AND:I'm sorry for not writing. This is the final chapter. I want to know if you think I shpould write a sequal to this. Just put it in your review.
~*Battle Field*~
"You cannot defeat me," the voice we know as Shinini.
"We have hope!" Neo Queen Serenity yelled.
"We must destroy you!" Nanami yelled.
"Not without me, you won't," another voice said. Everyone turned and saw Soul Dreamer holding onto the Golden Crystal. She was enveloped by the light. She emerged in a gold dress that looked like Princess Serenity's. The two wings were on her forehead. Two golden wings spread from her back gracefully.
"Who are you?" Nanami asked.
"I am Halie," the girl said. "I'm here to help." Halie lifted the golden crystal above her head. It shot a beam of golden light above their heads. "Innocent dreamers, please, help me."
/Come on. Where are you, Arcadia?/ Halie thought.
"We have to give them our power!" Ami screamed. "Marina Castle of my star Mercury!"
"Phobos Deimos Castle of Mars!"
"Io Castle of Jupiter!"
"Magellan Castle of Venus!"
"Miranda Castle of my star Uranus!"
"Triton Castle of my star Neptune!"
"Charon castle of my star Pluto!"
"Titan Castle of my mother star Saturn!"
"Crystal Palace of the 30th Century!"
"Emperium Moon Crystal Power! This is our power! The power of our hearts and souls!" Neo Queen Serenity yelled and held up ginzuishou.
"I hold the power of the gods and goddesses of all worlds and times!" Nanmi yelled releasing a surge of power.
"Ha! Your punny powers can't even scratch me!" the voice screamed. It was a females voice now.
"I won't let you win," a soft whisper setled across them.
"Who are you?" the Shinini asked.
"I am Sailor Star Light, leader of the Soul Gaurdians," Arcadia whispered. She still hadn't showed herself.
"You say you are a leader yet you hide from me. You are wise," Shinini stated.
"Show your true form and I will come out," Arcadia told her.
"I will, just to meet you," Shinini said. The darkness that was above everyone began to change. It took the form of a human female. Her hair, eyes, and nails were more black than a black cat at midnight. Her clothing was in a style identical to Nanami's. Her skin was paler than the moon. On her forehead lay the symbol for destruction, a sickle slicing through a circle. Her lips were blood red and shone like a finely cut ruby. She held a glass orb with what seemed to be a tornado of darkness inside of it. A small silver armband was on her left arm. A single piece of black silk hung from it. A band of silver with black wings on it graced her forehead.
"Shinini," Nanami gasped.
"Her name isn't Shinini. Her name is Galrona, Helios and my mother. She was banished from Elysion when she tried to steal one of the crystals from the temple. She was turned into a black pegasus for her treason and her powers were divided between my brother and me. Helios watches over the Golden Crystal and I inherited the Soul Star Guardianship of Elision, the Dreamer Star," Halie explained. "She is a traitor and must be destroyed." Chibiusa gasped.
"Halie, you should join me. We could rule the universe," Shinini/Galrona said.
"I would rather die than betray Helios, Elysion, and the Menards!" Halie screamed.
"That can be arranged. Where are you, Soul Light?" Shinini/Galrona asked.
"Behind you," Arcadia said. She emerged from the darkness that had been blanketing her. All of the people on the ground stared at her with open mouths, especially the Soul Senshi.
/She never wears dresses./ they all thought.
/Soul Gem help me destroy this evil being./ Arcadia pleaded. "Now! We must attack togather!"
"All right," Nanami, Neo Queen Serenity, and Halie replied.
"Emperium Moon Crystal Power!"
"With the might of the gods and goddesses!"
"With the hopes of innocent dreamers!"
"That cannot defeat me!" Shinini/Galrona yelled.
/Soul Senshi./ Arcadia called out to them.
/Help me. Lend me your power./
"With the power of Leo, Soul Savior!"
"With the power of Aries, Soul Courage!"
"With the power of Virgo, Soul Heart!"
"With the power of Aquarius, Soul Life!"
"With the power of Capricorn, Soul Searcher!"
"With the power of Taurus, Soul Knowledge!"
"With the power of Gemini, Soul Protector!"
"With the power Libra, Soul Life!"
"All of the Soul Senshi's power is gathered within me and my crystal. Soul Gem release your true power!" Arcadia screamed. A silver light came out of the gem stone. It struck Shinini/Galrona. She screamed in agony. "It's not enough!"
/Yugi, Bakura!/ Nanami screamed.
/What?/ they replied.
/Lend me your power!/ she screamed. Yugi and Bakura did just that. Everyone's combined power destroyed Shinini/Galrona. The three girls fell from the sky. The gods caught them.
"Did we do it?" Nanami asked her father in a whisper. Ra nodded to her. "Good." All of the girls passed out. The gods that caught them placed them on the ground. Ra looked at Yugi and motioned him over to the side.
(This next part will be in text because my beta[Arcadia silver] wrote it)
Ra: **has Yugi into a corner, talking softly**...I hear you like my daughter??
Yugi: **gulping because he's facing the BIG guy, Ra himself**...Uhh...Y-Yyyeah?
Ra:...**puts his hand on his shoulder** Now, I'm a bit dissapointed that she didn't choose another god to give herself too in all, but I can understand...she's like her mother that way.
Yugi: Uhh.....uh-huh......
Ra:...Now, I expect you to treat her well, if I ever hear she's cried one tear because of know what I'll do??
Yugi: **shakes head** Y-yesss sir.
Ra: Good,. because this is a PG fic and we would have to change the rating if I were to explain it
Yugi: **sweatdrop** Yessir.
Ra: Good....**begins to walk off, but tosses Yugi something**
Yugi: Hmm?? **holds up a golden bottle**
Ra:...Let yourself grow a little...on your 20th birthday....drink it.
Yugi: Wha?
Ra:...You heard me...just do it.
(Back to me)
Ra and Yugi returned to the others. Everyone questioned him where they were. The gods and goddesses all snickered. Yugi kept his mouth shut. Nanami had woken up. She and Yugi met eyes. She turned away from his gaze.
"Can I speak with you, Te-uh Nanami?" Yugi asked. She looked at him and nodded. They went to the side.
"What do you want?" she asked timidly.
"I have something I need to tell you," Yugi said.
"What?" she asked.
"I love you," he answered turning bright red. Nanami looked shocked. Yugi felt like he had been rejected.
"I love you to, Yugi Motou," Nanami told him. She leaned down and kissed his cheek. They walked back to the others. A chill came over tehm.
"What's going on?!" Makosh yelled. He hadn't said anything until the coldness set in. Yugi and the gang looked at him.
"Yes, he's Joey," Mali said holding on to his arm. Yugi and his friend's mouths fell open.
"Cronos," Soul Peace said. Sailor Pluto tensed up. A man appeared in front of them. He was tall with green hair and garnet eyes. He looked like a male version of setsuna in Greek robes. Setsuna bowed. "Why are you here?"
"I am going to change what happened and give the girls their lives back," he replied. Setsuna gasped. "I will not get in trouble, little one. I have permission from Fate and Destiny themselves." Everything went black.
~*years later*~
Yugi was surrounded by his friend. A lot had happened. Joey and Mai were engaged. Bakura and Ami were dating. Makoto was dating Tristen. Everyone from that fateful battle was there. The Sailor Senshi had begun their training with the Soul Senshi. They had all gathered to celebrate Yugi's 20th birthday. Yugi and Tea were togather, well as close togather as a mortal and goddess could get. Cronos had done a wonder with his ability. He made it so Nanami, Mali, and Makosh were always alive. It affected everyone but Yugi, his friends, and all of the senshi.
"What else can we do?" Bakura asked Yugi. They were sitting around and talking. Yami Bakura was, to say the least, upset about Bakura being there. He didn't do anything though. He was scared to death of the gods and goddesses. Back in Egypt he had stolen from some of their priests tombs. He would get Bakura later.
"I don't know. Wait, I forgot about something Ra gave me," Yugi said. This got everyones attention. All of the gods and goddesses looked at him knowing what to expect. Nanami was grinning from ear to ear.
"What is it?" Ami asked. Yugi pulled out the golden bottle. Everyone looked at it. Yugi drank all of its contents. He began to glow. He had become a god.
AND:This is it. The end unless you people want me to do another. I might do a lemon but I want to know what you think.
~*Battle Field*~
"You cannot defeat me," the voice we know as Shinini.
"We have hope!" Neo Queen Serenity yelled.
"We must destroy you!" Nanami yelled.
"Not without me, you won't," another voice said. Everyone turned and saw Soul Dreamer holding onto the Golden Crystal. She was enveloped by the light. She emerged in a gold dress that looked like Princess Serenity's. The two wings were on her forehead. Two golden wings spread from her back gracefully.
"Who are you?" Nanami asked.
"I am Halie," the girl said. "I'm here to help." Halie lifted the golden crystal above her head. It shot a beam of golden light above their heads. "Innocent dreamers, please, help me."
/Come on. Where are you, Arcadia?/ Halie thought.
"We have to give them our power!" Ami screamed. "Marina Castle of my star Mercury!"
"Phobos Deimos Castle of Mars!"
"Io Castle of Jupiter!"
"Magellan Castle of Venus!"
"Miranda Castle of my star Uranus!"
"Triton Castle of my star Neptune!"
"Charon castle of my star Pluto!"
"Titan Castle of my mother star Saturn!"
"Crystal Palace of the 30th Century!"
"Emperium Moon Crystal Power! This is our power! The power of our hearts and souls!" Neo Queen Serenity yelled and held up ginzuishou.
"I hold the power of the gods and goddesses of all worlds and times!" Nanmi yelled releasing a surge of power.
"Ha! Your punny powers can't even scratch me!" the voice screamed. It was a females voice now.
"I won't let you win," a soft whisper setled across them.
"Who are you?" the Shinini asked.
"I am Sailor Star Light, leader of the Soul Gaurdians," Arcadia whispered. She still hadn't showed herself.
"You say you are a leader yet you hide from me. You are wise," Shinini stated.
"Show your true form and I will come out," Arcadia told her.
"I will, just to meet you," Shinini said. The darkness that was above everyone began to change. It took the form of a human female. Her hair, eyes, and nails were more black than a black cat at midnight. Her clothing was in a style identical to Nanami's. Her skin was paler than the moon. On her forehead lay the symbol for destruction, a sickle slicing through a circle. Her lips were blood red and shone like a finely cut ruby. She held a glass orb with what seemed to be a tornado of darkness inside of it. A small silver armband was on her left arm. A single piece of black silk hung from it. A band of silver with black wings on it graced her forehead.
"Shinini," Nanami gasped.
"Her name isn't Shinini. Her name is Galrona, Helios and my mother. She was banished from Elysion when she tried to steal one of the crystals from the temple. She was turned into a black pegasus for her treason and her powers were divided between my brother and me. Helios watches over the Golden Crystal and I inherited the Soul Star Guardianship of Elision, the Dreamer Star," Halie explained. "She is a traitor and must be destroyed." Chibiusa gasped.
"Halie, you should join me. We could rule the universe," Shinini/Galrona said.
"I would rather die than betray Helios, Elysion, and the Menards!" Halie screamed.
"That can be arranged. Where are you, Soul Light?" Shinini/Galrona asked.
"Behind you," Arcadia said. She emerged from the darkness that had been blanketing her. All of the people on the ground stared at her with open mouths, especially the Soul Senshi.
/She never wears dresses./ they all thought.
/Soul Gem help me destroy this evil being./ Arcadia pleaded. "Now! We must attack togather!"
"All right," Nanami, Neo Queen Serenity, and Halie replied.
"Emperium Moon Crystal Power!"
"With the might of the gods and goddesses!"
"With the hopes of innocent dreamers!"
"That cannot defeat me!" Shinini/Galrona yelled.
/Soul Senshi./ Arcadia called out to them.
/Help me. Lend me your power./
"With the power of Leo, Soul Savior!"
"With the power of Aries, Soul Courage!"
"With the power of Virgo, Soul Heart!"
"With the power of Aquarius, Soul Life!"
"With the power of Capricorn, Soul Searcher!"
"With the power of Taurus, Soul Knowledge!"
"With the power of Gemini, Soul Protector!"
"With the power Libra, Soul Life!"
"All of the Soul Senshi's power is gathered within me and my crystal. Soul Gem release your true power!" Arcadia screamed. A silver light came out of the gem stone. It struck Shinini/Galrona. She screamed in agony. "It's not enough!"
/Yugi, Bakura!/ Nanami screamed.
/What?/ they replied.
/Lend me your power!/ she screamed. Yugi and Bakura did just that. Everyone's combined power destroyed Shinini/Galrona. The three girls fell from the sky. The gods caught them.
"Did we do it?" Nanami asked her father in a whisper. Ra nodded to her. "Good." All of the girls passed out. The gods that caught them placed them on the ground. Ra looked at Yugi and motioned him over to the side.
(This next part will be in text because my beta[Arcadia silver] wrote it)
Ra: **has Yugi into a corner, talking softly**...I hear you like my daughter??
Yugi: **gulping because he's facing the BIG guy, Ra himself**...Uhh...Y-Yyyeah?
Ra:...**puts his hand on his shoulder** Now, I'm a bit dissapointed that she didn't choose another god to give herself too in all, but I can understand...she's like her mother that way.
Yugi: Uhh.....uh-huh......
Ra:...Now, I expect you to treat her well, if I ever hear she's cried one tear because of know what I'll do??
Yugi: **shakes head** Y-yesss sir.
Ra: Good,. because this is a PG fic and we would have to change the rating if I were to explain it
Yugi: **sweatdrop** Yessir.
Ra: Good....**begins to walk off, but tosses Yugi something**
Yugi: Hmm?? **holds up a golden bottle**
Ra:...Let yourself grow a little...on your 20th birthday....drink it.
Yugi: Wha?
Ra:...You heard me...just do it.
(Back to me)
Ra and Yugi returned to the others. Everyone questioned him where they were. The gods and goddesses all snickered. Yugi kept his mouth shut. Nanami had woken up. She and Yugi met eyes. She turned away from his gaze.
"Can I speak with you, Te-uh Nanami?" Yugi asked. She looked at him and nodded. They went to the side.
"What do you want?" she asked timidly.
"I have something I need to tell you," Yugi said.
"What?" she asked.
"I love you," he answered turning bright red. Nanami looked shocked. Yugi felt like he had been rejected.
"I love you to, Yugi Motou," Nanami told him. She leaned down and kissed his cheek. They walked back to the others. A chill came over tehm.
"What's going on?!" Makosh yelled. He hadn't said anything until the coldness set in. Yugi and the gang looked at him.
"Yes, he's Joey," Mali said holding on to his arm. Yugi and his friend's mouths fell open.
"Cronos," Soul Peace said. Sailor Pluto tensed up. A man appeared in front of them. He was tall with green hair and garnet eyes. He looked like a male version of setsuna in Greek robes. Setsuna bowed. "Why are you here?"
"I am going to change what happened and give the girls their lives back," he replied. Setsuna gasped. "I will not get in trouble, little one. I have permission from Fate and Destiny themselves." Everything went black.
~*years later*~
Yugi was surrounded by his friend. A lot had happened. Joey and Mai were engaged. Bakura and Ami were dating. Makoto was dating Tristen. Everyone from that fateful battle was there. The Sailor Senshi had begun their training with the Soul Senshi. They had all gathered to celebrate Yugi's 20th birthday. Yugi and Tea were togather, well as close togather as a mortal and goddess could get. Cronos had done a wonder with his ability. He made it so Nanami, Mali, and Makosh were always alive. It affected everyone but Yugi, his friends, and all of the senshi.
"What else can we do?" Bakura asked Yugi. They were sitting around and talking. Yami Bakura was, to say the least, upset about Bakura being there. He didn't do anything though. He was scared to death of the gods and goddesses. Back in Egypt he had stolen from some of their priests tombs. He would get Bakura later.
"I don't know. Wait, I forgot about something Ra gave me," Yugi said. This got everyones attention. All of the gods and goddesses looked at him knowing what to expect. Nanami was grinning from ear to ear.
"What is it?" Ami asked. Yugi pulled out the golden bottle. Everyone looked at it. Yugi drank all of its contents. He began to glow. He had become a god.
AND:This is it. The end unless you people want me to do another. I might do a lemon but I want to know what you think.