Okay, two chapters in one go :') Just warning you this chapter's super long… I kinda got carried away but whatever, hope you like it anyways :'3 This chapter's just carrying on from the last one so everyone's still online. Hope you enjoy it, here you go!
Rachel- barbralupone
Finn- frankenteen
Santana- straightupbitch
Brittany- itsbrittanybitch
Artie- wheels
Tina- asianselflover
Mike- kidwhocandance
Puck- sexmaniac
Quinn- promqueen
Kurt- kurtelizabethhummel
Mercedes- flyingsolodiva
Blaine- blaineandthepips
Lauren- yougotzized
Sam- rock'n'rollbieber
promqueen: erm guys I don't think it's the time for virtual singing since a very angry santana has just knocked artie out of his wheelchair…
flyingsolodiva: woah. santana looks mad, like really mad :S
kurtelizabethhummel: oh dear god, artie's brave for turning up like this, santana looks like she's ready to kill someone…
blaineandthepips: dudesss, why's artieee on da floor? when did he turn up?
asianselflover: just now, he rolled through the door…
itsbrittanybitch: then santana kinda attacked him and he fell out of his wheelchair :S I'm gonna go help him get back up
asianselflover: I'll come and help you brittany
kurtelizabethhummel: I think I'll go and calm santana down… she seems a bit hysterical at the moment O_o
flyingsolodiva: good luck kurt…
blaineandthepips: this partayy's got dramatic :o
promqueen: you could say that… lauren's got a black eye, santana's cut her lip open & knocked artie out of his wheelchair and artie's lying in santana's hallway…
blaineandthepips: alrighttt quinnn no needd to ruin de fun :(
straightupbitch: its fine guys I sorted the four eyes out.
frankenteen: santana don't you think that's kinda of mean just chucking him out onto the street like that…
rock'n'rollbieber: finn, I'd be careful what I say if I were you, santana's drunk…
frankenteen: yes but as you probably remember she's classed as a weepy girl drunk and is currently in Mike's arms sobbing…
rock'n'rollbieber: -_- did you just miss the last 5 minutes where santana was attacking Lauren or something…
straightupbitch: anndd you aren't even classed as a drunk finnocence causeee you don't drink! which sucks.
barbralupone: hey guys I fooorrrgoot to ttelelll yooouuuu JESSE 3 will be here sooooon like nnooww I think :s
straightupbitch: yay jeessee I love Jesse he is my number one forever and ever tilll I diee
kidwhocandance: santana will you stop crying? my t-shirt's got all wet…
itsbrittanybitch: you should be a stripper drunk like mee mikee, tina tells me those abs are as awesoomme as unicorns and dolphins : D so they must be pretty awesome.
asianselflover: its alright Jesse's here now mike, him and santana are pretty close… I'm sure he'll calm her down…
straightupbitch: what makes you think that asiannn?
asianselflover: ohh nothing :P
supersmoothagent has entered the chatroom
frankenteen: now she's converted to an angry girl drunk :/
rock'n'rolbieber: oh you finally caught on then did you…
supersmoothagent: its alright santana I'm here and imma get this party started!
frankenteen: erm Jesse we were fine without you, actually we were having a pretty fun time.
supersmoothagent: whatever you say finnocence. ha! sorry couldn't resist, did you know santana's got a lot of funny names for you. by the way santana why was there a guy in a wheelchair outside your door?
straightupbitch: what do you mean 'was there'? he should still be there : (
supersmoothagent: no he wheeled away as soon as I said I was santana's friend :s
itsbrittanybitch: aaahhh jesse you're such a nice person saying artie wheeled down the street :3 people could learn from you, you should be our nations president.
frankenteen: -_-
straightupbitch: wait. he was conscious? I knocked him out cold for sure, damn I obviously need to hit him harder next time.
supersmoothagent: next time? santana I don't think he'll be coming near you again anytime soon and thanks britt I have considered it but I have bigger plans, like setting up a dolphin charity :)
itsbrittanybitch: I LOVE YOU ,YOU LOVE DOLPHINS :O
frankenteen: you're such a manipulative person, making people like you with lies because you cant get friends any other way…
barbralupone: finn stop laying into my boyfriend, you can't lecture people about lying -_- HYPOCRITEEE!
straightupbitch: well meeee and jesssee totally havee it going on sooo he wonntt be your boyfriend for much loooonnnggger man hands.
barbralupone: what's that supposed to mean?
promqueen: I think this is a perfect time for a game…
flyingsolodiva: agreed.
sexmaniac: anyone got any ideas? I'd like it to involve drinking because that's fun. and there's definitely some people who are too sober. *cough* finn. quinn.
frankenteen: designated driver
barbralupone: jesse what does santana mean?
yougotzized: I am totally not turned on by you right now.
asianselflover: what about 'never have I ever'?
blaineandthepips: thaaattt soooundddds toootttallllyyy aawwweeesommmee, everyone go sit in a circle in the loungeee! CAUSEE CIRCLES ARE THE MOST AWESOMEST SHAPE EVER XD
itsbrittanybitch: I'm confused. how'd you play never have I ever… O.o
straightupbitch: welllll basicalllyyy, for example, someone says never have I ever rode a dolphin and if you have rode a dolphin you take a sip of your drink, if you haven't, you don't do anything. d'you get it britt?
itsbrittanybitch: mmmmmm, kindaaa…
straightupbitch: it'll make more sense when we play : ) who wantssss to start this thangg?
sexmaniac: I will ;)
Saturday, 11:29pm
flyingsolodiva: ugh. trust puck to do 'never have I ever had a random'. -_-
frankenteen: is it just me who isn't surprised that brittany's had a random… O.o
kurtelizabethhummel: or puck or santana for that matter…
itsbrittanybitch: she speaks the truth.
asianselflover: I can't believe you've had a random mike! :O seriously.
kidwhocandance: what can I say, the ladies loveee the abs tina ;)
sexmaniac: nice work chang ;)
kidwhocandance: you too puckerman ;)
rock'n'rollbieber: BROMANCE! ;)
kurtelizabethhummel: I second sam's comment.
sexmaniac: can I just say Lauren. I'm totally turned on by the fact that you've had a random. looksss like I'm not the only dude to dig on chicks with curvesss ;)
yougotzized: you got that right puckerman ;)
blaineandthepips: RIGHTTTTTT. MEEE NEXT!
Saturday, 11:43pm
promqueen: this obviously had to involve unicorns didn't it…
itsbrittanybitch: JUSTTT SPREADINGG DA UNICORN LOVEEE. 3 3 3 3 3
kurtelizabethhummel: well thanks to blaine's 'never have I ever' we all now know that blaine & britt are the only ones to have rode a unicorn…
frankenteen: I have a new category for drunk people guys. the unicorn obsessive drunk. blaine falls into this category.
yougotzized: agreed.
barbralupone: she means ones to do with sex.
rock'n'rollbieber: pahaha! nice one Rachel :')
barbralupone: well, it had to be said.
supersmoothagent: I'm sensing some santana hate from you Rachel. : (
barbralupone: well, that is allowed jesse. and I am my own woman therefore I will not have my opinions oppressed by you. a man.
frankenteen: you tell him Rachel! new drunk category. the feminist drunk. Rachel, you've converted to one of them now.
sexmaniac: jeezz finn, lighten up! get drunk already & forget about your stupid categories! :P
frankenteen: designated driver. someone has to be responsible.
kidwhocandance: I'm with puck on thissss, you sound like my dad!
sexmaniac: he sounds like my granddad!
kidwhocandance: LOL. *knuckle touch*
rock'n'rollbieber: you guysss keep spreading da bromance! ;) I'LL GO NEXT.
Saturday, 11:53pm
kidwhocandance: LOLLLLL. gotta say that was a good one sam ;)
asianselflover: seriously mike, you're kinda a slut aren't you!
frankenteen: woahhh. angry drunk tina…
flyingsolodiva: okay, take a chill pill tina. at least he's being honest about it I guess.
itsbrittanybitch: what just happened? I went to find lord tubbington… O_o
sexmaniac: convenient really…
kurtelizabethhummel: sam did 'never have I ever slept with santana'…
flyingsolodiva: and sam, finn, puck, jesse & mike took a drink…
itsbrittanybitch: so… they were probably just thirsty…? O.o
kurtelizabethhummel: no britt, it's part of the game, that means they've all slept with santana…
itsbrittanybitch: oh yeah! I knew that one anyway :') I'm super clever right? :D
itsbrittanybitch: well yeah obviously…
itsbrittanybitch: capitals scare me… :S yeah, santana tells me stuff, we are best friends…
barbralupone: YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME!
itsbrittanybitch: why would I do that…? O_o
straightupbitch: calm the hell down berry! and leave britt alone! if jesse wanted to tell you he would've said something…
flyingsolodiva: all I can say is the only people I'm surprised took a drink is jesse & mike…
yougotzized: truee that!
frankenteen: see Rachel, he lies all the time…
flyingsolodiva: and we all know who else should've taken a drink…
kurtelizabethhummel: …
kidwhocandance: awkward turtle.
itsbrittanybitch: I'm pretty sure you guys try and confuse me on purpose :( anways MY GO NEXT!
kidwhocandance: and the awkward turtle just had babies.
Sunday, 00:03pm
kurtelizabethhummel: OH THE IRONY.
yougotzized: oh yes, hummel, oh yes.
blaineandthepips: I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED IT.
kurtelizabethhummel: blaine. you're gay.
blaineandthepips: IT'S A SONG KURT!
kurtelizabethhummel: -_-
rock'n'rollbieber: woah, 8 people took a drink on that one :P
frankenteen: well since brittany did 'never have I ever kissed a girl' that immediately includes all the boys…
rock'n'rollbieber: puck & mike are right finn… you really need to get drunk :P
yougotzized: never thought I'd see miss perfect prom queen taking a drink on that 'never have I ever'…
promqueen: I kissed Rachel in spin the bottle remember zizes, it was part of the game.
yougotzized: *nods slowly* alrightt Fabray :P
sexmaniac: some people are seriously not playing this game properly, *cough* santana, brittany… the point is to be truthful.
itsbrittanybitch: huh? are you ill puck? you coughed…
sexmaniac: and now I can't tell if brittany really doesn't understand or if she's just covering up the fact that neither her or santana took a drink on that 'never have I ever kissed a girl'…
promqueen: whatever puck, just drop it…
blaineandthepips: I'm withhhh quinn, puck. itssss justaaa gamee :3
promqueen: erm thanks blaine? well I'll go next…
Sunday, 00:14pm
flyingsolodiva: that was quite an interesting one actually.
asianselflover: it wass, now we know who the cheaters are…
kurtelizabethhummel: once again, gotta say no surprise puck took a drink… bit surprised by finn though…
frankenteen: at least I didn't lie…
kurtelizabethhummel: well you did when you cheated on someone… :P
yougotzized: touché.
promqueen: it's a good thing artie isn't here… that could've been awkward considering britt just revealed she's cheated on someone and artie's the only long-term boyfriend she's had… O_o
straightupbitch: well I guess I did britt a favour by kicking him out then.
blaineandthepips: gooood point there! you probably did me and kurt a favour as well, he probably would've yelled at us for helping britt escape :S
kurtelizabethhummel: ah, that's true, we're still gonna have to confront him at school though O.o
blaineandthepips: mehh, it was worth it ;D
itsbrittanybitch: totally worth it! n'aww I loveee you guys! :3
blaineandthepips: LOVEEE YOU TOO BRITT! ;D
rock'n'rollbieber: am I the only wondering who quinn, santana, brittany, finn & puck cheated with and on who?
barbralupone: i second that comment sam.
blaineandthepips: CONFESSIONS YOU GUYSSS!
straightupbitch: nopeee that's not part of the game!
blaineandthepips: that sucks :(
straightupbitch: whatever, I don't make the rules up, who's next?
asianselflover: I'll do one : )
Sunday, 00:22pm
itsbrittanybitch: aww, that was a cute one! 3
straightupbitch: well Rachel cries basically every time she sings a solo so she was an obvious one for 'never have I ever cried/broke down while singing a song'…
barbralupone: well, I'm sorry for showing emotional depth in my singing santana, we can't all be bitches like you.
kurtelizabethhummel: oh dear god, not another catfight.
promqueen: except santana did actually take a drink Rachel…
yougotzized: gotta say quinn speaks the truth.
frankenteen: I don't remember santana ever crying or breaking down while singing… O_o
rock'n'rollbieber: neither do i… O.o
straightupbitch: that's probably because I didn't sing it in glee club, trouty mouth.
asianselflover: well how do we know you're not lying then?
itsbrittanybitch: I was there when she was singing! : )
sexmaniac: just you…?
kurtelizabethhummel: nopeee, I was as well.
straightupbitch: you were…?
flyingsolodiva: when was this, you never mentioned it kurt…
kurtelizabethhummel: ah I guess I must've forgot… it was the week when we were doing a tribute to rumours by Fleetwood mac.
flyingsolodiva: oh right, what song?
kurtelizabethhummel: songbird : )
flyingsolodiva: ah nice, it would've been cool to have seen you sing that santana.
straightupbitch: erm thanks I guess?
barbralupone: well why didn't you sing it in glee club then?
straightupbitch: jesus berry, stop interrogating me.
itsbrittanybitch: she was too nervous in the end.
barbralupone: I see.
kidwhocandance: tina, can I just say I really liked that song you sung me for valentine's day 3
asianselflover: it sucked, by the end of it I was on the floor curled up…
kidwhocandance: it was still really good though! 3
asianselflover: I lovee you mikeee chang! 3
straightupbitch: ugh, seriously, you guys need to go get a room.
blaineandthepips: well anywayysssss! who's going next!
yougotzized: I've got one.
Sunday, 00:36pm
flyingsolodiva: pahaha, that was a very specific 'never have I ever'.
sexmaniac: dayumm I do love me some good catfights. ;)
kurtelizabethhummel: 'never have I ever had a catfight with santana' did you really have to bring that up again Lauren?
yougotzized: I'm not dropping it till she admits that I won that fight. for sure.
straightupbitch: hah. no way. you're a joke zizes.
frankenteen: okay you two, calm down, we don't want any more fights tonight…
rock'n'rollbieber: I agree with finn on this one, who wants to go next?
barbralupone: me, lauren's 'never have I ever' gave me an idea for mine.
Sunday, 00:45pm
blaineandthepips: WOOO! me and jesse are the only one's not taking a drink! feeling da loveee ;)
supersmoothagent: totally agree blaine ;) this is an achievement.
yougotzized: good one berry.
barbralupone: thank you Lauren : )
kurtelizabethhummel: 'never have I ever been insulted by santana'. people who can truthfully say that statement are to be congratulated, so well done blaine & jesse.
straightupbitch: just keeping it real guys…
rock'n'rollbieber: I have two words. trouty. mouth.
frankenteen: you said that I had weird pyramid nipples…
yougotzized: I can beat sam. I have just one word. rhino.
promqueen: you said that you were surprised that I didn't have a lizard baby…
kurtelizabethhummel: you just generally make gay jokes towards me.
flyingsolodiva: you call me wheezy like all the time… -_-
barbralupone: and you seemed to have taken to calling me man hands. just thought I'd point that out.
straightupbitch: well, thank you all for reminding me of my hilarious and witty insults. all I can say is, it's all in the username.
flyingsolodiva: *eye roll* anywayss, imma go next.
Sunday, 00:56pm
straightupbitch: you know what, I get the feeling that you're still pissed about you and sam breaking up… am I right or am I right?
flyingsolodiva: if that's what you wanna think santana… I only said that 'never I have ever' causseee I couldn't think of anything else to say :P
straightupbitch: niceeee excuse wheezy :P
barbralupone: can I just say it's actually rather surprising the amount of people in this room who can take a drink on 'never have I ever dated someone for more than month'.
yougotzized: gotta agreeee, 10 people took a drink :P me and puckerman are still goinggg stronggg WOO!
sexmaniac: ohhhh yeahh ;) lovee you zizes! ;)
kurtelizabethhummel: it would've been even nicer if you had said that when you weren't drunk but thanks anywayss blaine, love you too!
itsbrittanybitch: MY DOLPHINS ARE THE CUTEST :3
supersmoothagent: hey rachelll have we been dating for more than a month?
barbralupone: erm I doonntttt knooow :S maybbeee
frankenteen: ermm guys I think you should all slow down a little or stop with the drinking I mean everyone is sort of going crazy especially brittany and blaine.
straightupbitch: I see how it is…
itsbrittanybitch: im sooorryyy sannntanna butt eveenn thee unniccorrnss think you'ree kind ooff mean :S
kidwhocandance: I wannna goooo :(
kurtelizabethhummel: go for it mike before another fight kicks of…
Sunday, 01:08
barbralupone: im surprised that only two people have slept with brittany compared to Santana's five people…
flyingsolodiva: I thought there were three?
barbralupone: yeah but Blaine really?
rock'n'rollbieber: yeah but britt has slept with pretty much the whole school aswell…
itsbrittanybitch: :)
barbralupone: erm no he hasn't…
kidwhocandance: but that was all last year before I met the right woman for me :)
straightupbitch: oh please mike I don't think you were thinking that when you were dated the hottest and most popular girl that year.
itsbrittanybitch: ME!
straightupbitch: I was talking about me
barbralupone: as usual
itsbrittanybitch: santana that was mean…
straightupbitch: sorrryy brittt. whateverrrr blaine and she's my best friend, so back off AFORESS I ENDS YOU.
blaineandthepips: actuallyyy britt's my best friend, she said so herself :P so you can just back off AFORESS I ENDSS YOUU.
kurtelizabethhummel: jesus! santana, calm it down! blaine, stop provoking her.
blaineandthepips: okay you're right kurt, it's the alcohol. look, I'm ermm sorry santana.
straightupbitch: whatever blaine, me too, yeah its just the alcohol…
blaineandthepips: but brittany's still my best friend! hehehehehehe :P
straightupbitch: fine, I see, if thats how you wanna play it.
straightupbitch has left the chatroom
blaineandthepips: :o where'd she go…?
promqueen: erm…why's santana got lord tubbington in her arms? blaine, I'm just gonna warn you, she's running towards the lounge with him, you're not in there are you?
blaineandthepips: yeah, I am! :S AHH KURT IM SUPER SCARED NOW! D:
kurtelizabethhummel: wait a second, I'm on my way…
itsbrittanybitch: I'LL SAVEEE YOU BLAINEYY!
Saturday, 01:32
blaineandthepips: kurtie is britt going to be okaiii?
kurtelizabethhummel: yeah she just got a few scratches where the cat hit her face…
frankenteen: I think everyone should leave now the party has got out of hand…
supersmoothagent: no one has got seriously hurt gosh.
straightupbitch: well you know where the door is and I suggest you use it you are really getting on my nerves :(
frankenteen: right fine I see how everyone feels about me being here, you haven't been afraid to express your feelings, have you?
kurtelizabethhummel: oh come off it finn and I can't ram ten people into my car can I?
frankenteen has left the chatroom
straightupbitch: right I guess some of you will have to crash at my place :/
itsbrittanybitch: hows my lord tubbington?
promqueen: erm well I think he's a bit frightened of life in general at the moment but I don't think he's injured…
straightupbitch: look britt I wasn't aiming the overweight cat of yours at your head, you just kind of got in the way :/
itsbrittanybitch: its okay im sure some unicorn saliva will clear the cuts up sooner or later I mean unicorns are pretty magical.
blaineandthepips: true dat
blaineandthepips has changed his username to MadeOfUnicornDust
kidwhocandance: santana can I crash here my parents don't like me getting drunk and I will have to listen to a two hour long lecture on the dangers of underage drinking.
straightupbitch: yes alright then I suppose tina will want to be staying aswell
asianselflover: yes but not because I want to make sure he doesn't sleep with you.
kidwhocandance: well thanks for the trust you have in me we should go to asian couples counselling.
asianselflover: no. never again.
sexmaniac: erm santana me and zizes are staying aswell.
rock'n'rollbieber: and I don't think my parents will appreciate me and quinn sneaking back into the motel at this hour.
straightupbitch: yeah yeah whatever, how many's that?
itsbrittanybitch: unicorns
kurtelizabethhummel: six
supersmoothagent: you know I'll be staying santana ;)
barbralupone: yes and so will I, Jesse so there will be none of that.
kurtelizabethhummel: so I guess its just me blaine, Mercedes and britt in the car then.
itsbrittanybitch: and Lord tubbington don't forget lord tubby kurtie…
MadeOfUnicornDust: but I wannnaaa stayyyyy : (
kurtelizabethhummel: no you're definitely not staying.
flyingsolodiva: we should probably goo its kind of late wait Blaine don't you live in Westerville?
MadeOfUnicornDust: yeah! I think :S
flyingsolodiva: that's like an hour away…
itsbrittanybitch: blaineeyyy will you crashhh at my place we can have sweet unicorn dreams together : )
MadeOfUnicornDust: yeah I don't want to be turning up at kurts house again not like last time
kurtelizabethhummel: but we weren't together then, but I suppose you would be better off at britt's house, especially since finn is in a mood and probably wont appreciate you two going on about unicorns…
straightupbitch: alrightt see youu guys sorry again about your face britt and your cat… :/
promqueen: byeee see you Monday
yougotzized: yeah byee
kurtelizabethhummel: go grab your cat britt we'll meet you in the car.
itsbrittanybitch: not forgetting the unicorns kurtie don't forget the unicorns.
Let me know what you thought! Did you think it was too long or was it okay? Drunk Blaine is really fun to write and I love the idea of him and Brittany like best friends ;) At first I wasn't really sure how to write the 'Never have I ever' game with them still being chatroom but I hope what I've done makes sense and isn't too confusing… O_o ANYWAYSSS, REVIEW GUYSS! THAT'D WOULD BE AS AWESOME AS UNICORNS. :3