Disclaimer- I don't own anything. Ryan Murphy owns my life, lol pretty much. So Glee and it's characters are not mine, they belong to Ryan Murphy and the other writers as well as Fox. Oh and the title is lyrics from Blackbird by The Beatles.

Author Notes- I'm starting to hate this story, or maybe it's just because I'm so busy and have no idea where this is going anymore.

On a happier note you should all check out "Blackbird Singing In The Dead Of Night" if you haven't already. I'm having a real fun time writing it and I hope my readers enjoy as much as I do.

Sorry for the wait on this chapter.


Blaine walked into school alone, Kurt was running late this Monday morning an insisted that Blaine went on with out him. He walked to his locker as the memory of the previous night replayed itself in his mind. He smiled to himself, Kurt practically jumped him last night in the car. He honestly had no problem with that, but it was surprising. So much passion and emotion was cursing through his veins, he didn't even know what to feel. His heart throbbed with love and his body told him he wanted more.

Suddenly he was being pushed against his locker. A chorus of angry laughter filled the air around him. He tried not to focus on how much his nose and chest hurts as he turned around. He came face to face with no other than Dave Karofsky.

"What do you want?" Blaine sneered. Karofsky has been leaving them alone for the last week and a half. Blaine was feeling optimistic about the break from the beatings. Karofsky was probably freaking out about kissing Kurt. Kurt. He fucking kissed Kurt. How could he do that? He made Kurt cry, hard. He violated Kurt and stole a memory that should have been good.

Although the encounter did drive Kurt and Blaine even closer together, it has caused Kurt so much pain. Also it was the start of his nightmares.

"Where's your little fuck buddy?" Dave sneered.

"Why do you care?"

"Because he's spreading his unicorn, faggy, fairy dust everywhere." Karofsky yelled through gritted teeth after some consideration.

"You do realize I'm gay too right?" Blaine asked shocked. "You know if your confused you can always talk to us about whatever."

"I don't know what your talking about." Karofsky said pushing his back against the lockers.

"You kissed me! Don't pretend it never happened Karofsky, now let go of Blaine!" Kurt said suddenly appearing next to Karofsky.

"Shut up shut up!" Karofsky yelled a scared whimper escaping his lips. "You can't tell anyone!"

"We are not going to tell anyone Dave. I believe in being out and proud but I do not believe in outing people." Kurt said calmly. "Now let go of Blaine."

Karofsky lifted Blaine a few inches off of the ground and then dropped him. Blaine stumbled grabbing onto Kurt's outstretched hand for support.

"You okay?" Kurt whispered into his ear.

"I'm fine, thanks." Blaine said adjusting his hand so that their hands where fitted better.

Karofsky started to walk away but the he turned back around and slammed his fist into the locker by Kurt's head.

"Do. Not. Tell. Anyone. This. Do you hear me? If you tell anyone I will kill you." Karofsky sneered in Kurt's face, his tone was edged with anger and seriousness. He turned around and angrily stormed off causing a maelstrom of fleeing students.

"Kurt." Blaine said hesitation in his voice. Kurt let out a tiny sob and threw his arms around Blaine's neck. Blaine's arms instinctively reached out and wrapped around Kurt's waist pulling him in closer.

"B-Blaine I need to cry but I don't want to cr-cry." Kurt said into Blaine's neck.

"Okay Kurt come on, we'll skip first period." Blain said. Kurt nodded into his neck and unwrapped his arms. Blaine left an arm protectively wrapped around Kurt's waist and led them to the glee room.

He sighed in relief when he found the room empty but unlocked. He led Kurt over to the chairs and sat him down. He walked back over and shut the door. He made his way to Kurt who was curled up against the wall on the floor. He wrapped his arms around Kurt and pulled him against his body.

"Blaine," a choked sob escaped his lips.

"It's ok, Kurt its ok." Blaine soothed rubbing his back.

Kurt broke down, clutching Blaine's shirt, wet tears streaming down his face. Blaine found himself muttering incoherent words, anything he could do to stop Kurt's crying. Listen to Kurt cry was horribly agonizing. He feel hurt, fear, agony everything all radiating off of Kurt.

Kurt sniffed and straightened himself out, still leaning his head on Blaine's shoulder.

"You okay?" Blaine whispered turning his head and placing a light kiss to Kurt's head. Kurt nodded his head.

"I just hate being so helpless! I thought I could handle it. I- actually I don't know what I was thinking. When I saw him with you pinned against the lockers all I thought about was you. I needed to help you. I didn't care what happened as long as you were ok." Kurt said his voice weak and wavering from the crying. He wrapped his hand in Blaine's and sighed. "He threatened to kill me."

Blaine's breath hitched, although he was there when it happened it was still painful for him to hear it.

"You should tell your dad." Blaine said quietly. He didn't know what else to do. He was just as scared as Kurt was. There wasn't even a hint of sarcasm in Karofsky's voice when he said those words.

"Blaine I can't tell my dad. The reason he's going to kill me is if I tell someone. And besides I cannot do that to my dad, after my mom died I was the only thing left in his life. If he knew I was getting bullied it will break his heart. I can't do that to him."

"Kurt he will hurt more when your dead. He will be grateful that you would tell him. You don't have to tell him why he threatened to kill you all you have to say is that you've been threatened. I'll be there with you. I promise. " Blaine sighed he was nervous about Kurt. He knew Kurt could take care of himself but it still worried him.

Kurt moaned burying his head into Blaine's chest "I'm not sure if I can Blaine. At least not yet."

"It's okay Kurt. I wont force you to do anything." Blaine said, desperately hoping that Kurt would have the courage to talk about it to someone older and with more experience than himself.

"I hate how scared Karofsky is." Kurt stated.

"Not everyone is as brave as us, Kurt." Blaine smiled nudging him with his shoulder. "You know what was really weird?"


"When Karofsky had me shoved up against the locker, it was like he was ignoring the fact that I'm gay. He kept just asking where you were because you were spreading your gayness."

Blaine held up his fingers to make air quotes at the end of the sentence. The whole scene was quite absurd.

"That is weird."

"So what happened last night?" Blaine asked happy to change the subject.

"Oh you mean after our impromptu make out session?" Kurt laughed raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, after your dad caught us."

"Oh he was definitely not happy that I completely ignored his 'until 30 sex speech'." Kurt paused to do his cute little laugh that he always did when he was embarrassed. "But at the same time, I can tell that he's happy if I'm happy."

"And are you happy?" Blaine smiled leaning him forehead on Kurt's.

"I am soooo happy." Kurt smiled pressing their lips together.

Blaine was happy too. So happy. None of his old schools could compare to McKinley. Sure he got bullied at his old schools and he missed being popular at Dalton, but none of those things could compare to Kurt. Kurt was the center of his life, the love of his life. When he is with Kurt he forgets his dad, his old schools, the nightmares, his old panic attacks, Karofsky, everything.

Kurt pressed deeper into the simple kiss making Blaine forget that he was sitting on the ground in the choir room. Kurt's hand's threaded into his hair pulling his face even closer, if that was possible. Blaine can feel the cold hard tile press into his back as Kurt gently pushes him back against the wall.

Blaine pulls away and Kurt attacks his neck, placing small kissed to any exposed skin.

"Jeez Kurt what has gotten into you lately?" Blaine whispered.

"I just need you." Kurt sighed.

Those simple four words sent Blaine over the edge. Blaine grabbed onto the back of Kurt's head and pulled him back onto his lips. Blaine parted his lips effortlessly allowing Kurt to slip his tongue into his mouth. Their tongues fought for dominance as hands pulled hair.

"Kurt? Blaine?" A voice called out from behind Kurt who was now perched in between Blaine's legs.

Their lips froze. Kurt pulled away a muttered something that resembled "Again? Really?" he leaned his head on Blaine's chest signaling for Blaine to take care of it.

It took a few seconds for Blaine to actually figure out what was going on. Kurt was hiding his face, but not attempting to make any moves to get off of Blaine. Blaine realizes how horrible this situation must look like right now, with his legs wrapped around Kurt's hips and his face all flustered as he tries desperately to catch his breath. His realizes now who is standing in front of them too, it's none other than Mr. Shuester.

"Mr. Shue?" Blaine said his voice nothing more than a scared, breathless, whisper.

"Oh God." Kurt groaned under his breath, burying his head further into Blaine's shoulder. "Why does this keep happening to me?"

"Uh." Blaine said staring at anything but his teacher staring at him and Kurt in shock. It's not like they were doing much. They were just making out. I'm sure Mr. Shue has seen thousands of couples at this school make out before. But this time it was different, because they were gay. He knows that one of his favorite teachers is not homophobic, it's just that it is kind of surprising to find two of his male students making out.

"Um, d'I…er… you two shouldn't be in here." Mr. Shue stuttered trying to collect his thoughts. "Kurt, Blaine, why are you in here?"

"Um…skipping class." Blaine said quickly. He honestly didn't know what else to say. The warm heavy body curled up against him at the moment would not be please if he had said 'Karofsky threatened to kill Kurt so we came in here to cry.'

"I can see that." Mr. Shue said walking over to sit on a chair that was really close to them. "Listen boys you can't just come in here to skip class with out permission. And you definitely can't come in here to skip class to…er…do whatever you too where doing. I get it if you want to come in here to eat lunch or do homework instead of being in your study hall, but as long as you ask. And I think you should visit Ms. Pillsbury and get some pamphlets on sexual related things…"

"No no no not again!" Kurt mumbled into Blaine's shoulder.

"Is he okay?" Mr. Shue asked Blaine pointing to Kurt.

Blaine looked down at Kurt, he could easily tell how embarrassed he was. Not only did they get caught last night by Kurt's dad, but now again by Mr. Shue. Not only did they have to get lectured on the subject of sex by their parents but now by their teacher as well as their guidance teacher. Kurt was not having a very lucky last couple of days.

"He's fine." Blaine laughed. "Look Mr. Shue I'm really sorry and I'm sure Kurt is too. It will never happen again. We'll go to our next class if you would just excuse us for a moment."

"Okay, Blaine I trust you. I'll be in my office if you need anything." Mr. Shue said walking over to the glass, closet size room that was located in the corner of the glee room. Mr. Shue opened the door and sat down in his desk chair. He pretended to do work, but Blaine caught his curious eyes constantly looking up at them.

"Not been very lucky have you?" Blaine laughed pulling Kurt away from his chest.

Kurt looked up at Blaine his face beet red and traumatized, "We can never make out again in public places."

"But even for public places, they were still pretty private." Blaine pointed out the fact.

"Oh shut up, let's just go to class I can practically feel Mr. Shue's eyes on me." Kurt shivered at the thought.

Kurt moved out from between Blaine's legs and stood up. He held his hand out to help Blaine up. They still had about five minutes until second period started.

"Come on let's go to our locker before the bell." Blaine smiled holding onto Kurt's hand and walking out of the choir room door.