YAAYYY! Another chapter is ready to be added! WOO! Ermerger..._

I'm so glad many of you have stuck through all the chapters and all my crappy broken (unneeded) Japanese! (I get it, I get it...) -_-

I have had a lot of fun writing this story! Please continue to read! ^_^ I promise, you continue reading, I will continue writing (until my brain ceases to function and come up with ideas _ mergh...)



Ayase continued to swear royally as he ran down the hallway, siren lights flashing. What the hell... He grunted in surprise as he slid around a corner, his black shoes failed to grip the floor properly in his rush. "There he is!" He scrambled quickly to his feet and grabbed a smoke screen bomb from his belt. He pulled the pin with a jerk as the row of men in front of him raised their guns. "Fire!" Chucking the small device into their midsts, Ayase dropped to the ground and dove into the conveniently open door to his right. Yells followed him as he rolled to his feet and rushed to exit the door leading the small hallway that he knew would lead him to a service chute.

Ayase felt relief flood his adrenaline infused system as his hand released the door handle of the main recycling room. He jumped feet first down the central chute. His eyes started to water and he wanted to blame the cold air that blew in his face, but he knew that was only part of it.

We fucked up.

He flew to the end of the tunnel, tumbling to slow down before rolling back up to his feet. He didn't stop his momentum as he continued running towards the exit sign. This isn't how it was planned. Shit. As the lights from outside reached Ayase's burning eyes, he thought back to the day before.

"Our location of disposal has been changed. The shipment has been redirected to one of Hiroshi Shinbunara's lackeys. The teams that were set up to help us at the dock will keep their plans, but we are to take Shinbunara out at the same time the people in the shipment containers are rescued."

Someya-san pulled a new screen up on the computer system.

"We will find him at his main office building on the twentieth floor. He has the entire floor built as a home away from home for when he works overtime for long durations. His daughter will be there as well, but we won't be there for her; she shouldn't get in our way. They have quite a few guards throughout the building, but the one benefit of such a large building is that they decked it out with a great ventilation system and chutes for larger quantities of supplies to be disposed of. Study this blueprint and memorize the main floor along with all the possible exit routes."

Someya-san pushed the fold creased piece of paper across the table for Ayase's perusal. As he glanced over the papers, Ayase could feel a sickening feel start in his belly. It wasn't the blueprints that gave him that stomach drop, but something just didn't feel right. A small inkling that sat in his chest making him feel uncomfortable. He clenched his fist tightly making his glove creak. "Aya-chan, you okay?" Startled out of his confused whirlpool, Ayase looked up into Someya-san's concerned eyes. Forcing a smile he nodded, "I'm fine, just excited for the service chute exit, ha ha..." Someya-san chuckled as well, "Yeah, I thought you would enjoy that. It's just like the giant 'slides' we used to take in those abandoned building chutes when we were kids, ne?"

With another smile Ayase took his leave through the weaponry door still grasping his target's case file thinking about which tools would be the most beneficial for their upcoming mission. With a critical eye, Ayase picked up some of his weapons, debating whether he needed them or not. The ones he didn't like he placed back upon their cushions, the chosen ones he placed them carefully in his duffle. He double checked and triple checked the sharpness of his blades and the poison levels of his needles resting in their pouch. It's okay, nothing is wrong...I'm just being paranoid for no reason...this isn't like Kanou-san's job...that gave me...Ayase shuddered at the thought. That was a different scared. This one...He felt dread creep up his spine. Shit. Why do I feel this way...?

"I'm in." Ayase crept along the rafters of the 19th floor, preparing his set of lock picks as he went. "Good work, Aya-chan. Now there should be a small opening within the hundred yards that leads to the ventilation shaft heading towards the pent house. Keep you eyes open. It's pretty inconspicuous. You can easily miss it." Creeping along the metal rungs running underneath the flooring, Ayase ducked under a particularly low cross beam pulling his gloves up higher concealing his, out-of-character, sweating palms."Found it."

Ayase slid down a slightly angled beam to rest one foot on the wall and one in the crease made by the wall and beam. "Ayase, wait a moment." He paused, pick inserted into the key hole, and held his breath. Thud, thud, thud. Ayase waited patiently for the guard to pass and with an "Okay" from Someya-san, quickly and silently maneuvered his picking tools, easily releasing the lock. He gave a little curse at the tell-tale airlock hiss that escaped. "Someya-san, where is he now?" Ayase asked pushing the box in front of the wall out of the way, watching the guard turn the corner to his left. "Down the hall to your right. He's in his home office. Watch out for the guards along the second hallway to your left, they still need to pass by that hall on their rounds. Stay low and use the shipping boxes as cover as you make your way to the door on the left."

Ayase gently pulled the plating back into its original position on the wall, watching in awe as it slid inconspicuously back into place. As he pushed the box back, he slid his tools back into his belt. Silent as a his name sake, "little shadow," he made his way forward towards the door Someya-san indicated. Flitting between boxes, he ducked inside after double checking there were no people using the room. Waiting for another guard to pass, Ayase checked outside again before exiting.

"Okay Ayase, I have looped the three cameras that are in your way to his office. You are good to go." "Thanks." He slipped forward unnoticed between the rows of cardboard as he pulled his gun from its holster under his left arm. With a small click the silencer was in place and with a confirmation from Someya-san, placed his hand on the handle of the door to the office. With a deep inhale, Ayase swung the door open and raised his gun.

What greeted him was not Shinbunara. It wasn't even a gun pointed to his head like when he ran into one of the Kiba brothers at Kanous. Heck, he wouldn't have been surprised if the target was sitting as his desk. He kind of expected that. No, it was who the person behind the desk was that gave him pause.

It was the young girl from the photograph. She sat in that seat with absolutely no fear, as if she had been expecting someone to walk through that door. Her delicate hands were clasped in front of her smiling childish face and she merely nodded in greeting. "Hello. I'm sorry if you were expecting my father. He had to step away for a bit. I told him that I'd be more than happy to meet his guest in his place." She brought her hands down to her lap and leaned forward a bit, her smile growing even wider. "You know, even with the mask, I can tell you are quite good looking. Even if you are here to kill my father I might have asked to keep you as a pet. But unfortunately for you, your good looks won't help save you. Or your friend." A small click sound echoed in the room as she lifted her hand to point at the screen now illuminating the left wall. Ayase glanced quickly to the indicated wall and gasped.

Staring back at him was Someya-san, her face bloody and bruised with a trickle of blood tracing down from the corner of her slack mouth. "Someya-san! Someya-san can you hear me?!" Ayase raised his hand to the communicator in his ear, praying that the screen in front of him was lying. Static reached his ear then silence. With a growl Ayase raised the gun to refocus on the girl. "What have you done to her!" The girl-child smiled again and started twirling a piece of her long blonde hair with her right hand. "Hm. Nothing much. It's her fault for not finding a safer hiding place for home base. Then again, no where is safe when dealing with me." Her sweet smile turned evil. "There is no place my eyes won't find you. That's why father has never had problems with his business." She steeped her fingers together. "Then again, it's because I run it."

Ayase took a deep breath to try and calm his raging nerves. How did this happen...? How did she know we were coming? Who could have...Ayase's thoughts came to an abrupt halt. It couldn't have been...With his thoughts in turmoil he heard a grinding of gears as he pushed the car into fifth. He growled in anger as he grabbed his phone and speed dialed the number he did not want to program into his list.


Thank you for reading! I shall be sure to update as soon as I can! I am trying to get better at updating quickly _ STAY TUNED FOR MOREEE!