kakuzu?" Madara asked.

"Yes." Kakuzu replied. "But of course, not all of it could be accurate. There's always that chance."

"Sounds pretty accurate to me." Sasori shrugged.

"Alright." Madara stood up straight so that the others could see here clearly. "Akatsuki's next target is... The Avatar."

"So, does this mean no party?" Hidan asked.

"Sorry Hidan." Madara answered. "I fear the party will have to wait."

Frustrated, because they were both looking forward to that party, Hidan and Deidara both shouted in unison "FUCK!"

Author's Note: Well, that's the first chapter to a story I've been dying to get started on. I love Naruto and Avatar, and I love the Akatsuki. I hope everyone who read this story enjoyed it, and I hope those who did will review and/or subscribe. Thank You.

Only thing is it may be a while before I can update this story. I have a few other stories to get going on before I get back to this.