The Ultimate Disguise

By: Octane99

By the Way this is my First Fan fiction and I hope that you will enjoy this

P.S: Don't go too hard on me I'm only in Grade 10 :)

Chapter 1: Beginning of Everything

Onogoro Island (Orb)

10 Years Ago

"The sound of gunshots were heard by the parliament building. We noticed the Queen of Orb fell to the floor and was bleeding. We don't know what happened if she tripped or fell or was shot" This was a spectators account on the devastating terrorist attack that left Orb without a Queen just Yesterday at Central Orb Mall where Lord Uzumi the lion of Orb was making his speech. The government also claims that the Prince and Princess of Orb was also killed during the attack, although no one can verify it due to the still hidden identities of the Prince and Princess of Orb. Jessica Roberts CBC News.

(Obviously I used CBC cause I'm Canadian whatever my profile may say :))

Present Day

Kira Yamato was wondering about his life and how it took a turn so far.

What was unknown to everyone at his high school was that he was a Prince of Orb and his sister Cagalli was the Princess of Orb. They've been living like regular students with a fake family assigned to guard them.

But what was more concerning to him was that he was falling in love with a particular friend Lacus Clyne.

He didn't realize that he was even in love with her. When he joined Central Orb Academy he met two friends right away.

He obviously didn't know anyone at the time and was glad when they asked him to be their friend.

Their names were Lacus Clyne and Athrun Zala.

Kira could tell that Athrun was in love with Cagalli the day he met her it was so obvious but it seems like the only fool that doesn't realize it is Cagalli.

Kira asked Athrun about Cagalli the other day and he turned red.

He made Kira promise not to tell her.

He also noticed day by day Lacus was getting more attractive to him and can't get her out of his thoughts.

"Kira?" says Lacus waking Kira from his thoughts.

"Oh sorry Lacus what is it that you wanted?" said Kira not really paying attention to her.

"I called your name 3 times I was wondering if you think this dress looks good?" replied Lacus.

Kira didn't even look over and said "Yeah, sure Lacus it looks great on you.", Lacus pouted.

Lacus calmly replies "You didn't even take a look at it".

Kira says "Sorry, there is a lot of things on my mind." and gives Lacus a kiss on the cheek.

Lacus blushed.

Although Kira didn't seem to realize it Lacus had a crush on him and he had a crush on her.

He was always afraid of proposing always thinking that Lacus would reject him.

Also he already had a girlfriend someone by the name of Flay Allster.

Kira hated Flay but could not dump her due to the high ranking position George Allster had in the government.

He told Kira that if he didn't go out with Flay he'd have him arrested since George Allster didn't know who he really is (Only Lord Uzumi did) and Kira couldn't reveal his identity.

Since Kira was going out with Flay, Lacus couldn't find the courage to ask Kira out.

Kira and Lacus left the store and decided to go buy some ice cream.

Unfortunately before they got there Flay arrived and dragged Kira off to buy some clothes without Lacus.

Lacus sat there and thought ' Hmm when is Kira ever going to notice that I love him. Then again he probably isn't because he doesn't even like me'.

A couple minutes later Kira came running back with two chocolate ice creams in hand. He walked up to a surprised Lacus and gave her one cone. Lacus was speechless she stuttered "W..What..Why...How?".

Kira answered "Well Flay had to go somewhere so I ran back to you" giving her his brightest smile.

Lacus replied "thank you". Kira was confused and asked "For what?".

Lacus replied "For the ice cream you silly." and they both burst out laughing.

For the rest of the day they went shopping.

(Okay they didn't have school that day and now I'll tell you the reason. It was a Sunday :))