Night had fallen quickly. That wasn't good. The Taken would be lurking, especially in the dark forestry. On a brighter note, it would be harder for the police to find him.

He had to meet the kidnapper tomorrow at noon, he couldn't afford to be arrested no matter how dangerous it was to travel in the shadows.

Alan Wake trudged through the bushes, his grip on his handgun tightening with each step. Using his other hand, he shone his flashlight into the trees ahead of him, every now and then doing a 360 check. He couldn't be too careful.

Suddenly another flashlight beam cut through the night. Wake quickly turned his off and crouched behind a boulder. A officer walked by, oblivious to Wake's presence. Slowly and carefully, Wake edged his way around the giant rock until he was facing the opposite direction of the officer.

Wake jogged a good distance away from him before slowing into a walk. He had to conserve his energy if he wanted to make it out of the woods alive.

A scream stopped him in his tracks. Wake spun around to the direction he came from and saw a beam of light erratically swaying between the trees. The screaming stopped and the woods were once again silent and dark. Wake hoped the officer had just stepped into a unattended bear trap, but he knew better. The Taken were awake.

He began walking faster, his gun and flashlight raised and ready. There was a ranger tower close by. He would go there. Wake began heading to higher ground towards the ranger tower. Looking below he saw several flashlight beams from officers searching for him. In the distance he noticed the red and blue lights of police car sirens.

The Dark Presence ripped through the forest, sending trees and boulders flying. There were a series of gunshots and swaying lights before all was quiet.

Wake ran. Bad idea.

Four Taken stalked out of the shadows of the trees, each equipped with some sort of tool in their dark hands. Wake swore under his breath before shining his flashlight at the one closest to him. It's face was covered by the black mist, but Wake could tell he was once a logger. It slithered back as if in pain before advancing again. Wake dodged the ax it used to attack him with and shot the dark man three times before it returned to the shadows, dead. He reloaded and spun around, just nearly receiving a full blow to the face from a sledgehammer. At the last second someone yanked him back by the hood of his black sweatshirt.

At that moment Wake thought he had been caught. The deputies had found him. They were all going to die.

Instead, when he whirled around he saw another man. He looked ordinary enough. Tall, short brown hair that stuck up in several directions, run down white converse, and wearing a brown pinstriped suit and trench coat. Well ordinary as in he wasn't surrounded by a dark shadow.

"Hm. An evolved species of the Vashta Nerada, maybe?" The man said to himself. Another Taken limped towards them, holding a sickle above it's head. The man's eyes widened, not in fear, but in a mix of curiosity and excitement.

"Run!" The man grabbed Wake's wrist and dragged him away from the overwhelming amount of Taken that had spawned from behind the trees. Without question, Wake let him.

They ran, the mysterious man being quite a good runner, until they made it to the base of the ranger station. The sun had started to rise as they reached the wooden steps.

Panting, Wake turned to the man who looked as if he could run another mile. The man just smiled.

"What- Who are you?" Wake asked, gasping for breath.

"I'm the Doctor."

I got bored and decided to write a cross over. Depending on the reviews (whether I get any) I may or may not continue. Thanks for reading anyway!