Light Amidst the Darkness

By: Angel of Mercy


Dedication: To Lady Kaikiyu, she came up with the title of this fic and gave me inspiration to write it. 

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or DBZ. 


A young girl tossed wildly in her bed, sweat running down her ivory skin as dreams plagued her mind.  Bloody battles and painful swearing made silent tears cascade down her flushed cheeks as she tried to stay silent in these painful visions.  Months had passed and the emotions from this mysterious figure within her dreams began to grow more painful.  Two figures with cold blue eyes, dead emotion showing nothing more than malice.  This man knew no mercy, only the suffering and pain of years of hiding away only to watch those close to you be killed.  She felt a heavy heart that had so much conflicting within it as a whole world was placed upon his shoulders to protect.  His mind tried to block her off as if he knew she were there, but somehow there was some sort of link holding her to him.

A harsh pounding against wood suddenly came to her thoughts as she groaned in irritation.  Those reoccurring dreams still haunted her mind and her sleep had been light throughout the night.  Darkness of the sky slowly taking up light as the sun slowly took over its power of the sky and pushing the moon back to the darkness.  She wished for the darkness to settle back into place, but soon knew it would never come true as the curtains to her room were drawn open.  The light stung her eyes acidly and she rolled onto her stomach to block out the petering sight.  Light padding feet made their way towards her and she was suddenly shoved out of her warm, maroon covers and onto the hard crystal floor. 

"Wakey wakey, sleepy head!" a bubbly voice called to her as she shivered at the cool surface touching her flesh.  She cursed at herself for only wearing shorts and a tank top, but suddenly scratched that thought as she remembered the heat of the night.  She cracked an eye open and turned her head slightly to see her close friend, Minako, standing over her.  Her golden hair gleamed brightly and her cornflower blue eyes sparkled with the hidden energy she had let to unleash.  Rei gritted her teeth at that thought and slowly crawled onto her hands and knees to face her friend more clearly.  She sat back on her legs and threw back her head to relieve the aching muscles she suddenly felt at the moment. 

"What do you want Mina?" she asked slightly annoyed as she glared at her friend through the corner of her eyes.  Minako fidgeted slightly and suddenly looked up at her with a weak smile.  She suddenly looked at Rei with a smile, but slight tears were forming in the corners of her eyes.  Rei pulled her form up straight as her brows furrowed with worry, but Minako wouldn't let her think twice as she pulled her to her feet.  Smooth material of Venus' hand rested upon Rei's wrist a little too tightly and she dragged her friend towards the bathroom. 

"Go get ready for duty today and I will meet you with the others in the throne room." Minako said simply as she quickly fled from the room.  Rei looked after her friend for a moment before she shook her head and walked into the dark tiled bathroom turning on the faucet to the shower to try and clear her thoughts. 

Rei walked down the oddly deserted halls as the crystal of the palace gleamed in the morning radiance of the sun.  She suddenly looked all around her and shook her head as she saw nothing but crystal like everything else in the palace.  'No wonder why this is called the crystal palace,' she thought as she chided herself for not noticing it before.  The palace had only been up for at least a year now and nothing seemed to be going right.  The light had finally consumed the evil, but the citizens of the city were mysteriously disappearing and carnage still ran through the streets.  Her best friend, Usagi, was now Neo Queen Serenity, ruler of Crystal Tokyo along with her king, Neo King Mamoru.  He had decided to keep his earth name in this time, but he never explained his reasoning to any of the Senshi or even his bride.  She suddenly came back to the real world as she suddenly stopped in front of large marble doors that had large moon shaped crystals turned upright.  She placed her hand upon one of the planetary symbols inscribed upon the door near the knob and it glowed red as it formed the symbol of Mars.  The doors swung open and all sound in the gigantic room ceased as if there had been no life in the beginning. 

"Mars, so nice of you to join us." A silvery voice said to her as she suddenly dropped to her knee.  Her head was bowed towards the red carpet she kneeled upon, but her eyes roamed the familiar faces of the citizens that lived within the palace walls.  Silence was the only thing to reach her ear and she shifted nervously as she wished to see the faces of her sisters. 

"Rise." Came a masculine voice and she rose to her feet as she looked directly upon her officials.  She walked closer to the royals, but the look in their eyes told her to stay as far away as if she were some filthy nothing.  She stopped as the smile that had adorned her lips faded and two royal imperial guards suddenly came to stand beside her.  She looked to the other Senshi and saw them with questioning eyes as well, but Minako was the one who had her head lowered.  Crystal was falling from her eyes and to the crystal floor below that looked too distant and glum now. 

"Venus has informed us of some visions you have told only her of!  This could be the very future of our city and you have pushed the very thought out of your head as to the destruction that the future might bring!  You have sworn over a thousand years ago to protect me and only just vowed to protect this city with your very life, but you hide this?!  You have the gift of the future and yet hide this from the court and worst of all, ME?!!" the silver haired woman upon the throne demanded as she suddenly stood to her feet.  Tears were leaking from her eyes and the betrayal written on her face only made Rei fell her insides twist. 

"I know of my treason Serenity…do as you will." She said as her eyes remained upon the ground.  A cry of protest came from onlookers and she saw a flash of orange run for her as she was suddenly enveloped in an embrace.  Tears were soaking her fuku and her heart beat heavily in her chest as she looked down to see Minako's head of gold.  The head Senshi was crying and hugging her close as Rei looked up to see Serenity eyeing the Love Senshi with disgust. 

"Rei-chan please forgive me…I thought I was doing the right thing.  I won't let them hurt you, but if they do I deserve to be punished along with you." She said as she looked into her eyes remorsefully.  Rei just smiled at her friend and hugged her friend back tightly as she shook her head.  Their eyes met in understanding and they released one another as tears began to dry themselves. 

"You know what this means Mina!  You will suffer the same fate as Mars if not worse!" Serenity said strongly, but her voice was betraying her, as the tears were evident in her voice.  She shook her head as Makoto and Ami suddenly walked towards Rei as they stood around her and Minako.  Serenity opened her mouth in disbelief, but soon took on a grim look as she looked at her four Inner Senshi. 

"Do it Serenity." Mamoru said as he hesitated for a moment.  He regretted doing this, but the rules from the old moon kingdom still reined in this city.  He closed his eyes for a moment before he lurched in pain as a golden light illuminated from his chest.  He opened his eyes slightly in pain and regretted doing what he had as he saw the hungry look in his beloved's eyes as she eyed the golden crystal floating in front of her. 

"At last it is in my grasp again." She said in a voice that was not quite her own.  She looked towards the Inner Senshi and soon began to feel a golden aura surrounding her.  The Inners lowered themselves on to their knees and lowered their heads as their fate soon began to come together.  Serenity shook her head, praying to them to get up and defend themselves from her.  The power surged through her body and tears leaked from her eyes as she began to lose control.  Her heart began to pound and her throat tried to produce a scream for them to run, but her anguish was to heavy within her.  A golden beam suddenly shot forth, illuminating the room like the power and radiance of a star. 

"Stop!" a sudden voice came and the room suddenly became still.  The room became a gray color and a lone figure slowly lowered her staff to the ground beside her.  Her garnet eyes focused on the Inner Senshi and sighed as she saw the gigantic beam several centimeters from Ami's head.  The girl was frozen in fear and her tears were still cascading down her cheeks slowly.  Pluto shook her head, but suddenly gasped as she saw the beam cracking, almost like glass as sudden beam from the very sun began to peak through.  She quickly rushed towards the Inners and placed her hands on Mercury's shoulders.  The girl suddenly disappeared and one by one the Senshi were all gone as if they were never there.  The time Senshi turned her gaze to Serenity and frowned as she walked towards the thrones.  She placed a gentle hand on the Queen's shoulder and the girl suddenly disappeared, her mouth open in silent plea to die along with her friends.  She turned her staff and tapped Mamoru upon the chest and he too disappeared from site as Pluto evaporated as time suddenly replenished itself.