Author's note:This is the end! Thanks to everyone for sticking by this story and being so patient. I really do appreciate it!
Nika didn't turn her back when she heard Agent 47 walk into the bedroom. A light gasp came from her once she felt an ice pack on her left hip. She turned to face him and grabbed the other pack out of his hand. His eyes were on the packs until she placed her hand on top of his. The guilt in his gaze caught her off guard.
"Do you have any idea how much I love you?"
"You were impulsive and reckless tonight …it was like the first time we met but worse. And-…"
"But Frank.."
"I wasn't finished."
She nodded.
His eyes briefly fell to his lap before returning to her, "It's not that I like or want to control you. I don't want to lose you. Do you ever consider what that would do to our children and me? Because what you did tonight makes me think that you don't!"
The brief quiver in his voice rendered her speechless.
"And it doesn't matter how much planning I do because that's the one thing I can't change and it kills me. When it comes down to it…I'm the expendable one Nika not you," he felt eyes get wet but tears did not fall from them.
He saw her lips open in quiet shock while he looked down until she lifted his chin with her fingertips. The genuine remorse in her eyes held his attention.
"I'm sorry..I-I wasn't thinking. I wanted Ari to pay right then and there."
"I kind of lied to you..I think about him."
His dark brows crinkled with curiosity.
"I was around Madison's age when he found me. Every time she does something a normal teenager does, going to sleepovers, dances, parties..everything that was taken for me. He comes to mind. It's not all the time but it's almost as if… as if he still has me in binds."
He cupped the side of her face and kissed her forehead. She leaned her forehead against his.
The next morning they packed their luggage as the news played on the flat screen television. Agent Whittier stood behind his superior as he read a prepared statement to a small group of journalist and reporters. Names, locations and other vital information about Ari's sex trafficking ring had been in the laptop. He and Jenkins were no longer on probation and both had been promoted. As he listened to his superior take questions, he only thought of one person who could have sent him the laptop.
A slight smirk came to Agent 47's lips when he saw Agent Whittier's face on the screen.
In less than an hour their plane would land in California and they would return to roles as mother and father. Nika knew that time alone together would be limited once they stepped onto their estate.
"That scar on Madison's shoulder, it was from her pimp."
He closed his book giving her his attention.
"He cut her..when she tried to escape. I asked her if she wanted to go to a plastic surgeon, to see if it can be removed. But she told me that it was pointless," she shook her head.
Her hand took his, "It can be erased but the memories of his cruelty wouldn't."
"…He's still alive."
She nodded, "Yes..but I wouldn't call being bedridden, silent and fed through a"
"Someone in his condition wouldn't survive for long." he tipped his head
"That's up to fate," she shrugged.
"I suppose it is," he kissed her mouth.
Mai was the first one to welcome Nika and Agent 47 once they came home. After hugging her mother she went into his arms.
"Did you guys have a nice time?" she asked.
Nika answered, "We definitely came back with memories."
He grinned down at her, "And souvenirs, they're in the biggest suitcase."
She kissed his cheek, "I'm on it!" and ran out the door.
Isabella, Miguel and Madison came downstairs to welcome the couple home. Agent 47 looked at a text message on his phone after Madison released him from her embrace.
Clarence eyes widen as he watched his sons being arrested on local afternoon news from the hospital bed. Young women and girls were being escorted by police and FBI agents out of his home. He didn't notice Agent 47 entering the room until he sat down next to him. His eyes went to the assassin.
He removed the surgical mask from his face, "I'm Madison's father."
The injuries caused by Nika's security team prevented him from speaking. He stared into Agent 47's deadly gaze.
"My wife made the mistake of letting you live. I won't," he removed a syringe from his white lab coat's pocket, "your sons will be joining you soon."
As badly as he wanted to make him suffer, time wouldn't permit him such an opportunity.
Madison put down her glass once she heard Clarence's name come from the television. Agent 47 turned up the television's volume as they watched footage of a reporter discussing the arrests of Clarence's sons and his death. Nika met his eyes with the question she dared not to ask. From under the table, he clasped her hand. In response, she gently squeezed his hand. It was then she decided that she reward him for severing their daughter's last tie to her troubled past.
Agent 47 checked on the sleeping twins then on Madison and Mai before heading to the bedroom. He lowered the volume on the television as he sat down on the bed.
"Hey you…" Nika said walking out of their bathroom.
His dark eyes briefly widen at the red lace corset and panties she wore. Whatever thought that was in his mind disappeared when she strolled over to the television and bent over to turn it off.
With confidence in her step she sauntered towards the bed, "Tonight, you do everything I say."
"If I don't?"
A wicked smile came to her lips, "You don't want to find out. Take your shirt off."
As he removed his shirt she crawled onto the bed and pulled off his pants but pushed him back when he tried to kiss her. She stood up and held her left leg in front of him.
"Take them off and put them on the bed."
His lips began kissing her thigh as he slipped off the stocking until she grabbed his chin.
"I didn't tell you to do that," she said then lightly slapped her fingertips against his cheek.
He nodded and removed the right stocking. In solemn curiosity he watched her use the stockings as binds tying his wrists to the bed posts. She opened the drawer and pulled out a blindfold.
"Whatever I put to your lips," she spoke as she covered his eyes, "you must kiss or lick. Understand?"
After brief moment of hesitation, he answered her, "I do."
"Good boy," she brought her first two right fingers to his mouth.
The last time he wore a blindfold he was eighteen. It was one of his final training exams before becoming an agent. Unlike that time, he didn't fear what would happen to him. This was a different and pleasurable exploration of his senses.
She removed her hand and chuckled when he grimaced at the feel of her elbow on his tongue. Her hands moved her dark tresses aside exposing her neck to him. A slow breathe came through her once she felt his lips plant a trail of kisses down her flesh. He stopped the moment she held his face and brought his mouth to hers. Their kisses grew in fervor until he pulled at her bottom lip with his teeth.
After releasing a sharp hiss she said to him, "Bad boy."
A small defiant grin came to his lips. He heard clothing being taken off then lifted his hips helping her take off his boxers.
Bringing her lips to his ears she whispered, "Even though you're tied up, I was going to make you come first."
"And now?"
She parted his legs and stood up, "If you fail to please me…then I'll leave you here and we both know that you won't call for help."
Before he could respond he felt her right leg on his back and her behind his head pulling him forward in between her legs. He hungrily licked and kissed her wet flesh eliciting moans from her pouty lips. Her fingernails dug in into the bed's headboard and into the back of his head until she completely unraveled. The sound of her screaming paired with the sensation of her climax on his mouth brought great pride to him.
Falling to her knees she started to catch her breath, "I lied."
"What?!" He asked not hiding the irritation and slight anger in his voice.
"I want to hear you beg." She straddled his right thigh.
She started grinding against him and watched as his body betrayed his words.
He swallowed hard trying not to lose control of himself as she teased him with the movements of her hips.
"Just say it," she poured heated oil in her hand.
The sudden feel of her warm wet grip on his length made him ache for even more.
"How about now?"
"Please.." he whispered.
"I didn't hear that, say it again?" she taunted him.
"Please Nika..I.."
"You what?"
The desperation in his voice might have turned off other women but not here. It brought smile to her face knowing how much he trusted and loved her.
"Goddamnit Nika.."
With a brief laugh, she lowered herself onto him melding their bodies together. In an instant she freed him from the binds and blindfold. They rolled onto the bed where she readily submitted to him. As he sent them into a blissful daze they locked eyes basking in their eternal bond.