Katara POV

As we were picking up supplies in a local village, we started to hear stories about people disappearing during the full moon. It sounded like standard spirt world shenanigans, so we decided to stick around and find out what was going on. We camped in the woods and sent a message to the White Lotus that we would be gone for a few days. Toph accused Sokka of being a scared-y-cat when he jumped at a noise from the woods and before long, we were telling ghost stories. I was telling the group a story my mother had told me about a friend that had frozen in a snowstorm. Promptly after I was done scaring the pants off the others Toph announced that someone was coming. An old woman came out of the woods and offered us a place to stay. Her name was Hamma and she owned the local inn. After some debate we decided to take her up on her offer. The next day Sokka and I went with Hamma to the market while Toph and Aang looked around town for whatever sprit was causing trouble. Sokka was insistent that Hamma was suspicious.

"You are being ridiculous," I told him when Hamma walked off to buy something. "She's a kind old woman and we should be grateful for her hospitality."

"I'm telling you; she's hiding something!" Sokka replied.

Hamma sent us back to the inn with the bulk of the supplies that she had bought. We met up with Aang and Toph on the way through town. They hadn't found anything that could be tied to an unhappy spirit. Sokka started digging through Hamma's things as soon as we returned determined to find whatever she was hiding.

"What exactly are you hoping to find Sokka?" I asked as my bother opened cabinets and drawers.

"I'm not sure- Ah!" He said opening another cabinet.

We jumped back as puppets fell out of the cabinet towards us.

"That's creepy." Sokka declared.

"So what?" I replied unfazed, "She's got a hobby. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing I guess." Sokka said semi defeated. "I still say that she's hiding something."

He plowed up the stairs to the top room where we found a locked box in the center of a mostly empty room. Despite my objections he picked the lock and took out a comb.

"What is it?" Toph asked.

"It's my most prized possession." We turned around to see Hamma in the doorway. "It's the only thing I have from my home, the Southern Water Tribe."