Ch. 11- Serenity

The walk went by somewhat slow. It wasn't that far of a distance to travel but Kagome was still as red as a tomato. Sesshomaru loved the scent of her embarrassment and would more than likely continue to torment the poor girl. She was so inexperienced when it came to the opposite sex just about anything made her uncomfortable. It wasn't exactly a bad thing though, for Kagome wanted to know more.

Sesshomaru stopped once again.

"This is my place, Kagome. Before we venture the rest of the way, you must understand that this place is not for you to be at constantly. This one comes here to escape the world when needed."

"You are doing better with not speaking in third person."

"I am serious."

"Then why are you taking me along?"

"I...I'm not sure."

"Well if that's how you feel!"

Kagome started walking again as if she knew where she was going. Sesshomaru only looked to her with a confusing face.

"Well are you just gonna stare? Come on, take me to this place!"

A small smirk played on Sesshomaru's lips. She was definitely worth his time. She was opening him back up and now, he really didn't care. Being with her made him forget the worries of the world. Yes. She would definitely enjoy this place.

She barely had time to see him "jog" to her side. When he arrived she grabbed his hand and he was startled at first and looked at their joined hands. When he looked back up, he was met with her beautiful brown eyes. A small smile was thrown his way accompanied by a very, very slight blush. With Sesshomaru's keen sight there was no avoiding the fact that he saw it.

"We have almost arrived."

"Great! I can't wait to see this place."

Sesshomaru stopped to stand in front of her.

"Please, close you eyes."

"As you wish."

Kagome closed her eyes and Sesshomaru inspected them for any sign of her peeking. It didn't look as if she'd be spoiling his "surprise".

He led her the rest of the way which took about an extra five minutes. Sesshomaru didn't want to take a chance in her seeing his most cherished place before arriving. She needed to stand where she could see everything all at once.

When they came to a stop, Sesshomaru was the first to speak. Kagome dared not to open her eyes until told to do so.

"Are you ready?"

"I think I am. Can I open my eyes now?"

"Please do."

When Kagome opened her eyes she almost had a stroke.

She remembered this place from her dreams. She didn't let it ruin the beauty of the surrounding knowing now that this place is in fact a reality. She quickly turned to face Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru, this place is perfect."

"Indeed it is."

"Uhm... Remember when I told you I had that dream about the huge waterfall?"


"This is where I was, when you showed up."

"Hn. You have not been here before."

"I know. Weird how I would already know what it looked like, huh?"


Sesshomaru walked to the giant tree located in the center of the area and took a seat. Kagome continued to gaze in awe at the scene before her. As she continued he simply watched her. He enjoyed the scent of happiness and calmness on her.

"Would you like to come sit, Kagome?"

She simply nodded and strode gracefully to him. She took her seat rather closely to him and tried to think of the next thing to say.

"So... still don't know why you brought me here?"

"I haven't the slightest idea."

INot knowing what else to say she once again nodded her head.

"You look beautiful in red."

Once again that breathtaking smile appeared on her face accompanied by the slight tint to her cheeks. Sesshomaru didn't think he'd ever get tired of seeing that.

"Thank you. And you don't look to bad yourself either in your lack of clothing."

Her face immediately went up in flames. She really should think before speaking sometimes.

A chuckle left Sesshomaru's lips.

"You have a nice laugh too."

"It would be difficult to hear me in a good mood seeing as how most of our encounters included the half-breed."

"Ha, ya. It's nice to get a break from him."

"Does...does that mean you wish to return to him?"

"I, um, I don't... Not particularly. I do miss Shippo, though."

"You are a kind person, taking a demon child as your own."

"What else could I have done? He even tried to kill me, not that it worked very well for him. He's still young. After finding out what the thunder brothers did to him, there was only one choice for me. I fell for him after that. What can I say. He's a cute little guy."

"The thunder brothers... quite the little pests if you ask me."

"I can agree with you on that one. The big one kidnapped me!"

"Manten. Obnoxious ingrate."

"The other was even worse! He killed a demoness that he brought back with him out of rage toward his brother."

"Hiten was a womanizer...Kagome did he... Try anything with you?"

"No thank god. Said I was attractive but Manten said I was gonna be used for his precious hair elixir. So, Hiten backed off."

"That is good to hear."

"Ya. So how often do you come here?"

"More than you would think."

"Why is that?"

"So much goes on through the days here. The issues that come up daily that I have to deal with is the majority of it. When it comes to the other lords this one's brain feel like it will explode."

"You are doing it again."

"My apologies miss."

Kagome giggled and scooted closer to Sesshomaru. Once close enough she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I-is this okay?"

"Whatever you desire."

"Sesshomaru, I didn't mean to make you think I didn't like you. I only meant-"

"I understand now. Do not apologize. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge."

"That can make things complicated easily."


Sesshomaru laid his head atop of Kagome's and they sat in a perfect and comfortable silence for quite some time.

"It grows late Kagome."

"Can't we stay?"

"Not tonight. Another night sounds promising of course."


Sesshomaru got up and Kagome didn't seem to budge.

"Will you be joining me?"

"I dunno. You said 'we' couldn't stay. Maybe I will. I think I'll be okay alone."

"Is that so? If we were outside my palace gates you wouldn't last long."

"Excuse me? Are you calling me weak?"

"I said no such thing. I simply stated the facts."

"Are you challenging me, Sesshomaru?"

"Possibly, I have only seen you with your power. Not in combat. Your archery is the only thing I have witnessed and that too needs slight perfection."

Kagome stood from her resting spot and walked up to Sesshomaru confident.

"I may not be a demon, but I can protect myself just fin-"

Kagome squealed as Sesshomaru pinned her under him in less than a millisecond and Kagome's eyes grew wide.

"Do not lie to me."

"I wasn't! At least I thought I wasn't."

Sesshomaru smirked at her and only moved slightly so he could see her better. When Kagome realized what an intimate position they were in, she turned as red as a tomato and attempted to push him off her.

"Come on, Sesshomaru! Don't keep me here like this!"

He quirked a brow.

"So innocent you are."

He removed himself from her and lent her a hand.

"What, and you're not?"

Sesshomaru gently grabbed her waist and jumped the surrounding water to the complete land. They began their walk back to the palace.

"I have not been one to take in part in foolishness with females."


"I do not become distracted easily."

"So... you've never been with anyone?"

"No I have not."

Kagome tried to hide a smile. Her attempt was a feeble one.

"Is their something wrong with that?"

"Not at all! That's actually really hard to come across where I am from."

"And where exactly is home to you?"

"I... I think we should discuss that another time."


"I don't think..."

"Tomorrow... you will start training."

In no time they were back at Kagome's bedroom door. They had been so wrapped up in conversation that the walk back seemed a lot less of a distance then the way there.

"Training for what?"

"You will learn combat. I do not wish you to be unable to defend yourself should your power become weakened."

"Oh. Okay, I think I can handle that."

Still the stood outside her door unable to stop their conversation.

"I hope so. You will be training with me."


"We begin after breakfast tomorrow."

Sesshomaru turned to leave her to her room when she halted him.

"ONE condition."

He turned back to her with semi wide eyes.

"I get to wear MY clothes. I wanna be able to move."

He smiled. "As long as they are not as revealing as the wretched green ensemble you use to wear then you may."

Kagome laughed. "They aren't. Promise."

Sesshomaru smiled at her.

"I don't mind revealing but the eyes in this palace do wander and I would not appreciate others looking at you."

Kagome blushed. Sesshomaru leaned down toward her and kissed her cheekbone as gently as possible. At that her blush became tenfold.

"Goodnight, Kagome."

Kagome couldn't find her voice so when Sesshomaru started to walk to his own quarters she barely managed to squeak out her reply.

"Ya. Goodnight, Sesshomaru."

Kagome walked in her room and closed the door behind her. She slid down the back of it with a smile so big the sun would have trouble competing with it. After two minutes of a few giggles and a never waving smile she got up and went to undress. Before she started to disrobe a knock sounded at her door.

"Come in!"

"Miss Kagome."

"Hi, Keiko! Wanna help me get outta this? I'm tired, it's been quite a day."

"You seem happy miss. I take it your walk with my lord went well?"

"It went wonderfully. I really do like him."

"That is good to hear, miss Kagome. Many demoness' have left on a loud rampage about his rudeness."

Kagome walked to her bag and pulled out a black, cotton, sleep dress that stopped about mid thigh.

"Keiko, if you want to go to bed, I don't think I will need anything else tonight."

"Thank you, but I do not believe I will sleep tonight."

"Right... demons don't need much sleep."

"Miss Kagome, please just call if you require anything tonight."

With that Keiko left the room and Kagome was still smiling as she snuggled into her warm and comfortable bed.

Sesshomaru readied himself for bed since he would be training with Kagome tomorrow. Tonight was too good of a night not to enjoy a nights rest.

I was too quick to judge her. I need to remember how complicated she is.

Sesshomaru smiled to himself and slid himself into his own bed to seek the comfort of sleep. Tomorrow he would see her at breakfast.

Guys I am SOOOO sorry about the late post. So much has happened and I've been to upset to write a good chapter. I must have written then deleted at least ten times. I think I'm satisfied with this chapter though. I hope you guys are too! Don't worry, the next chapter will be updated soon.