Before you read the story: the personages are a bit older then in the real anime (like 12, 13 years old) and there are pokémons in this story, but the they are left out, so I won't write much about them. The same about the Wallace Cup itself, etc.

There doesn't happen much in this chapter, it's a sorta introduction =] Enjoy!

Naughty Love - Chapter One

It was finally there. The day where May waited so long on. The Wallace Cup was still far away, but for our friends it wasn't a bad idea to come earlier and take a break.

Dawn really had to relax after her recent losing streak. She, her little blue buddy Piplup and all her other Pokémon trained so hard, but they kept losing. She was happy they took a break, so she could clear her mind and try again at the Wallace Cup.

Dawn's traveling companion, Ash, was a powerful trainer and he would never leave without his best friend Pikachu. Ash decided to enter the Wallace Cup too, though he's not a coordinator. It could be a great experience anyways.

Their last travelling companion was Brock, he was the gym leader of Pewter City. He was a little bit older than the first two and was excellent in giving advice. He didn't enter the Wallace Cup, so he was their greatest supporter. He also was an awesome cook.

Ash, Dawn and Brock heard that May and Drew had also entered the Wallace Cup and contacted them to join their break. May came happily, while Drew was hesitating. Drew wasn't really best friends with the group. But, he could check May's Pokémon and her new combinations, in the case he has to fight against her. He didn't encounter her since Hoenn and May was a powerful trainer, so it would be safe to know how she was doing.

May herself arrived already some days ago and she had a really great time to see Ash and Brock again. May didn't know Dawn before, but after the first day they were best friends already. The two coordinators sure had a lot to tell and secrets to share, especially because they had a female companion and friend for once.

Now, they were all waiting for the ship arriving from Johto. Dawn looked around silently. She didn't saw the ship yet, but couldn't wait to see Drew. The green haired boy were May talked about so much. According to May, he was handsome, cool, romantic, teasing and so much more. Though she warned her he could be very annoying sometimes. Yeah… May had feeling for this green haired boy. Dawn thought it was very cute and hoped Drew had the same feelings for May.

The other two guys were also excited to see Drew and his Pokémon again, but surely not as excited as the two girls next to them. Ash and Brock really had no idea what was going through the girl's minds.

"There it is!" Ash suddenly yelled.

A big ship arrived. The gang walked towards it and waited for Drew. In the meantime Brock was searching for a restaurant in his guidebook, because it was time for diner. Ash's tummy was already making some serious noises.

After a while, Drew showed up. Ash, May and Brock started to wave and jump like idiots and Drew sighed. He already regretted the fact he accepted their invitation.

Dawn's breath stocked for a sec. There was something special about him. Sure, he was like what she expected, but still… Oh well... She tried to just not care about it.

"Hey Drew! How are you doing?" May asked when Drew was closer.

"Fine." He said shortly, softly smiling.

"And your Pokémon?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, we can talk later, we better first go eat something before it gets too late", Brock interrupted.

He was right, the blue sky slowly transformed into a black one and all the people went home. Brock ordered at the Pokémon Center Resort. A special Pokémon Center only for trainers and coordinators who wanted to take a break. Before, Dawn, May, Ash and Brock stayed in a normal Pokémon Center so they could still train their Pokémon a little bit to prepare for the Wallace Cup. Now they were totally ready for the Wallace Cup and had lots of free time to rest.

The group started to talk while going to the Pokémon Center Resort, only Dawn wasn't. She felt a bit awkward. She couldn't help it to stare at Drew all the time. He turned around from time to time, causing their eyes to meet. The pair of blue and green ones melted, and a grin appeared on both faces. Dawn knew this wasn't good at all, but it felt so right...

When the gang arrived at the Pokémon Center Resort, May realized she didn't introduce Dawn to Drew yet, but the blue-haired and green-haired coordinators both knew each other enough already. Sometimes one glance can say so much more than thousand words...

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