A/N: Hi guys, this is my first fanfic so please be kind. This story is inspired by some of the new Sookie and Eric clips that are coming up for the 3rd episode, If you love me, why am I dying. This scene will take place in the possible middle of the episode, towards the end. Hope you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story; they all belong to Charlaine Harris, Alan Ball, and HBO.

Well today has just been fucking fantastic. First, I find out that Eric, Mr. High-handed himself, has just had a bad run in with some witches, and now doesn't have a clue who he is. I mean first vampires, then shifters and weres, fairies, and now witches, this town is just turning into a really bad made for TV movie on a supernatural network. Then Pam comes in here and tells me that I have to watch over Eric, who could overpower me at any moment. I know that I am part fae, but I'm still part human too. During the day, I tried to do some research on witches, while Eric slept, but it didn't help. I finally called Alcide too, but that was a very strange moment, especially since Debbie Pelt was the one who answered the phone when I called. Alcide came over, and he filled me in on some of the stuff that has happened to him. Apparently when I went missing, he had helped Eric try to search for me, but gave up after a couple of months, believing that I was dead, just like everyone else. He said Debbie, who was much calmer now, felt really bad for causing so much trouble, and now they were back together. If my bullshit meter wasn't already going off on high alert, it would be doing so now. He left before sunset, leaving me alone, in a house with a very forgetful Eric.

"Sookie", I heard someone call my name as the sun began to dim from my view.

"Hello", I slowly walked outside, and I saw Claudine standing there, "You, what are you doing here", she winced at my tone of voice.

"Sookie, I am so sorry for what happened, but you must know we are all not like that, there is a bigger picture going on and you are part of it", she stepped closer to me, but I took a step back.

"I can't trust you, not after that, you are harvesting humans, pretending to be a fairytale, when in reality you're, you're, a monster", I stuttered a little bit, as I edged closer to the house.

"No, what you saw was our true form, yes, but we are not all monsters, not like her. Something is happening, something bad, and if you are not protected, they will find you, just like they did with Niall", who the hell was Niall.

"Who", I asked.

"It is not important", she stepped closer to me, "we are your true family, come with me while you still can, we can protect you", I shook my head.

"No, I will not go anywhere with you, not again", her face was full of worry, and fear.

"Please, just be safe, I am so sorry", she whispered.

"Sookie", I heard Eric's voice call my name, and I glanced at Claudine.

"Run", I yelled at her as Eric came up behind me and stared at the Fairy.

Before I could stop anything, Eric ran after Claudine, and I heard her scream. I ran after them, but when I got there, I saw Eric draining her, and then she disappeared, just like Granddaddy. Eric was sitting there, with his face covered in blood, slightly looking up at me.

"You just killed my fairy godmother", I yelled at him.

"Sorry", he started to stand up, but he wobbled a little bit.

"Eric, are you okay", he looked up at me and smiled. Oh boy, this was not good.

"Never better", he started to laugh a little, and he kinda reminded me of the way some of the bar patrons act after happy hour. Oh, shit.

"Your drunk", he giggled a little more. He got close to my face and smiled.

"Catch me", and then he ran off.

"Eric, come back ", I screamed, but to no avail. He was gone, and my ass was grass. Shit, what if he hurts someone, or what if he hurts himself. This was not good and I needed help. I started to run in the direction he ran and took out my cell phone. Calling Bill was not an option, and everyone else may not understand. Alcide, I could call him, maybe he wasn't too far away yet.

"Hello", he answered on the first ring, thank God.

"Alcide, it's Sookie, I need help, like now-ish", he groaned.

"What happened now", I sighed.

"Just come here now and I'll fill you in, hurry", I hung up on him, and continued to run in the direction Eric did. How did all of this happen, I thought I was gunna stay away from all this shit, and now here I was, most certainly back in this shit. Running after an amnesic vampire could count as my work out of the day right? I just hope that I can get to him in time before sunrise, crap, sunrise, I forgot about that. I looked down at my cell phone, and saw that it was already 1 am, and we only had a couple of hours until sunrise to find Eric, where the hell was Alcide?

"Sookie", I saw a van pull up behind me, and Alcide came out.

"No, get back into the van, we have a vampire to find", I jumped into the van and he followed me.

"What the hell is going on, your back for like what, three days, and now you have more trouble following you", I glared at him.

"Can I trust you", he sighed.

"Sook", I cut him off.

"Can I trust you", he nodded and I relaxed a bit. I filled him in on the story, and he went wide eyed.

"They brought Eric down, I don't see a problem there, in fact I might go throw a damn party for those witches", I slapped him on the arm.

"Stop that, I know Eric can be a bastard, but he doesn't deserve what the witches did. How would you feel if everything you ever knew was just gone like that. He doesn't even act like the same person really, and I owe him, so please, just put your petty drama behind you and help me", he sighed, and accelerated the car.

"If we are gunna do this, we need to find him fast", I smiled.

"Thanks", we search in silence for a few hours, until the sun started to show. No, this can't be happening.

"Sookie, we may be too late", I shook my head.

"No, we are gunna find him", and in that moment something caught my eye. It was Eric, and he wasn't burning, "stop the car", I yelled as I got out and ran to Eric.

"You caught me", he laughed and I slapped him.

"Don't ever do that again, you hear", he frowned and nodded, it was like scolding a big kid for goodness sake.

"How the fuck is he not burning", I sighed.

"He had fairy blood, but it won't last long we need to get him into the van, now", I said as I grabbed Eric's hand and led him into the van.

"Will you stay in the back with me", he asked softly.

I looked into his wide blue eyes and sighed, "Sure", I was about to get into the van until Alcide caught my hand.

"You sure that's a good idea. Remember what happened last time", I held up my hand.

"Eric's not Bill", I turned to Eric, "promise me you won't hurt me", he nodded

"I promise", I got into the van and closed the doors, "are you angry with me", Eric asked and I sighed.

"No, I was just scared, that was very dangerous, you could've gotten killed", he sighed.

"It was that blood, I think it's wearing off now, I feel a bit, calmer", I remembered Claudine, and I couldn't help but feel a bit sad that she was gone, "you are sad now", Eric commented, as he scooted over to where I was and sat next to me.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it", he grabbed my hand and put his head on my shoulder.

"You make me feel, happy, and relaxed, why is that", he asked and I honestly didn't know.

"I don't know", we sat in silence as we came up to my house. This Eric was so different; he wasn't cold, cruel, or even sarcastic. He was sweet and caring, and I think I was starting to feel something for him. I'm not sure what it is, but I am feeling something. I wasn't sure what to believe anymore, was the real Eric the cold man I knew, or was it this sweet man I just met? What in the world am I going to do?