Yeah. So I have been obsessed with Denmark from Hetalia lately. So, here is the product of me watching Hetalia, and reading Ranger's Apprentice. Human names used (although country names will be used at some point)

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

It seemed almost perfect. The calm sea. The aqua waves rolling gently with each stride of the long paddles of two massive ships, one far behind the other. "Holdeplats!" A tall, broad-shouldered man called out. He had dirty blond hair, which was greasy and matted, brown eyes, and many battle scars. He took a swift swig of rum once everyone had stopped rowing so that the leading boat glided gracefully, slowing down for its partner.

These were Vikings. The greatest navy Europe has ever known.

These Vikings, however, were from countries known as Denmark and Norway. As 'Hav Okse', the Danish ship waited for the Norwegians, the captain, Albin called for his newest member of the crew. "Mathias!"

A tall young man with blue eyes, and wheat colored hair looked up to where his name came from. Pin pointing the call, he walked up to his captain. "Ja?"

Albin looked at his subordinate dressed in a cotton red tunic, black leggings, fur boots, and his small hunting axe at his hip. "We have been all around Scandinavia. To Finland, to Sweden, and to Norway. Even across the enormous ocean that separates Europe with that other land. Am I not Correct?"

"I believe you are, sir."

"Then tell me something." The young Dane felt a knot curl in his stomach. Had he done something wrong? He just joined the crew. It would suck if he got kicked off already. Holding his breath, Mathias answered. "Anything, sir."

"Where the bloody hell are we?" Albin gestured to sea. Mathias for a minute. He looked around. Then he remembered.

They had settled on an island for a night, trying to pass time till the Norwegians, who were at least two days behind them, to catch up.

The island was small, rocky and barren. Mathias took notice of this when he went out to run a few laps. It was small enough for him to take five full laps around the perimeter. While he was running, he tripped over something. Picking it up, Denmark discovered a map. 'Is this a joke sent by England? It looks fake.' But, noticing how a small island represented the one he was on, he took it as valuable.

Remembering the map, he pulled it out of his boot, and looked at it. He saw thaqt the small island was called 'Skorghijl'.

"Well, remember that island we were on? Well, apparntley we weren't the first."

"Nooo." Mathias paused at his superior's sarcasm. "W-well. It apparently has been named Skorghijl. And w-we have moved about 100 kilometers north from there. So that puts in what is apparently the Stormwhite Sea, by a place called Skan-"Right then, Albin tore the map away from Mathias, and threw him to the hard wood of the ship. "Rubbish. This map is obviously fake. There is no such things as the Stormwhite Sea, and Skorgiloulou."


"DON'T CORRECT ME! YOU WILL DO WELL TO MAKE SURE TO REMEMBER YOUR PLACE, AND NOT HAND ME MAPS THAT YOU OBVIOUSLY GOT FROM ENGLAND! NOW GO CLEAN THE WASTE ROOM! AND MAKE IT SHINY!" Albin picked Mathias up and threw down onto the bottom deck. The other Danes looked at him in pity. The waste room hasn't been cleaned in weeks. And now the poor 16 year old has to go clean the overused waste box. He sighed and got up limping to the storage closet. There he got all the necessary tools he needs to clean.

He opened the door and started gagging. Just kill me now. He knew those would be his last thoughts before he went in for the kill.

"Rykke!" Albin bellowed.

~~~~~On-board the Adelis~~~~~~~~~

Aaron, a medium height man with long brown hair in two braids, looked out into the distance. They had been caught in the middle of a brutal storm, and had to stop at land to make repairs.

Luckily, the Danes have stopped to wait for them, and they were in sight. "Father." A smooth voice broke the captain of his spell. "How are you doing, Halldor?"

The young man in an elegant (well, elegant for a viking) navy blue wool tunic, thick fur boots, brown leggings, and a brand new long sword at his waist. His short golden locks sported hairpins in the shape of a Norwegian cross. His eyes were a dull blue on his emotionless face.

"I'm well. But, when is the next sight of land gonna be?" Aaron sighed. "I'm not sure my son. But, hopefully soon."


Halldor looked over to the Danish ship. "It seems that we're getting close to the Danes."

"It would seem so. And someone seems to have gotten in trouble."

Halldor thought. He knew everyone on that ship. And he knew none of them were that stupid to anger the captain. "Hmm."


Aaron watched as the Danes started to move. He wanted to catch up, so he turned to his crew, and raised his right hand. "Switch! And go faster." He demanded smoothly, much unlike the Dane, Albin. Aaron sighed. "I really hope Albin will learn to control his temper."

"And his voice." Halldor added.

Danish Translations:

Holdeplats- Stop

Ja- Yes

Rykke- Move

Hav Oske- Sea Axe

(Sorry. I couldn't think of a better name. BTW: Adelis is a Norwegian girl's name.)