A/N: I didn't write this. I found it somewhere almost a year ago and I thought I should spread the SPN Love. XD

Diclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or this poem.

Warnings: Spoilers for basically the plot to every SPN season ever. Except the 6th.

We want to rock in the Impala

We want pie, and we love pudding,

Because we know that crazy works,

We hum Metallica on planes,

Keep rock salt close at hand,

And say "Christo" to suspicious folk.

We watched Dean go to hell and back,

And when Castiel raised him from Perdition,

Another lover entered our lives.

We stuck with Sam through his addiction,

Though watching it broke our hearts.

We cheered when Dean killed Zachariah,

And cried when Sammy dived into the pit.

We watch these two brothers battle against all odds,

As they fight against Destiny, Heaven, and Hell.

We've watched them die for each other,

And kill for each other.

We feel their pain,

And when their hearts are broken,

Ours break with them,

We agonize over season finales;

They leave us filled with questions,

And dying for more.

We can quote episodes,

We can name episodes,

And we watch them repeatedly.

We are Supernatural fans,

And we love it.