We're finally here. The end. The last chapter ;; I wanted this one to be special. The theme's title is "end", and I couldn't think of a more suitable topic than the end of our favorite redhead. But I didn't want this to be totally depressing. I wanted it to be hopeful. Don't look at Axel's death as him disappearing- look at it as him finally being reunited with his best friends.
I'd like to thank everyone who has read and reviewed this: MonMonCandie, Bond of Flame08 (srsly, where r u?), OOCnessgirl, Jcthegirl, the light before the darkness, Fruity-Fruit Cups, Raberba Girl, HarvestMoonAddict, AkuEri, Vildtiger, Fille des Reves, Timber Wolf of Purity, Fear the Silly People (even tho she didn;t review ;3), CelticKawaii (zomg how are you?), Celtic Authoress of America, Seikatsu-shi (*hugs*), Moiisback, IenzosShuggoCharra and RISING FLURRY. I've loved hearing from you guys, reading your 100 Theme Challenges and other fics, and PMing with you. Seeing your reviews always makes me smile ;) All of you doing 100 Theme Challenges, I felt like I was doing it right along side you and it made the experience all the more enjoyable. Thank you all ^_^
And last but no least, thank you Wishing-fire, who made this wonderful challenge. I plan to take more of them, so until then... Farewell!
The Next Life
"Let's meet again, in the next life. "
"Yeah, I'll be waiting."
"Silly... Just because you have a next life..."
Axel fell back, gasping as he tried to hold back the pain. He heard Sora say something, felt Roxas's presence, and beyond that the presence of... Someone else.
Looking up, he smiled at the boy. The boy he'd fought so hard to destroy. The world was a sick and ironic place, wasn't it? He could feel the darkness looming overhead, waiting for him.
Except he wouldn't be going alone.
Two hands extended from the abyss, and he smiled, closing his eyes. Let it take him. This wasn't the end, after all.
It was his first step... Toward the Next Life.