Chapter 9 the final chapter.

8 months had passed since the news of Tigress being pregnant and the 9th month was here. Tigress belly was huge and was taking it easy her friends and her husband wanted her to. To make sure she didn't push herself especially with a baby. Po and Tigress friends went out to get ingredients for dinner because Po was going to make a big dinner in celebration of him going to be a dad soon and Tigress being a mother. Po and Tigress were sitting in the kitchen talking.

"Po remember what you said to me in the valley of love" Tigress asked looking down at her big belly.

"Ummm" Po said trying to remember what he told her.

"That we should move out of the valley when raising a family" Tigress said completing his memory.

"Oh yeah Tigress we don't have too if you don't want too I'll understand" Po said grabbing her paw letting her know he would do anything too make her happy.

"It's ok Po I want too" Tigress said looking at Po with a smile.

"You do" Po said with a confused face.

"Yeah it's like you said the valley might not be the best place to raise our kid but the valley of love would" Tigress said in a soft tone.

"You think so" Po asked looking at Tigress.

"Yeah it's quite, peaceful, and best of all theirs no danger we can keep our baby from harm" Tigress said smiling and rubbing her belly.

"Your right Tigress it is the best place" Po said thinking about it.

"Oh" Tigress said clinching her stomach.

"You alright Tigress" Po asked with a worried look.

"Yeah it's just that the baby kicked you want to feel" Tigress said looking at Po smiling.

"Of course" Po said getting out his chair and walking to Tigress.

Po then put his head to his wife's stomach to feel the baby kick. Just as he did the five walked in with the ingredients.

"Is the baby kicking" Viper asked with an excited voice.

"Yep" Po said with his head still on Tigress belly.

The five then put the groceries down and rushed over to the two.

"Is it alright if I feel" Viper asked hopeing the answer was yes.

"Of course you can" Po said removing his head so the others could feel.

Viper then put her head on Tigress belly to listen.

"Whoa the kid sure is moving around in their" Viper said smiling at Tigress.

Everyone got a turn to hear the baby and agreed that the baby sure is moving around and kicking. Po then got started on dinner knowing that it would take a while to get done. While he was doing that all the others had questions for Tigress.

"So do you know what you're going to name it" Monkey asked.

"Umm I'm not sure what do you think Po" Tigress said with an unsure face.

"I don't know but once we see our little cub we will know" Po said with a smile looking at Tigress.

"So do you want it to be a girl or boy" Crane and Mantis asked in unison.

Before Tigress could answer Shifu intervened.

"Alright students I think that's enough questions we want it to be a surprise don't we" Shifu said looking at the four.

"I guess" the four said in a depressed voice.

A few hours since passed and dinner was already and everyone couldn't wait to see what Po had made.

"So what you'd make Po" Mantis said with excitement in his voice.

"You guys ready" Po said unveiling what he made.

"WHOA" everyone said with deepness in their voice.

Po had made his noodles, dumplings, cake, eggrolls and tea. Everyone couldn't wait to dig in it and taste it.

"Alright guys dig in" Po said looking at the others smiling.

Everyone rushed over to get the food except Tigress who was still trying to get up because of her belly. Po then walked over to her and put his paw on her shoulder.

"It's alright Tigress I'll get you plate" Po said smiling at Tigress.

"Thanks Po" Tigress said with softness in her voice.

Everyone had gotten their plates and began eating. Po with two plates was the last to come to the table and put on of the plates in front of Tigress. Tigress looked up at Po with happiness and Po returned the look. Then everyone started to eat the meal.

"Man Po this is really good" Mantis said stuffing his voice.

"Yeah it is" Monkey said he too stuffing his voice.

"Come on guys eat like gentlemen" Viper said to the two but couldn't help but giggle.

"It's really good Po and I think the baby likes it to" Tigress said smiling and grapping her stomach.

"Thanks" Po said blushing.

Once everyone was done eating the four went off to bed and Shifu had gone to meditate leaving Po and Tigress in the kitchen.

"I'll do the dishes Tigress you should go and get some rest" Po said giving Tigress a kiss on the cheek and walked toward the sink. As Po began to wash the dishes he heard someone walking up behind him. He then turned around to see Tigress.

"Tigress you should get some rest" Po said with concern in his voice.

"Don't worry Po I may be pregnant but I can still help out" Tigress said as she began to help with the dishes.

"But" Po said.

"Do you want me to kick your but" Tigress said as she turned to Po with serious in her eyes.

"No" Po said knowing that he shouldn't say another word about it.

The two began to wash the dishes and were happy to be together and once they were done they began to leave the kitchen until Tigress felt something wet on her legs.

"Po did you spill water on me" Tigress asked wondering.

"No why" Po said wondering why she asked him that.

Tigress then knew that her water broke and that the baby was coming.

"Po my water broke" Tigress said with worry.

"What" Po said with a worried look too?

Tigress then dropped to her knees from the pain from the baby coming. Po then rushed over to Tigress.

"GUYS" Po shouted hopeing the others would come.

The four had faintly heard Po and knew that something was wrong so they all raced toward the kitchen to see Tigress in pain and Po worried.

"GO GET SHIFU" Po said with tears coming down.

Viper was the first one to act and ran to get Shifu.

"Guys help me get Tigress to the hospital" Po said as he began to list Tigress.

"No theirs no time for that just get me to my room please Po" Tigress said clinching her stomach.

Po then got Tigress in her arms and began to run to her room with the three close behind him. Once they got their they sat Tigress on the bed and was wondering where Viper and Shifu was they need them now. Viper had found Shifu meditating in the hall of heroes.

"Master" Viper said with fastness in her voice.

"What is it Viper" Shifu said trying to meditate.

"It's Tigress she's having her baby" Viper said with worry in her voice.

Hearing this Shifu snapped out of his meditation and rushed to Viper.

"Where are they" Shifu asked with a serious face.

Before Viper could answer they could hear Tigress yelling and that it was coming from here room. The two then rushed to her room and once they got their they got right to work.

"Po go get a blanket and a bowl of water" Shifu said to Po with fastness in his voice as he was getting Tigress ready to have the baby.

In no time Po got the water and towel and handed it over to Shifu.

"Alright everyone except Viper please stay outside" Shifu said looking at the others.

As the others left the room and closed the door Tigress began to have the baby.

"Alright Tigress breath and push" Shifu said holding his hands out to catch the baby.

"Hu huh u AHHHHHHHH" Tigress yelled pushing with all her might.

"Again Tigress" Shifu said with fastness in his voice.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Tigress yelled again trying to push the baby out.

"I can see the head one more like that Tigress you can do it" Viper said looking at Tigress.

"Hu huh u AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Tigress yelled pushing with all her might.

With that last push the baby had landed in to Shifus hands and was crying. Viper had looked at the baby and began to smile she looked over at Tigress.

"You did it Tigress" Viper said smiling and with a tear coming down.

Tigress smiled and trying to catch her breath. Shifu had put the baby in the bowl of water holding it keeping its head out of the water and washed the blood of the baby and put it in the blanket handing it over to Tigress.

"It's a girl" Shifu said with a smile on his face.

Tigress held her baby in her arms and the baby had stopped crying and began to sleep. Tigress smiled and began to cry tears of joy.

"You guys can come in now" Shifu said opening the door.

Po was the first to enter and looked over at Tigress too see her holding the baby and smiling. Po walked over to his cub and Tigress.

"It's a girl Po" Tigress said looking up at Po smiling.

The baby had the black spots over her eyes like Pos. She had a tail like Tigress a white belly, blue eyes, and the figure of her mother, she also had markings on her head like stripes and in the middle was a heart.

"What do you think we should name her Po" Tigress asked.

"How about Lilly" Po suggested with a smile.

"Sounds like a perfect name little Lilly" Tigress said smiling at her baby.

Lilly began to open her eyes and for the first time she seen her mother and father. She smiled and began to giggle.

"SHES SO CUTE" Viper said excitedly.

"Can I hold her" Viper asked hopeing the answer was yes.

"Yeah" Tigress said with softness in her voice handing Lilly over to Viper.

While Viper held Lilly the others joined her and smiled at little Lilly and how cute she was. Po then sat next to Tigress.

"You did it Tigress" Po said with a smile on his face.

"We did it Po" Tigress said placing her head on his shoulder and began to purr.

A few months had since passed in which Po and Tigress had told the others about moving. The others were saddened that they were leaving but they knew they would see them again. The day had come for Po, Tigress, and Lilly to leave the valley of peace.

"I hope you guys have a safe journey" Monkey said with a smile.

"Yeah oh and Tigress if Po gets out of line give him a little punch for me" Mantis said with a grin.

"Oh don't worry I will" Tigress said looking at Po with a smile.

"You guys better visit" Viper said with a smile.

"Oh we will isn't that right Lilly" Po said looking at Lilly who was in his arms.

"Yip" Lilly said making a little noise.

"Po I hope you and Tigress have a safe journey and always remember if you need us well be here" Shifu said with a smile giving Po a little punch.

Po then handed Lilly over to Tigress and kneeled down to give Shifu a hug and Shifu accepted it.

"Thank you Shifu" Po said talking in to Shifus ear.

Shifu didn't say anything but returned the hug. Po then stood up and held Tigress paw.

"You ready" Po said smiling.

"Yep how about you Lilly" Tigress said smiling at Lilly.

"Yip" Lilly said making another little noise.

With that the three were off to the valley of love. To raise the family they always dreamed of and to raise their daughter Lilly and love her always.

Thanks for reading my love story guys and thanks for all the support I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any ideas that you might want me to write about let me know until then see ya.