Disclaimer: I don't own Captain Harlock or any subsequent series; they all belong to Leiji Matsumoto and Toei Animation.

12/12 UPDATE! I know, I know, I have some explaining to do. Truth is I was really beginning to not like this story, felt is was taking FAR too long to tell, and that it was beginning to be a bit confusing. Just about all the chapters I have posted have been rewritten and the ones I have taken down are going to be as well. However, if you're a fan of the original by all means, do not be afraid to ask for a copy of the original story. I have a copy saved and would be more than happy to email it to you. Please be sure to review and tell me what you think of the revamped version of Invictus!

If you want them back, come alone to the coordinates given. - Commander Loan Van Buren.

There was no name addressed on the note left behind after an ambush targeting a small group of outlaws, but ultimately there was no reason for one. It was regarded with a cold stare before being ripped apart and the pieces thrown into the winds.

The trap had been simple, but methodically set and executed in a terrain where fighting back would be difficult. Van Buren had done his job extremely well. It had been only weeks since the name became prominent amongst the outlaws of space, for all the right or wrong reasons.

Space pirates were running scared, famous outlaws were disappearing without a trace, gunrunners and smugglers were giving up their trade at surprising rates. It was because of brutal and unmerciful tactics that allowed Commander Van Buren to capture or kill those he targeted, and it was not long before he set his sights on the most famed pirate of all.

Already Loan had all the pieces set, making his target come to a secluded and deserted location with nothing but scrub brushes and gravel. There were winding red canyons about thirty meters to the left and a tall rock formation directly ahead; not exactly an ideal location for someone who was walking into a trap.

"I'm so glad you could make it." A lone figure high above on the plateau called out.

Tall and broad shouldered, with cropped golden hair and matching eyes Loan Van Buren seemed every inch the self absorbed and despicable tyrant everyone thought him to be. His blue and grey uniform only hinted at the perfectly honed muscles underneath, and he stood with his back arched and chest puffed out, appearing to look down his nose at the figure below him.

"I've waited a long time to meet you, and seeing as you were around I thought it would be a fine time for us to become acquainted, Captain Harlock."

Disgusted, the man known as Harlock stood unwavering, glaring at the imposing figure above. Dressed all in black with two gun belts on his waist, he was more intimidating with a sharply defined and scared face but was not as physically built as the other man was.

"I've come alone as you wanted, now release my crew!" Harlock shouted, using all the restraint he had not to shoot a hole between the sneering Commander's eyes.

"Of course, now that you're here I have no intention of doing anything but releasing them." Loan stated, motioning to men unseen with a wave of his hand.

At first Harlock tensed, waiting and reaching for the gun at his hip. He wasn't about to let his guard down, especially around someone like Van Buren whose mere presence made one's skin crawl. However, true to his word, Loan appeared to release his prisoners at the base of the plateau; they appeared confused, but unharmed.

"Captain!" Came the shout, first from Yuki Kei, the young woman whose lovely face washed over with relief and something he could not quite place.

They all rushed over to him, about half his total crew; the other half he had waiting on board their ship the Arcadia, ready to move at a moment's notice. He was immensely relieved that they were all alright, he feared the worst given their enemy's nature. For a moment Harlock breathed easy, more so when his eyes locked with those of his closest companion Miime. She was not human like the rest of his crew, but the last of the Juran race with large golden eyes, pale skin and long blue hair.

"I'm glad you're alright." He said softly, directing his words to his crew.

"Captain." Harlock looked down at his first officer Yattaran, who adjusted the thick glasses on his face and glanced up at the figure still on the cliff. "Something's not right…"

"I agree." It was too simple, too easy; Loan had something up his sleeve. "Daiba?"

"Yes sir?" The young man's voice came over the two way communicator Harlock had plugged into his right ear.

"I have them. Bring the ship to our location, and be ready for anything." The pirate broke off without waiting for a reply, turning his attention to Van Buren who appeared to be beaming with excitement.

"Harlock?!" Miime's hand gripped his shoulder as gunmen in military fatigues seemed to materialize from every cliff and crevasse with long range rifles aimed directly at them. Immediately instinct kicked in, and as the crack of gunfire sounded, he shouted for his men to scatter.

It was too late though.

He felt the first bullet hit him in the shoulder, striking against the armor plating beneath his jacket but not penetrating. The second went straight through his right leg, the third barely missing his neck. But it was the armor piercing round that struck him in the stomach that made him stagger, and another that went into his ribs that made him drop to his knees.

The sharp pain in his chest and sudden shortness of breath told him the bullet that went into his chest collapsed a lung. He fought to remain conscious despite the growing fatigue and dizziness from the sudden blood loss. Harlock grabbed the gun at his hip, determined that if he was going to die here, he was going to bring Loan straight to hell with him.

His vision began to blur and shift, making it difficult to get a precise shot. He shut his eyes for a moment, groaning as another bullet hit him, striking him in the collar bone. But determination took over, his vision cleared, he was able to see Van Buren standing tall and he took aim with the gun his dearest friend had given him. Uttering both a prayer and a curse, Harlock squeezed the trigger, but before the shot was fired, a figure with blood splattered over violet challis embraced him.

Miime! His mind screamed as her body jolted from impacting rounds. Time seemed to slow as she went limp in his arms. The gunfire stopped, and looking around Harlock saw this crew lying in blood soaked rubble.

No longer able to sit upright he fell onto his side, his thoughts fading as everything around him began spinning out of control. 'So this is death.' Harlock said to himself as the world went black.

Loan never flinched at the massacre that took place below him. He breathed deeply, inhaling the distinct smell of gun smoke. Running a hand through his slicked back hair he turned to his line officer and gave a jaunty grin.

"Well, that was easy enough."

More to come! Thank you for reading and feedback is much appreciated! : )