Important Notice:

So I've gotten a few messages concerning whether or not I will be continuing A Game of Risk. And the answer to that is yes... and no.

I have plans to rewrite this yet again, but it won't be for a while. My laptop is currently broken (I smacked it too hard and the fan went kerflewy, never get a Compaq, they suck) so I'm stuck with this desktop... which is downstairs where I have no privacy. Good news is I'm getting new flooring in my room around November 5th, which mean I have to clean up the place, which in turn means I can fit a desk and my computer up there (though honestly the wireless in there is terrible). So I can start writing again soon.

Back to the fact that I'm rewriting again. It dawn on me that the nigh immortal Luck Gandor would make a lot more sense if he was the landlord instead of the crazy lady with the twins (no worries, they'll still be around as neighbors). Also instead on focusing solely on Volke as a villain, I wanted to stick a new group in. Sort of like the humonculi from the books, maybe they'll be a new group of immortals, I'm still working out some details. Also I may cross out and good amount of stuff, like Alexander being a mob boss and junk. You know, tone down on the sue-ish ness and give it a bit on normalcy before it goes downhill, yeah?

I will be trying to keep in all of my characters, so don't worry, none of your favorites are on the chopping block ;)

Thank you very much for your patience with, I'm terribly sorry for taking so long.