"Hey Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid! It's time for school!" Patty called out as she kicked the door of her meisters open.


Patty blinked in confusion, spotting the large lump under the blankets move slightly and groan in pain.

"Eh?" the young blonde quickly bounded over and gently poked the blob only to have it whimper pathetically.

Under normal circumstances in the Gallows mansion, Patty would walk back to the door, only to give herself a running start to launch herself on top of Kid, hoping the impact would be enough to wake her sleepy meister who felt the need to stay up too late to reorganize the kitchen…again.

But not today. There was something in the air that told even the hyper active Patty that something was wrong with Kid.

"…Um…Kid?" she called out gently.

It took a few moments before she was given a response, which was small movement of his blankets just enough to reveal a single golden eye peaking out to her.

Patty squatted to be eye level with him; his eyes were lifeless and dulled, not like the usual sharp golden hues.

"Hey Patty what's taking so long?" Liz called out, sticking her head inside the bedroom to find her sister squatting and Kid still in bed.

Patty turned and pointed at the reason for them being late to school. ..again.

"H-hey Liz look…Kiddo doesn't look so great"

Liz raised her eyebrow at this, "What the-"

"Hey Kid are you ok?" she asked, kneeling next to Patty

"I dun feel so hot…"

The two sisters stared at him for a moment.

'Obviously I am not 'ok' if I feel the need to expel last night's mealElizabeth' would be the more proper and Kid like response they would be expecting. But instead his words slurred and stumbled out of his mouth with little to no thought put into them.

Patty slowly turned to her sister with surprise and worry in her eyes, "…Kid is talking funny"

Liz, bit her lip gently, holding in her urge to jump to conclusions. It had been nearly a full year since the trio was formed and began living together. Yet this was the first time the two sisters had ever experienced an ill Death the Kid. Thus it was no surprise that they concluded that Death gods don't get sick.

Liz finally reached up and gently pulled down the blankets that covered his head, he whined slightly in displeasure but found no strength to pull back or stop her.

He was paler than usual and his hair was in complete disarray, Liz made a mental note to not let Kid see himself or he truly would vomit in horror. She gently placed the back of her hand against his sweaty forehead only to shrink back in surprise at his skin that was scorching hot.

"Whoa jeez Kid you're burning hot" she gasped.

He whined at the diagnosis and rolled over on his back, staring at the ceiling secretly wishing for death than the torture he was going through, "I…feel….like crap"

"Patty call Lord Death please" Liz commanded quickly. Patty stood up and saluted.

"Right-O!" and with that she ran to the closest mirror in his bedroom and did her magic while Liz stood up and pulled the blankets off of his upper body.

"Ok Kid, off with the shirt" Liz stated calmly, already gripping at the hem of his night shirt, drenched in his own sweat.

He whimpered something incoherent but Liz would have none of it anyway. Despite the embarrassment he would feel later, he decided against fighting and lifted himself just enough to help her lift it off of him.

Liz wrinkled her nose at the wet shirt in her grasp, "Ew…seriously…something is wrong with you"

Kid only mumbled and sighed in relief, feeling the cold air against his skin felt amazing.

"Hi hiya! How are you doing this fine morning?" a very happy and familiar voice called out as an image of Lord Death himself appeared before the group in the full length mirror in Kid's room.

"Lord Death I think Kid is sick…or at least I think so" Patty scratched her head in thought," Can Death gods get sick?"

"Well yes and no, we get something called the Death Flu!"

"…Ok now kindly explain if the Death part is just part of the Death god thing or fatal…" Liz called out, considering they lived in a place called Death city, go to a school called Death Meister academy, and there is a Deathbucks around the corner, it was easy to be desensitized by the word Death and what it meant.

But the black cloaked figure waved his finger, "It's just apart of the name, and it's nothing to panic about. Kiddo is experiencing something similar to a human flu…just twice as bad"

Liz slapped her forehead, "Oh joy…"

Patty was still scratching her head, still confused, "He was fine yesterday"

"The Death flu isn't like a human sickness, caused by a virus or bacteria. It's more or less a mental thing. I'm actually surprised he hasn't had the flu more than a few times in his life considering his obsession"

"It's not an obsession Dad!" Kid called out, feeling the need to defend himself in some form and be apart of the conversation about his health.

"Uh huh" although he was wearing a mask, even the girls could see him rolling his eyes at his son, "In any case! Here is how you cure the Death Flu! Get a pen and paper ladies, this is going to be a doozy"

Kid sat up, watching his weapons scramble about the bedroom making it into a make shift recovery hospital room, complete with empty buckets at the ready for spontaneous expulsion of the stomach, several pitchers of ice water surrounded by random assortments of dried crackers and various Death god like pills.

He was feeling better already.

Although there was one thing that was bothering him.

"I feel kind of exposed" he stated calmly.

Liz felt her eye twitch, she slowly closed the blinds shut to darken the room in preparation for a long nap on Kid's part but found it difficult to let go of the thick sheets.

Her annoyance level finally rose beyond the ability to hold it in.

She released her iron tight grip on the curtains, ignoring the small tears in them, stomped over and towered over Kid, who stared back like a deer in the headlights of a two ton truck and no where to run.

"That's because you're not wearing a shirt! Because you're running a fever of 118 Fahrenheit! Because you caught the Death Flu! Cuz you're an idiot!" she screamed, moving closer as she screamed each point, in which the young meister slowly sunk lower and lower into his blankets, suddenly feeling small.

Kid gulped," R-right…um…s-sorry?"

"Damn right you're sorry" she grumbled under her breathe as she walked off to continue her work while Kid was busy fighting off nausea as he began to think of every possible way to avoid the Death god flu for the remainder of his life.

Patty just laughed as usual, bringing a bowl of water with a rag, "But don't worry Kid! Big Daddy Death told us everything we needed to know about taking care of you"

"So just lie down and let sis play doctor!" she grinned.

Liz's jaw dropped, "Wh-what! No!" she blushed furiously.

Luckily for her Kid wasn't paying attention, he was busy lying on his side clutching his pillow silently thanking the pillow for its comforting fluffyness.

"You shouldn't get so stressed out, Sis" Patty smiled big," He'll be fine"

Liz sighed, grabbing a dry rag and dipping it in the water bowl Patty was holding, "I know I know"

"I kinda hope he doesn't remember any of this though" she huffed, looking back at their meister who remained unmoving.

Patty giggled and continued her work in holding the bowl, "You must really care of Kiddo"

Liz froze for a second but quickly recomposed herself to not give anything away, "I don't know what you're talking about…"

"You always get angry when I get hurt, and you sure are upset now"

"Hmph. If this doesn't go away soon he will face the wrath of Angry Liz again" she grumbled, glaring at the young teen in his bed who seemed to shiver, feeling her glare against his back.

Patty gulped," Scary…"

Suddenly Kid's eyes snapped open, the two girls looked back and watched as he desperately reached for a bucket and proceeded to throw up his latest meal or whatever was left in his stomach.

"uuughhhh…." Kid gently put the bucket down and dropped his head onto his mattress, rather disgusted with himself as the nausea washed over his insides as his body shook lightly.

Under completely normal circumstances, Liz and Patty both being girls, would shrink back and away from something so gross as vomit.

"I got this one" the young one called out, quickly putting the water bowl in her sister's grasp to grab the soiled bucket and empty it somewhere in the bathroom.

There was something in the girl's brain, like a light switch, that turned on. Instant motherly like instinct kicked into full gear.

Unlike most weapons, who swear onto their very life to protect their meister, the girls were not allowed to put their own life on the line for Kid.

He was a Death God, he could take more damage than a normal human, and there would be no point in taking hits for him where he can heal within an instant where as the girls could not.

But this was their chance.

The only time where they could truly take care of him in the only way they could.

"….Kid" Liz called out gently, sitting on he knees next to him, gently wiping his mouth and face with a rag.

"…Hurt….hurting…everywhere…" he mumbled pathetically, if she didn't know any better there were tears in his eyes threatening to spill over.

The flu was bad enough, but twice as bad? Liz had felt the need to crawl in a corner and cry in pain from a normal cold. She could only imagine what kind of madness was going on through him.

Liz placed a clean and wet rag on his neck, he let out a soft groan of happiness; his body soon ceased shaking.

"We're going to help you feel better. Ok? Just relax and sleep it off" she smiled softly, gently moving his bangs from his eyes.

Kid looked up at his weapon and smiled for the first time that day, "…Thank you Liz"

She placed a small kiss on his forehead and wished him good night before placing a new bucket within his reach and running off to aid her sister who felt that disposing of vomit via the sink was a good idea.

Another one inspired by Gin-Kyo from Deviant Art.

Now if you all excuse me, I'm going to sleep in a corner and die. DX i hate being sick...