DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything including glee. That is Ryan Murphy's.

Nor do I own any of the songs mentioned in this chapter.

In The Blink of an Eye

Finn couldn't believe it; he was finally making something out of his life. He thought back to four years ago when he and Rachel were still in their senior year at William McKinley. He had expected him and Rachel to have to go long distance while he was at OSU and she was at Juilliard. Sure they would have their phones, Facebook and Skype but it wouldn't be the same. Even though that was the dream they were let down by what had happened with their colleges but in the end they got something better.


Finn knew something was up with Rachel that day when he texted her.

Good Morning Babe, I'll be round at about 8 to pick you up for school. Don't forget my Jacket! Love You Rach, Finn.

Rachel was one of those people that unless there was some major emergency like Patti Streisand or Barbra Lupone died she would always have her phone at arm's reach. So when she didn't reply straight away he was worried. Five minutes later he received a message back from her.

Morning Finn, don't bother coming round this morning, dad said he would drop be of before he goes to the airport for his business trip to Chicago. Thanks anyway, Rachel.

No I love you and no star signed after her name. Something was up with her. He didn't text her back but would talk to her when he got to school. She always waited by his locker but when he got to school, She wasn't there. He looked around school for places she could be, he checked the Library even in the musical biography section but the only person that was there was Mr. Schue looking for some sheet music. He checked the empty classrooms, her homeroom even the choir room but she was nowhere to be found. He was about to give up when it occurred to him.

"The Auditorium!" he said out loud.

He ran through the empty hallways to the back door entrance into the Auditorium. There sitting in the second last row was his girlfriend. Looking sad, drowning in a pool of her own tears. Her head was buried in her hands and her knees were pulled up to her chest. She looked dull, ashamed but most of all weak. Thoughts ran through his head as to why she was crying… maybe Barbra or Patti really did die or did she get slushied… no that couldn't be it her hair looked clean. Quinn had reacted just like this when she found out she was…. No, no way Rachel couldn't be… Pregnant. Before he freaked himself out anymore he ran up to her to find out why she was crying.

"Rach, what's wrong... I've been looking for you everywhere?" he asked curiously.

She jumped and turned at the sound of his voice and looked to the right to see him standing next to her.

"oh, ummm… Finn, hi." She said wiping her eyes that were stained red from all the crying.

"Rach, you gunna tell my why your crying and sitting in an empty auditorium, you know I'm actually more worried that you're not up there singing your heart away, isn't that what you do when your sad?"

Rachel just broke down, she could hardly even spit out a sentence, she fell into Finn's arms.

"I.. I, don't even deserve th.. The stage." She stuttered out. "I'm just a Lima Loser now."

Now Finn was worried… if this was Quinn's fault she would have to watch out. "Rach, was it Quinn… what happened you have to tell me."

She finally contained herself from her tears forming a basic yet devastating sentence that would bring her world crashing down.

"It's Juilliard, I didn't… I didn't get in"


Julliard, it had been her dream from the age of 8. OSU had been his dream; his mom once dated a former Buckeyes player. He would have dreamed bigger but at that age Finn Hudson's world didn't go past Ohio.

After Rachel had gotten the rejection letter, he had gotten his letter regarding a place at OSU. To his surprise he was accepted. He was stoked to say the least but he wasn't stopping there he needed to hear back from the school's in New York he'd applied at. He put in applications at a few schools. Brooklyn College, Mr. Schue suggested he enroll at Manhattan School of Music where he could study percussion. He also enrolled at NYU hoping to get picked up on a Football Scholarship.


The day he found 3 letters in the letterbox regarding colleges he sprinted to his room and went to rip open the letters but thought he should call Rachel first.

"Rach, hurry quick you have to get over to my place, ahap." Finn yelled into the phone.

"Ok Finn, sure but why, and its asap not ahap.. it stands for as soon as possible, and I will see you in a minute."

About 2 minutes later there was a knock on the door Rachel said hello to Carole and Burt.

"Rachel, I'm up here" He cooed down the stairs to her.

Rachel walked into the room to find Finn sitting on the desk chair, his body shaking and a concentrated look on his face.

"Hey Finn, why are you so hyperactive, you look as if you're going to take off into space at any moment…. You didn't take any of those vitamin D tablets that Mrs. Schuester gave the glee club that time in sophomore year because I remember telling you that there are other ways to deal with stress like eating certain foods and participating in more physical activity and-"

She was cut off by an overloaded Finn.

"WOAH WOAH, Rach.. calm down take a chill pill." Finn said directing his eyes to the floor.


Finn just looked gob smacked and started to laugh. "Rachel, I'm not taking drugs, that was the wrong phrase to use… anyway can I get back to what I called you over here for the first place?" Finn asked.

"Of course why did you call me over here?"

"Ok, see those letters on my dresser, can you pass them to me, please."

"NO IM NOT SOME SORT OF SLAVE, JUST BECAUSE IM A WOMAN!" She yelled back at him and threw herself on his bed.

"Rach just please do it, there college letters."

"But you already got accepted into OSU, where else did you enroll, Finn. Ohio to New York is far enough now you're going to be somewhere else." She said disappointedly.

"No, there letters from the 3 colleges I applied for in New York."

Rachel stood their mouth hanging open trying to speak. "Y, You applied for colleges in New York"

"Well yeah of course Rach, I love you, I'd follow you to the North Pole if I had to." Rachel dove into Finn's arm's kissing him passionately.

"Finn, you're amazing, I love you too." He smiled and looked down at her.

"Let's open them then!" She smiled.


That day Finn opened one acceptance letter from NYU, the other two schools kindly turned him down.

On the other hand Rachel hadn't gotten any letters apart from Juilliard. The Manhattan School of Music was her back up school but now had become her only hope.


Nationals this year were being held in Los Angeles in senior year. Puck was ecstatic about all the "Hot Babe's" that would be trolling the beach there. They had been lucky enough once again this year to cruise through Sectionals and Regional's so they were heading to Nationals.

Their set list was truly amazing. This year's theme was "Songs That Suit U" with a U. They had picked a duet for Santana and Rachel and much to their arguing about who went first ,who was stage left and right they finally agreed and it sounded awesome they had totally nailed Taylor Swift's Mean. Puck would be doing the solo singing Bruno Mars' Grenade. And for the group number they were singing Season's Of Love from the musical Rent.

Nationals were a surreal blur for Finn and the rest of the team. They were down to the top 10 then top 5 then top 3. It was their last round where one of the three teams they were up against would be voted out. It was down to the New Directions, Tennessee Song Birds and Vocal Adrenaline and when Vocal Adrenaline's name didn't get called out, they were so happy. Lauren nearly brought Mr. Schue down to the ground and Rachel and Kurt nearly deafened everyone in the building. They were in the final two. That meant the next day they were given a group number song and a solo song by the judges. Rachel would be taking to solo which was Thinking of You by Katy Perry and their group number was Nobody's Perfect by Jessie J.

Halfway Through their performance they knew they were going to win, they had so much energy and Rachel put so much depth into her performance it was really heartwarming. They waited until the judges announced the winner and when their names were called out they were so happy. Half the team was crying including Mr. Schue. Finn was so happy he grabbed Rachel and spun her around on the stage.

Mr. Schue said to celebrate they were going to Disney Land. As they were walking around the park Rachel got a phone call. "Take It." Finn said and smiled as she walked away to get some quiet. Two minutes later Rachel came back showing a mega watt smile.

"Who was it Rach?" I asked curiously.

"It was the dean from the prestigious Tisch School of the Arts, he had someone attend the show choir competition and was asked to inform them of students that would be good candidates of their class of 2016 and they offered me a position along with Santana."

"Oh My God Rach, that's amazing, but where is the Tissue school."

"Tisch Finn, Tisch, and it's a part of NYU" she said back smiling shyly.

Finn picked her up off the ground, and kissed her. He was so proud of her, they were going to both be attending NYU both living in NYC and loving every moment senior year was the best year yet.


Although Santana didn't attend Tisch she was going to a Law School in Cleveland she and Rachel became good friends and talked regularly. Kurt ended up at FIT, the fashion institute of technology, Blaine at Columbia Law, Rachel at Tisch and Finn at NYU. Blaine's parents knew some people in the Real Estate Business in Manhattan, the Sarfati's. There only daughter was apparently a Broadway turned TV actress who Rachel had previously stated was truly spectacular. And that she would grow up to be one of those world renowned Broadway Actresses like that Barbra Lady. Rachel had showed Finn a picture and he said that they could be twins. She said her name was Lea something… Lea Michaels, wait no Michele yeah, Lea Michele.

Their college years went by Rachel was involved in some of Broadway shows playing minor roles, but she was cast as Cossette in the school's production of Les Miz. Blaine got offered a job at a firm and Kurt had been doing style courses with some of the team members from the late Alexander McQueen's Studio. Finn however in his junior year of college Finn had been offered the place of Quarterback on the NYU Violets football team.

It was nearing the end of their senior year of college when things got crazy Rachel screamed at Blaine for leaving his papers everywhere. Kurt had all kinds of Fabrics, Buttons, Cottons and Threads filling up the linen cupboards and Rachel was starting to get on everyone's nerves when she arrived home every night and insisted on cleaning everything and placing it in the wrong spot. Finn got into trouble for never being home but with his travel log from being on the football team he was always somewhere else. Rachel and Finn agreed that both couples needed their own space and were lucky they were still together after 4 years in one apartment. So the Sarfati's were able to find a fairly cheap Penthouse apartment on park avenue, the previous owners had split and one was moving overseas the other interstate so they wanted to sell it quickly. Money wasn't much of an issue since Finn was getting big dollars from the College Football Association so they weren't completely broke. Of course they would miss Blaine and Kurt but they only lived across town. They were just looking forward to starting a new chapter of their lives, and having more cupboard space.

Okay, so this is kinda like a Prologue chapter & its fairly long. Anyways i hope you liked it, & i should be updating chapter 2 by saturday. (i live i australia BTW) - feed back is encouraged so is sharing. :) 3 - M