Chapter 5 : The Verdict

When they got to Governor Alstar's office the soldiers escorted both Kira and Cagalli to his office.

They walked in and when Governor Alstar saw Cagalli the governor got mad and asked the soldiers coldly "I only asked you to bring Kira Yamato why is this girl here as well?"

The soldier started to get nervous and started sweating "Well s-sir she is his sister and she said she was comming with us." replied one of the soldiers.

"Thats okay Private Kenny now would you mind leaving us alone." said Governor Alstar. "Yes, Sir" replied Private Kenny and all the soldiers walked out.

"You too please" said Governor Alstar obviously directed to Cagalli. Cagalli looked at him and slowly made her way outside.

"So now that we're alone lets talk matters shall we?" says Governor Alstar with a scowl.

Kira replies "What matter is there to talk about ?" with a slight pause before continueing "The matter of how you forced me to date your daughter ?"

The Governor replies "What do you mean ?" he said " I never asked you to do such a thing"

"Oh really" replied Kira and holds up a tape recorder. At the sight of the tape recorder Governor Alstar got enraged.

He asks " Are you threatening me Kira Yamato". Kira replies "well no sir I just thought that if this leaks out it won't be good for your career and your position."

Kira continues " You might have to resign your position". Governor Alstar replies in an angry tone " So what do you suppose I do."

Kira says "If you let me be then none of this (pointing to the tape recorder) will be leaked. Governor Alstar takes a moment to think and after a while he made his decision.

"Private Kenny" he yells. A few seconds later Private Kenny walks in and replies "Yes, Sir what is it that you wanted."

"Take Kira Yamato and his sister back to his dorm the information about the terrorist act turned out to be false." says the Governor

"Yes, Sir" replies Kenny. "Come this way please" Private Kenny says to Kira and Cagalli. They arrived back to their university at 8:00 P.M and said their goodbyes to Kenny and the others.

Kira and Cagalli started for their dorms and Cagalli asks "So what did you say to make the Governor release you?" Kira chuckles and says "Well lets just say it took a little blackmail." with a smile on his face.

He then saw Cagalli's confused look and he showed he the tape recorder. Then Cagalli starts laughing as well. When they got to their dorm the opened the door to find a big surprise.

They saw Athrun and Lacus sitting by the table staring out into space. Kira walks up to Lacus from behind and puts his hands on her eyes and says "Guess who it is."

Lacus' shocked expression turned into one of relief when she heard Kira's voice "Kira" she says in a shocked voice. Lacus turns around and hugs him crying during the process.

Cagalli and Athrun just stood there observing the happy couple when Athrun says to Cagalli " Lets leave them be for now I have something I want to talk to you about in private"

Cagalli gives Athrun a blank expression and replies "sure" and they start making their way to Athrun's dorm. When Lacus and Kira noticed Athrun and Cagalli weren't in the room anymore Lacus immediately plants a kiss on Kiras lips.

Kira returned the kiss with alot more passion than Lacus expected. Lacus then pulls away giving Kira a smile that promised more later.

Lacus then asks Kira " What happened ?" Kira responds " Well it seems like Governor Alstar did carry out his threat but..."

Lacus says " But what?" Kira says " Well you see I kinda recorded the conversation where he said he would arrest me if I didn't go out with his daughter."

Lacus says " So basically you blackmailed him." "I guess you can say that." replies Kira. Lacus frowns and asks " But wouldn't that just give you more trouble later on?"

Kira replies "Don't worry I got all the scenarios covered." Lacus smiles and says " I don't really care how you get over this problem as long as your safe." Kira replies "Thanks Lacus."

Lacus gives Kira a hug and says " I hope that you don't mind if I stay over tonight and it's not like your sister is comming back tonight." Kira got confused and asked " Why do you say that?"

"Well while you were gone Athrun admitted to me that he like Cagalli and that he was going to tell her today when she comes back" says Lacus. " I hope you don't mind that he likes your sister" says Lacus

Kira says" Actually I don't." smiles Kira

Athrun's Dorm

"Well you see Cagalli what I meant to say is that I love you and will you become my girlfriend" said a very nervous Athrun Zala. Cagalli seemed to be deep in thought before finally comming up with a decision.

Cagalli leans in and gives Athrun a kiss saying " I love you too Athrun Zala." Athrun gives her a big smile and returns the kiss. " I hope you don't mind if I stay at your dorm tonight?" asks Cagalli.

"I'll be happy to accomodate you" replies Athrun.

Back to Kira's and Cagalli's dorm

Kira and Lacus were kissing passionately on the bed and were so engrossed in each other. After a while they both fell asleep and for the first time they both slept together.

Wheew Finally done I hope you like it I promise that Chapter 6 will be out soon! Well see you then :P