1.1 Chapter Three: Val


You are strange these days.

True, Mr. Xellos visits a lot more, and not merely to see me and annoy you. You and Mr. Xellos seem almost as if friends, although you always gives a great sigh of relief when he had gone.

Typical of you, Mother.

Though it makes me wonder what your topic of conversation is.

You always act as if you hate Mr. Xellos.

Well, Mr. Xellos always acts as though he lives only to annoy you.

Does this remind one of anything? Like that thing in school, where the boy teases the girl when he likes her? And the girl retaliates angrily to show that she likes him?

He likes you more than a usual Mazoku should, Mother.

Even I can see that.

What hides behind that mask of innocence? Immense power, both you and I know. We both can sense it. Evil, you think. Are all Mazoku really pure evil? Is any race pure evil? Or pure good, for that matter?

Was Mr. Xellos a human once? You tell me I was an Ancient Dragon before Demon Dragon King Garv resurrected me as a Mazoku. You always tell that part of the story softly, and the part before, with the Golden Dragon's killing, regretfully. You weren't even alive at the time, were you, Mother?

It's kind of amusing. If you put all three parts of my life together, I am far older than you. Yet I call you Mother.

As you are.

Mr. Xellos killed your family. That much I know. Who was my family? Even you do not know. Your race killed them, didn't they? You feel guilty, yet you were not yet alive then.

How typical.

You are a good mother. All the right smiles and hugs, all the right amount of embarrassing affection when my friends come over. The right amount of Val Clean That Room's and Val Finish Your Homework's. With the right emphasis on each word to show that it should be capitalized, should it ever be written down.

What was my other mother like?

What was your mother like, Mother?

I sometimes wonder if you and Mr. Xellos could ever come to terms. You would make an interesting couple. If you could.

You are not all that different, you two. Both so stubborn. Both so unable to convince themselves of their feelings.

Both afraid of those same feelings.

Even I can see through your flimsy barricades.

Why can't you?

You, who can see through every lie I try. You, who can always tell if I'm not feeling well, or if I'm feeling down. You, Mother. Who can see through me like glass.

Maybe it's only because you are not Mr. Xellos' mother.

That's an even more amusing concept.

And Mr. Xellos. The 'all-knowing Trickster Priest'. So he introduced himself to me. He cannot see through your pretense.

Perhaps he is frightened of what lies there, as well.

The powerful General/Priest to the Beastmaster, frightened of what lies behind a Golden Ryuuzoku's blockade between the world and her emotions.

That's kind of amusing too.

If you did manage to overcome these obstacles.

One day, realize how you feel.

Find what lies beneath the first layer of the personality.

Admit you can love a race you hate.

Perhaps then I could find what a father is like.

Try, Mother?

Try … dare I even think it?


Lokogato: 0.0 Wow … I did it again … yet another tingeing, I guess you would call it. A romance that's not quite sure whether the coupling is going to be an item or not … Xellia, I guess … should I finish it so it's not a tingeing? I write too many tingeing fics these days. READ AND REVIEW, PEOPLE!!! And tell me if I should finish it.

Filia: *mace-sama makes an appearance* lokogato-sama … WHAT IS UP WITH THE XELLIA'S!! AND EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO WRITE THEM, AT LEAST Put *MY* NAME FIRST!!

Xellos: *nods agreement with everything* Hey, wait. Why YOUR name?

Filia: 'Coz I'm so much BETTER, obviously.

Xellos: REAlly?

Filia: Uh-huh.

Xellos: What makes you so sure?

Filia: Well, why should they put YOUR name first?

Xellos: Err …

Filia: See? *sticks out tongue*

Xellos: Grr …