Chapter 4- Get me out of here!

Eve's POV – starting right back when she is dying.

It hurts. I am being pulled down deeper and deeper by a thick blanket, suffocating me.

I hear a few quiet footsteps and chills run down my spine: this is it. This is where I get killed because those footsteps belong to a vampire… a vampire who is going to kill me, going to drink all my blood and discard my broken body as if I am nothing.

This is what Ethan planned all along. I'm just hoping it's quick.

''Oh Eve,'' A soft voice murmurs, one that I recognise somehow, and I feel myself being lifted off the ground. The person cradles me to their chest and I don't feel a heartbeat, making me realise that it is a vampire… but why aren't they trying to kill me?

Who is it? Who is helping me? I try and open my eyes but I can't, they are too heavy.

Pain jolts through my body and I decide to let myself block out the world around me; it hurts too much to pay attention.

The next few minutes, hours, seconds, days even, go by in a flash. I cannot tell how long I have been like this. It feels weird and distant. I hate it. So much has been going on; I can hear muffled voices and quiet movements but I am trapped. I cannot get out.

Then I hear it, I hear him.

''What happened to her?'' I barely make this out since it is so quiet. He sounds so unasserted, as if he's lost something that he needs. He may be quiet, but I can still hear the pain, feel the pain in his voice.

''She was stabbed, lucky she was found when she was... Lost a lot of blood...'' Someone says sadly, a doctor maybe? ''She's in a coma."

A coma? I'm in a coma? What if I never come back? What if I am stuck here forever, only to hear what is going on around me... Never to feel or see again? I can hear and am lucid but have no control over my body, no ability to be able to move or even tell him I love him.

''W-What? NO! YOU HAVE TO HELP HER! GET HER OUT OF IT! I MEAN IT'S EASY!'' My one true love cries. The pain in his voice is so strong that it makes me want to fight everything off and get up.

I want to help, I want to jump out of this shell and hug him, hold him close.

But I can't.

''There isn't anything we can do, only wait. She is still living but she needs to stay on the life support machine in case... But there's always hope.'' He says, I don't think that was as sensitive as it should have been. Michael is freaking out! Don't say there's a chance I'll die! Don't tell him that 'there's always hope' because when someone says that it means there isn't much! Michael knows that.

''THERE ISN'T HOPE! YOU HAVE TO HELP HER!'' He yells. Just as I thought. He knows well enough and he can't bear to lose me. I don't know why he loves me. I'm a fool. I have done so many stupid things. That's what led me here. If I never dated Ethan, I wouldn't be here. It's all my fault. Everything you do in the past catches up to you… I know that now.

''As I said: we have to wait. '' He deadpans – the doctor, this is - and he must have leave because I can hear a chair scrape up beside the bed… it's got to be Michael.

I wish I could feel things... Maybe he is holding my hand? Maybe caressing my face? All I want to feel is the warmth only Michael can give me. That's all I want, even just for a second.

"I've heard that people in comas can hear their surroundings so maybe you can hear me... I hope you can...'' He laughs, but it isn't his Michael laugh. This laugh comes from a different person. A different Michael... It sends stabbing pains through my chest at how dark he sounds. "I must sound so stupid. God... Oh well... I'm gonna stay here until you wake up baby. I promise. I love you so much okay... You have a life, we have a life...One day we'll get married and have kids and gosh I've told you all of this before haven't I? But it's true. I promise you that all of that will happen! Don't worry...Take your time to come back but please definitely do...''

I just want to cry out and tell him that I am here! That I can hear him and I just want exactly what he said! I want a life with him! He is the one. I never thought of it that way before, but now I know, now I know that I want him forever. I'd do anything for him. I'd even turn into a vampire if that was what he wanted and it meant us being together forever. All I want is him.

Whilst my mind spirals with thoughts, the whole room goes silent and all that is left is the quiet beeping of the monitors. It hurts not to hear Michael's voice.

''Yo! Fangs, quit mourning and blaming yourself!'' Shane, rather rudely, says. I like the point he made but he could have said it nicer to him.

Knowing Michael, he probably flashed his fangs at him because now, to be honest, is not the time.

''Shane! Jheez! Shut up! If you're here you are here for Eve not to scare the shit outta me! JHEEZ!'' He snaps and I can tell that he is braking down.

It hurts. It hurts to hear him like this and to know that it is all my fault.

''Sorry man...'' He says softly, I can barely hear him now and I can feel the shift of atmosphere in the room. ''She'll be fine. ''

''Will she? ARE YOU SURE? NO YOU ARENT COZ YOU ARENT A PSYCHIC! '' Michael yells, taking it all out on Shane because he is the only one available to shout at.

But if it wasn't for me he wouldn't need to take anything out on Shane.

''I do know... She's been through so much...she's strong man. '' He sighs and the room goes silent again, I can feel how tense they both are.

I know that Michael is thinking about Shane's words. Maybe I've been through too much? Maybe I've been beaten down so much that I am weak.

But believe me Michael. I want to get out of here and I will fight until I do.

I will.

I promise.

Please review... I'm getting really disappointed with my review count :/ Sadtimes...

I want 3 reviews on this chapter or I will not update.. sorry but I need to know that you care :D

thanks... :D

Hannah xxx