Wow this entire thing's basically an Author's Note XD




So guys! Haven't been here in a while huh? Well, sorry about that I've just completely neglected the story and fanfiction all together and I owe you all an epilogue! However, I realize I'm not too good on those so I sat and thought: how can I repay my readers for the things that I've done? Well, to put it simply…I made a sequel like how a few of you had suggested and within the sequel is a bit of an epilogue:D but for the most part; it has a completely different storyline and it has more of like adventures of Ciel and Miharu kind of feel to it cx but it's more than likely to be the last of such a series … well who knows? I'm kind of disorderly when it comes to my stories cx but I'm going to upload the first chapter on 8/14/2013 and if you're interested, please come take a look :D



By The Way: sorry about all thee punctuation errors..i'm simply too excited to edit cx but hopefully you'll understand it fine :) and lastly, what do you think i should name it? I'm curious to hear your ideas if you'll share them cx