[Number One: DECEPTION]
You remained silent as you passed by all the expressionless faces on the streets, your gaze locked on the bit of sidewalk in front of you and never wavered up, nor to the side. You kept yourself in your own little bubble, remaining safe and secure; refraining from socializing with others outside of your front door.
With the minor exception of online chat-rooms, of course.
You had one good friend, you would think, online. And she was relatively close to the area, too, so you thought it wise to go meet with her in person. Hence why you were outside the house.
Her name was Kanra.
When you entered the coffee shop she told you she'd be, you paused in the door-frame and looked about.
That voice wasn't female.
Your [e/c] optics searched the room for the person speaking, only to lock eyes with a man - who was staring right at you with a taunt smile stickered to his lips.
"K-Kanra...?" you mumbled.
He nodded.
All blood had drained from your face.
"How does it feel to be deceived, [Name]? Shocked? Hurt? Embarrassed?" the mocking tone in his voice was blatant, like he wasn't even trying to hide it. He tricked you on purpose to gain some sort of reaction from you, you figured as much.
You wouldn't be made victim to this man's curious nature.
"A little hungry." you told him with a straight expression.
The raven-haired man blinked.