"yes, yes, he is don't you worry." Rachel talked as she walked around the kitchen making dinner. "yep, we'll be seeing you on friday, bye bye
Finn walked into the kitchen wearing just a towel. "who were you talking to Rach?" he asked.
"You're mum" she replied dipping her finger into the sauce that she was making then licking it.
"bout friday?"
"yes BOUT friday" she laughed emphasising on the bout.
"I'm so glad you agreed to fly home to lima for christmas." Finn smiled walking behind her hugging her from around the waist
"me too, it feels like I haven't seen my dads for years" she sighed turning around in his grip
"you didn't say anything to my mum about the baby right?" Finn asked looking down at her small stomach, placing his hands on top.
"not a word I thought we should suprise them"
"im gunna surprise you" Finn laughed chucking rachel over his shoulder tickling her as her laugh echoed around the apartment.
The next day Kurt, Rachel, Finn, Blaine and Channel were in the terminal at JFK waiting to fly out to columbus then Burt would pick them up and take them back to lima.
On the plane Kurt and Rachel were seated next to each other infront of Blaine with Channel on his lap and Finn.
Kurt was reading the latest issue of US Weekly while Rachel was listening to her ipod, reading a Nicholas Sparks novel.
"Hey Rach" Kurt whispered to rachel. "look, its you wearing one of my designs to that broadway show premiere from the other week."
"you sure do know how to make a dress kurt." In the picure Rachel was in a pair of brown 5 inch heels and a K Elizabeth Hummel design Navy strapless dress with a white strip around the waist before the skirt of dress poofed out at the hips.
Kurt continued looking through the magazine when he came across the 'who wore it better' colom. There was a photo of Rachel hair half up half down, loosly curled wearing a black one shoulder dress that reached her ankles.
She was next to a photo of Kristen Stewart in a similar dress, with her hair sleaked back into a pony tail. Rachel had a total of 37 votes then there was Kristen who had 63. Kurt quickly shut his magazine to make sre Rachel didn't see even though he was pretty sure she was sound asleep
Blaine and Finn were watching one of finn's matches from earlier in the season while channel was sleeping.
"so dude, was Kurt looking forward to coming home?" Finn asked.
"nope, not at all. Typical him." Blaine replied "How bout Rach?"
"I kinda think she was, you know with the baby news and stuff." Finn smiled.
"yeah, Carole and Burt are gunna be so excited for baby Hud."
Rachel had woken up from her slumber and she decided to take out her iPhone to check her Email and Twitter.
She had a few emails some from her manager but she would check them later.
There were a few other emails like online recipts from amazon and itunes.
Rachel decided to update her fans on twitter and let them know what had been hapening lately.
MsRachelBerry flying home for the holidays w/ QuaterbackHudson, KElizabethHDesigns and BlaineWarbler
"Its weird that Blaine hasnt changed his twitter name from high school." Kurt whispered across to Rachel.
Rachel just nodded her head and laughed.
Rachel went to her home screen of twitter to look at the top trend's and saw that number 3 was #KristenorRachel
"Kurt, do you know what this is?" she asked.
"about what?" Kurt asked not paying attention. Rachel then shoved her iPhone in his face.
"ummmmm, nope" Kurt lied turning his head.
"YOU DO KNOW! what is it?"
Kurt leant down into his duffle bag to find the magazine.
"kurt, you can't hide under the seat just tell me what's going on" she demanded impatiently.
"Im getting it" kurt huffed retreiving the magazine. He turned to the page that featured Rachel.
"WHAT" Rachel hissed over the flight attendant annoucing they had just landed.
The four walked off the plane and into the airport pulling their suitcases behind them and then Kurt with Channel in his arms.
Rachel had her sunglasses over here eyes, and an upset look on her face.
They all sat outside waiting for Burt. Rachel was sitting on Finn's knee her head buried in his neck.
"Rach, whats wrong?" Finn asked.
"Kristen Stewart" she sobbed.
Finn gave kurt a confused look and Kurt filled him in.
"Ohhhh Baby, its ok those people don't know what there talking about ok, you looked beautiful in that dress better than that vampire" Finn said kissing the top of her head.
Rachel nodded her head into his shoulder.
"Burts Here!" Blaine called out.
The car ride back to Lima was loud. Channel, because she had slept on the plane had to cry in the car. And of course there was no way to heat up her milk.
When they arived in Lima, Rachel and Finn went to the grocerie store to get some extra food for Christmas Day.
Rachel and Finn were in the cleaning isle when they saw a little boy and girl standing infront of the washing powders.
"James! Just get that one Dad won't care!" The girl who a bit shorter than the boy.
"Heid's, we have to get the Top Loader!" The boy replied.
"Do you guys need any help?" Finn asked walking over towards them.
"yes please." The little girl smiled shyly.
"NO Heidi! , Dad told us never to talk to strangers, remember?" The boy jumped in.
"Oh James, its ok there not strangers" Finn and Rachel turned around to see...
"Mr Schue?" They said at the same time.
"Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry?, wow its been a while." Mr Schue smiled walking over to them.
"actually its Rachel Berry-Hudson." She smiled.
Will smiled at the old high school couple. "So hows New York? Broadway and The Giants?"
"Well I just started about 2 months ago playing Maureen in the Revival of Rent and Finn has signed a 4 year contract with the Giants." Rachel smiled.
"Giants Suck" James, will's son chimed in.
Finn leaned down to the childs level and whispered, "Shhh, don't tell anyone but i dont even go for my own team, I go for the Browns."
The little Boy James smiled at Finn.
"Are you still teaching at McKinley ?" Finn asked.
"Sure am, New Directions won reigonals last year and the year before. We've got some good fresh talent in their, but we actually just one our Sectionals last week. You would have loved it Rachel our female lead sang People from Funny Girl."
"Do you like musicals?" The little girl shyly asked Rachel.
"I sure do, I'm actually in one at the moment, its called Rent."
"I love musicals, whats your favourite?"
"My favourite is called Funny Girl, how about you... uh umm, Heidi is it?" Rachel asked.
"Yes, Heidi is my name, My favourite is The Wizard of Oz, I want to see wicked soon but Dad said we have to wait till im a bit older." She smiled.
"The Wizard of Oz, I loved that one!" Rachel smiled.
"Well anyway, we better get going, the wife will think we've fled the country. James, Heidi, say goodbye to Finn and Rachel." Will said
"Bye Finn, Bye Rachel." The kids said waving their hands.
Will got home and took the groceries into the Kitchen to find his wife cooking dinner.
"Em, got what you needed, guess who we ran into at the Grocerie Store."
"Who did you see?" Emma smiled.
"Finn and Rachel they were home from New York for the holidays."
"I Allways knew those two would stay together." Emma said turning around and kissing will.
Ok, so you guys know that i usually do an authors note at the begining and end, but for some reason fan fiction was being weird. But anyway kinda a short chapter but its going to be in two parts, so yeah. I thought i'd quickly update before my big week of exams which means Study study study, :( . Now Heidi in this chapter is dedicated to my baby cousin who is two weeks old named Heidi, and the whole story with James and Heidi and the washing powder is based off a time my cousin and I were at the supermarket by ourselfs and my aunty had asked us to get top loader and we didn't know what was what, it was actually really funny. But yeah hope you like this chapter and I'm gunna say no chapter 9 untill I get to 40 reviews, hopefully more I mean thats only 4 reviews (which im really thankfull for btw :D ) but hope you like it and part 2 of Christmas in Lima will be up in a week or so , - m