A/N: I don't know, okay?

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. (If I did, Chord would be a regular next season.)


Will Schuester removed his sunglasses as he sauntered into Sheets 'n' Things. He scanned the room quickly, and his eyes landed on the person he needed to talk to.

"Teri!" he called out cheerily, clearly oblivious to the face that his ex-wife hated him.

"Oh," Teri said, "Hi, Will."

"Have you seen Howard?" Will inquired.

Teri was shocked. Why would Will need to see Howard Bamboo? The two had no mutual friends or activities. She came to the conclusion that they were plotting against her.

"Actually, Will, he's not in today. He's got a nasty case of the flu, he probably won't be in for-"

Teri was suddenly cut off by a small voice. "Hi, Will," Howard Bamboo said weakly.

"Hey, Howard," Will said. He had a light blush high in his cheeks. "I've missed you." Will then took a step towards Howard and took Howard's face in his hands. He lightly brushed his lips against the other man's.

As Howard deepened the kiss and threaded his hands into Will's hair, he had only one thought: 'Eat your heart out, Teri Ex-Schuester.'


Don't forget to go to blueberrysmoosh . tumblr . com / ask and leave me Glee prompts!