Naruto was just lying on his bed thinking about training for the month. He decided to ask Kiro.
"Yo, Kiro? How do you think I should train?"
"Beats me. I only know how to do dragon stuff and training to get revenge is not on my stuff-I-know-how-to-do list. And it's certainly not on my I-care-about-it list."
"Ahh, useless dragon. Hmm, maybe I should work on my summoning. I should really learn the jutsu to summon. That incantation took foreveeer to say."
"Any person you have in mind?"
"Well I could ask my sensei or the old man Hokage. He knows tons of stuff, even about dragons remember?"
"Right, after the preliminaries, he wanted to talk to you didn't he."
2 days ago…
Naruto jumped down to the arena. The match between Hyuga Neji and Hyuga Hinata had finished with the former defeating the opponent. Well, defeating is kind of vague. In Naruto's opinion, it was just a simple beat down.
The medics had already gotten to the Hyuga heiress and were analyzing her. "Damn, she's going critical. Start healing NOW! Start at the heart, it's the most affected."
Naruto was about to relax until he heard, "Oi, kid! I don't really know that much about medical stuff, but I can sense the energy in the girl. The energy to the heart was being blocked off due to that Neji kid. Whatever the medics are doing, it's not working. Not all the energy is getting there."
"So what should I do? I don't know medical jutsus."
"Summon. There's a dragon that is specialized in healing. Remember, incantation and which universe are needed to summon. Plus an element."
"What element do I need for this summon?"
"Earth, but it can't be warm. If it's warm, the dragon won't bother coming here to Naka."
"Uhhh, okaaay? Cold Earth, where can I find cold earth?" Naruto looked around the entire arena. "What part is cold? Wait, how am I supposed find cold earth?"
"Concentrate my dragon chakra into your eyes."
"How is Piercing Eyes going to help me?"
"There's a side ability to the Eyes. When things have heat, they give off thermal energy. I am a fission dragon. We need to be able to see energy to use it or amplify it."
"I thought it just helped look in the dark."
"Did you ever think how that works? Light is a EM wave. It has a magnetic part and an electric part. Piercing eyes can detect the electric part of the wave. Piercing Eyes detect energy. Got it?"
"Yeah, but wouldn't the light get in the way?"
"You can filter that out. Let me do that part. Until you get used to the eyes, I'll control them for now."
Naruto activated Piercing Eyes and looked around. Everything looked different. Some places were blue and some places were red. "What do I look for?"
"The darkest blue you can find." Naruto found it easily. It was really easy to find a dark blue in the midst of the red and purple. Naruto turned off his eyes and took out a kunai. He then walked over to the place and started to chip away. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him like he was crazy. 'Did he go crazy from his friend getting hurt?, was everyone's collective thoughts.
When Naruto got enough earth for a summon, he held out his hand toward the chipped earth and said, "Dragon of healing. Hear my command. Return to Naka and serve the Dragon Lord once more. Come forward and cure!" The chipped rocks started to swirl around until they formed another seal. It was a square seal with a diamond inside. There were 4 lines branching out from the sides of the square and crossed the diamond. Inside the diamond and at the center, it said Stone. The entire square glowed gray. Then out of the seal, a dragon came out slowly. It had small wings and small legs. 'And here comes out the tail. But instead of a tail, out came out another head.
Both heads looked at Naruto and simultaneously said, "Why have you summoned us here, Dragon Lord?"
'Kiro, why does that thing have two heads?
"It's a Amphisbaena. This dragon is unique because of its two heads."
"Uhh, my friend over there is hurt. Kiro said something about energies not flowing right."
"Kiro? So he's been in Naka all these years. Huh. Fine, I will heal the girl."
The Amphisbaena looked at Hinata. The medics looked at the beast once and ran. The dragon got close and started to sniff Hinata. It stopped at Hinata's chest. Then he softly blew a green fire onto her.
Naruto reacted quickly and ran toward the Hyuga heiress. "What are you doing? I said heal not cook!"
The Amphisbaena stopped and looked at Naruto. "She's fine now. I engulfed her in the Flame of Restoration. She should be as healthy as she was before her injury."
"So she's fine? Her energy is okay now?"
"I just said that, didn't I?"
The medics had run over when the Amphisbaena was talking and was again analyzing Hinata. Then they looked up wide eyed. "I'm not sure what your summon did, but she doesn't have any problems. Her heart is as strong as ever."
Naruto let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Then he realized something. "Hey, Amphisbaena, why don't you speak in oldie talk? The last dragon I summoned did."
"Some dragons don't bother with Naka anymore. But some dragons have been overlooking your universe ever since we left. So we learned your modified language."
"Then I have another question. What's your name? Saying Amphisbaena all the time will torture my tounge."
"My name? First time I've heard a Dragon Lord ask that. My name is Dublai the Amphisbaena." The dragon went back through another seal. Hinata, even though she was now perfectly fine, was put on the stretcher and taken to the hospital.
Naruto was ecstatic. He was going to fight Neji in the finals. He could take revenge for what he did to Hinata. Bwa ha ha ha ha.
"Oi, Uchiha impersonator. Stop thinking about revenge and concentrate on the real world. The Hokage's calling you."
Naruto was about to yell at Kiro for calling him Sasuke, but he saw that what Kiro said was true. The old man was calling him into the next room.
He walked over and was met with an intensifying stare belonging to the old leader. "Naruto, how do you know about dragons and what did you mean by Dragon Lord?"
'Kiro, help?
"Just tell him. I'm not a secret. I really don't care who you tell."
"uhh, I know about dragons because I'm a Dragon Lord." The Hokage's eye twitched. "Then how did you become a Dragon Lord?"
"Because I have a dragon sealed in me." The twitch turned into a wide eye. "Why do you have a dragon sealed in you? You can't even find a dragon out here."
"The 4th Hokage sealed a dragon in with me to balance out the malice of the Kyuubi so it wouldn't take over."
'Minato, you cheeky bastard. To get a dragon to balance the Kyuubi, only you could do something as outrageous as that.
Naruto then asked the Hokage, "I have a question. Why do you know about dragons?"
The Hokage smiled. "I've studied them before. I chose to study them to find a dragon eventually, but I didn't expect to see two dragons in front of me in the same day."
Naruto got a big grin on his face. "I am the #1 Most Suprising Ninja." They both laughed.
Naruto chuckled at the memory. "Well, I better visit him at the Hokage tower. But first, I'd better visit the hospital."
Naruto had jumped out of the window of his apartment and had taken off toward the hospital. He had ran past the nurses at the front desk who yelled at him for running and stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Uhh, where was the room?"
"Whose room? Hinata's?"
Naruto blushed. "N-no. And she's only a friend."
"I never said anything about that."
"Whatever. How do I find her? "
"Ask the nurses that just yelled at you."
"I can't. They hate me because of furry."
"Then use Piercing Eyes."
"How could Piercing Eyes help me here?"
"Your summon had energy in his flame. Your girlfriend should still have traces of dragon energy ."
"First, she's not my girlfriend! Second, is there anything Piercing Eyes can't do?"
"Make good nachos and shut the furry up." Naruto sweat dropped. He wasn't really expecting an answer.
He activated Piercing Eyes and looked around for dragon energy, but he couldn't find anything due to the amass of lights and people that were giving off energy. 'Uhh, Kiro, can you filter everything out?"
All the colors faded away. Then on his left, Naruto saw black wisps surrounding a person in room 225. "Yep, that's dragon energy all right." Naruto deactivated his eyes and walked into the room.
5 minutes earlier…
Hinata had gotten out of the white hospital bed. The doctors explained a moment ago that a blond kid with spiky hair and a bright orange jumpsuit had summoned a monster that healed her. Hinata of course knew that the kid was Naruto was just joyful because of that fact. 'Naruto healed me. He acknowledges me and cares for me! Saying Hinata was happy was like saying Naruto likes ramen.
She took off her hospital gown and grabbed her regular ninja clothes. Right then, she heard the sound of the doors opening and "Hey, Hina-"
She turned around and saw her crush wide eyed with his mouth wide open. She was confused. Why was he doing that? Then she looked down and turned into a shade of red best described as an atomic blush. Naruto still wide eyed took 3 steps back and closed the door.
"And you are sure you're not a couple."
"Shut it, Kiro."
"What? It's a legitimate question. I mean, no boy and girl has that kind of encounter in life. That's like if someone decided to write it in a story."
"Shut up, Kiro."
Naruto waited a few minutes before walking back into the room He was relieved, or was he disappointed?, that she was fully dressed. "Sorry about that. It was my fault. I should have knocked. So, how are you?"
Hinata was still red, but not atomic. It was more of sunburn red now. "G-Good. T-the doctors s-said that I was f-fully healed. T-Thank you, N-Naruto."
"What for?"
"The doctors s-said that you s-summoned a m-monster to heal me."
"Oh, the dragon. No problem. But if you're healthy, why are you still here?"
"C-Checkup. Just in case."
"Well, let's leave then."
"C-Can't. I have an-another one l-later today."
"That's boring. Come on, let's sneak out of here."
"Yeah, why not?"
"B-but that's wrong, Naruto-kun."
"Your point is…. what?"
Even though she knew it was wrong, she really wanted to leave this place, and more importantly, go with her Naruto-kun. "Okay, N-Naruto-kun. But how c-can we leave with all the d-doctors and nurses a-around?"
'Kiro, could use some help.
'Summon? How would that help me?"
"There's a dragon that can camouflage itself and people. To summon it, the element you need is air."
'Air, that's easy. Naruto came back to the outside world and said, "I think I have a way to get out."
He held his hands out to the sides and then swerved them to his front. Then he said, "Beast of air, I summon you to Naka. As the Dragon Lord, I ask for you to camouflage my friend and I so we may leave this place. Come forward!"
A seal appeared in front of Naruto's hands. It was much smaller than the other seals. It was as big as Naruto's head. It was a circle seal with a star in it. In the center was another circle with 風 on it. There were lines connecting the points to the center circle. The seal glowed white and a small shape flew out of the seal.
Naruto looked closely at the new dragon. It looked like Kiro, but it was white and much smaller. It was the size of Naruto. It looked at him and said, "Swencan Ælfríc ðu stefnian mec?"
'Kiro? What the hell did he just say?
"It's really old language. Older than what Valkun uses. He just basically said, "Why have you summoned me?""
'Will he understand me then?
"Do you really think that we dragons need to talk to each other in the first place? All it needs to feel is your desires and determination and it will understand."
Naruto looked at the tiny dragon. "Can you camouflage me and my friend for me?"
The dragon nodded and went to Hinata. He then wrapped half of his body around her waist. Then with the rest of his body, he stretched out to Naruto and wrapped around his waist. The dragon tightened itself so that Hinata and Naruto were side by side. Of course, Naruto was oblivious to the fact that Hinata was blushing due to the contact.
Unknown to Hinata at that moment because she did not have the Byakugan activated, Naruto sensed that the tiny dragon released dragon chakra but it was clear. The chakra engulfed them entirely. The dragon's eyes glowed for a moment, but Naruto didn't see anything change. "Hey, are you sure it's working?" The dragon nodded.
On the outside, Naruto and Hinata disappeared. They walked to the bathroom mirror and saw that it did work. 'Cool.
In Naruto's mind, Kiro thought, 'I see. Using it's chakra and the air, it bent the light around them so they would appear gone. Clever.
They had successfully walked out of the hospital, but they both agreed not to be invisible anymore. The dragon kind of restricted movement and it was weird that people really didn't see you no matter how far you were away from them. The dragon felt that Naruto did not need to camouflage anymore and stopped releasing chakra. It then uncoiled itself from the pair, nodded to Naruto, and made a seal to go back home. But then Naruto said, "Wait! What's your name?"
The dragon was confused. He had heard that all the Dragon Lords were selfish humans, so why did this one want to learn its name. "Stulor." He then went through the seal and disappeared.
Naruto smiled at Hinata. "Well, we're finally out of that wretched place."
"Wretched? Do you not like the hospital, Naruto-kun?"
Naruto was about to answer when he heard, "Yo, Naruto." He looked at the newcomer and saw his one eyed sensei.
"Hey. Kakashi-sensei. What are you doing here?"
Kakashi waved his hand to the hospital. "I need to pick up Sasuke. I'm going to train him over the month. Don't worry, I got a teacher for you too."
"A good teacher named Ebisu."
"Wait, that CLOSET PERVERT! I don't want to be trained under him!"
'Closet pervert, I wonder what happened. thought both Hinata and Kakashi.
"Plus," Naruto continued, "I need a seal master to teach me seals. Sorry, but I'm going to the old man since you can't teach me." Naruto sped off to the Hokage tower.
Kakashi and Hinata stared at the departing blond. Then the one eyed jounin spoke up. "Hey, Hinata, why are you out here? Don't you have a checkup?"
Hinata thought, 'If I g-go back now, it would ruin N-Naruto-kun's efforts. She ran the opposite direction as quickly as she can. She looked back and saw that Kakashi wasn't there. 'Where d-did he go? She looked forward and ran into the Cyclops.
"Hinata, considering that Naruto was involved, I can guess what happened. But you need to go back." Kakashi dragged the disappointed Hinata back into the hospital.
'WHY? Why do you exist!, thought Sarutobi as he stared at his nemesis, paperwork. He was very close to finishing his work when he heard, "Wait, that paper goes over there."
Sarutobi swerved around quickly and was ready to pounce on the intruder but stopped himself when he saw the blond hair. "Naruto, why don't you use the door for once? Actually, why doesn't anybody anymore? It's right there!"
"Well, I could use the door, but first, the secretary would kick me out, and second, I wanted to sneak up on you."
'Mai-chan is so fired. "So why have you come to my office today, Naruto?"
"I need a seal master to teach me the summoning seal. I could summon dragons faster if I did."
The Hokage thought for a moment. "Well, there is my student, Jiraiya. He's usually at the hot springs but I have to warn you, he's a bit of a-" He couldn't finish his sentence seeing how his surrogate grandson was gone.
"Kids these days, now back to defeating the archenemy of all Kages everywhere."
Naruto was searching high and low for this Jirayia guy. Where could he be? The sound of giggling met Naruto's ears. But it wasn't normal giggling, it was the pervert giggle. Naruto stealthily crept up to the source of the sound and saw a man with long white spiky hair with binoculars and a notebook giggling as he looked toward the hot springs.
Naruto grinned as he thought of something mischievous. He got behind the pervert and concentrated his chakra in his voice and foot. He then said in a louder, chakra enhanced voice, "Incoming pervert in 3…2…1!" The pervert started to turn but it was too late. Naruto kicked his ass over the wall of the hot springs and into the water of the female bath. "GOAL!"
The sound of a man screaming, a dozen women screaming, and a beating was heard throughout the village.
"You little brat!" The pervert came back bruised up and angry. "Why the hell would you do that?"
"I don't like perverts."
"Aw, come on. I bet you sneaked a look before at the wonders of nature." Naruto blushed as he remembered Hinata and the incident earlier that morning. "N-No, I have not."
The pervert started to moan. "My research. All my research today, GONE!"
"Stop being a baby. Whatever you were going to use the research for was probably not even worth anyone's time."
"WHAT? Do you know who I am?"
"A pervert."
"First, no. I'm a SUPER-PERVERT!"
"That ain't something you should be proud of."
"I am Jiraiya, the toad sage. My works have touched many people over the lands."
"Pretty sure your works would have only touched men. And not their hearts."
"Whatever, I'm busy. Leave me alone so I can do research."
"Research? Why don't you do something more productive?"
"What could be more productive than research? Nothing can be more important!"
"How about teaching me the summoning seal?"
"Summoning? Why should the great Jiraiya teach you the summoning jutsu?"
"Wait, it's a jutsu?"
"What else did you think it was? Anyways, I will not give someone permission to sign the toad contract when they act so bratty."
"I don't need to sign a contract. I already have a summon. Just teach me the jutsu."
"Summon? Which one?"
"Dragons." Jiraiya's eyes widened for a moment. Then he regained his posture and said, "Dragons? Please, only a Dragon Lord could summon dragons and there hasn't been one since the 15th century."
"I know that."
"So you're saying that you are a Dragon Lord?" Naruto nodded, and Jiraiya burst out laughing. Naruto got annoyed and kicked the pervert to the ground. "If you don't believe me, I'll show you. I'll summon a dragon."
'This should be good., thought Jiraiya. Naruto closed his eyes and thought of a dragon he could summon. He tried to think of one and remembered Valkun. He opened his eyes and looked around for a source of electricity. Jiraiya saw this and asked, "What are you doing?"
In Naruto's mind, he heard Kiro say, "Hey, ask that geezer if he knows a Raiton jutsu."
Naruto looked at the pervert and asked him. "Raiton? I know one, but I thought you were going to summon."
"Just do it."
Jiraiya's eye twitched as he heard the tone of disrespect. "Fine. Raiton: Sandāyashi(Thunder Palm)" His hand glowed blue until it covered his entire hand and then sparks began to jump all over his palm. Naruto stuck one finger into the palm and the electricity jumped to him. Jirayia opened his mouth to stop him, but he couldn't say anything before Naruto started talking. "Valkun of Jōi, lend me your ears. I call you again to prove my position as Dragon Lord. Come Forward!" The lightning seal appeared above their heads and Valkun jumped out. "It is my pleasure to make thy acquaintance again."
The sound of Jirayia's jaw hitting the floor gave the Worm the information it needed. "I see. So it was this human who had durst to doubt your right to Dragon Lord. But with that reaction, I see that my work is done. I shall not tarry. Goodbye." Valkun went back into the seal and returned.
Jiraiya picked his jaw off the ground. "Okay, you are a Dragon Lord. But if you can summon dragons already, why do you want to learn the summoning jutsu?"
Naruto sighed. He hated giving explanations. "To summon a dragon with this technique, it requires three things: magic, an incantation, and the element. I have the first two, but I have to find the element. The problem is that sometimes the element is not existent when I need it or I have to dig it out. But if I learn the summoning jutsu, I don't need any of the three and summoning would be faster and easier."
'I see. If he didn't know any Raiton jutsu, he couldn't summon that dragon. "Fine, I'll teach you the summoning jutsu. But there is a problem."
"To summon, you need a contract. From what you've told me, it seems you don't have one. It just picks random unless you are thinking of a specific dragon."
"Aww! So I can't learn the summoning jutsu?" Naruto's head dropped.
"Normally, that would be the case, but there is a solution."
"What?" Naruto's sad look evaporated and was replaced with a eager, jumpy look. It kind of freaked Jirayia out.
"Make your own contract." Naruto had a impassive look on his face until he said, "Are you serious?"
"Of course."
Naruto's face lit up, but then went back to normal when he realized something. "Wait, how do I make a contract?"
"Well, it would be hard to make one without a boss. Do you think you could summon the boss?"
'Kiro, what element do I need to summon the boss dragon?
"You really want to?"
'Yeah. Why? What is it?"
"The dragon is a hydra, a dragon with 8 heads. To get approval from them, you have to appeal to all 8 heads."
Naruto repeated to Jirayia on what Kiro told him. Jirayia nodded. "Sounds like a regular boss, just 8 times more."
"So you think I should do it?"
"If you want to use the summoning jutsu, you have no choice." Naruto nodded and inhaled and exhaled a deep breath. Then he started. "Great Hydra of…" 'Wait, Kiro. Where is the hydra from?
"Well, it's Jōi of course. If they were from Shita, they would have ordered the dragons to overrun Naka years ago."
When Kiro finished, Naruto restarted his incantation. "Great Hydra of Jōi, hear your new Dragon Lord. I summon you to Naka to create a summoning contract with you just like my predecessors did with magic. Please, Come Forward!" Naruto knew something was wrong. The seal did appear, but it was huge. It towered over the D. Lord and Jirayia. It was a water seal. It was a circle seal with a cross in the middle. In the middle, there was another circle that said 水 on it. The dragon came out, every step making the earth tremble. It had fins for legs and arms and had eight heads. It was purple in color and it was at least the size of the Hokage Mountain. Jirayia's jaw hit the floor. 'He has to be Gambunta's height, no, he's much bigger. One of the heads bent down toward the duo and spoke in a booming voice. "So you are the new Dragon Lord? Kind of young for your age, are you not? And you wear all white. Are you one of the holy knights of the Crusades?"
Naruto had no idea what he was talking about. "I'm not that young. I'm old enough to kill."
"That means nothing in my world. Dragons learn to kill when they can walk, fly, or crawl. Nonetheless, I will listen." Naruto looked at Jirayia who nodded. Then the pervert spoke. "Naruto, your Dragon Lord, wants to summon dragons using methods that ninjas use instead of magic. The world has changed much since you left this place."
"This I know. I, as the leader of the dragons, have been watching the world and know of your summoning contracts. Fine, I will allow this new contract with this Dragon Lord." Naruto began to cheer and Jirayia exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding. But all this was interrupted when another head of the hydra spoke. "Wait, I wish to know what he wants to do with our people before we make this contract."
Naruto grinned. "For what else would I use it for? To protect my precious people." The second head nodded. "Then I allow him to make the contra-"
"No. I am wary of this one." The third head spoke. "Do you remember the 11th century? The Dragon Lord of the Holy Knights of the Crusades had said that malicious people had taken over his land and planned to summon us to do good. He had tricked us and made us destroy people that were not malicious people at all. They had just lived in the land. After that incident, during the Middle Ages, we, dragons, were hunted down! Did we forget why we left Naka in the first place? Why would this kid be different from any other human?"
The fourth head spoke. "Hear, hear. I agree."
The fifth, "This kid is suspicious. He has too many different energies."
The sixth, "Come, let us return."
The seventh, "I say, give this person a chance."
The eighth, "This is a child. He may be uncorrupted by greed."
The fourth, "No, no! All the humans are the same."
This argument went on and on. Naruto decided he needed dragon advice. 'Kiro, what do I do?
"Use my chakra. Hurry!"
The eighth, "The world has changed much since our absence."
The third, "But humans have not. They didn't change their first 5000 years on Naka, they won't change now."
The seventh, "But what abou-" All of the Hydra's heads silenced due to a familiar energy. They all looked at the source and saw their Dragon Lord with his fingers in the Tora seal. All their eyes widened. The first shakily responded, "T-This is i-impossib-ble. H-How does a human have d-dragon ch-chakra?"
"Because I have a dragon inside me." All of the dragons went silent again at Naruto's answer. Then the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth burst into laughter and questions. "HAHAHAHA. Then tell, which dragon do you have? HAHA."
".. Kiro?" Naruto nodded. "Do you know him?" Naruto asked.
"Know him? He was a loyal dragon and our right hand man. Of course we know him. But how do we know that you are honest with us?", asked the first.
"How can I prove it?"
"Hmm. Well, ask him what is the dragon's honor code of Jōi."
"Repeat after me."
The Hydra noticed that Naruto was silent for a moment. Then, "'N draak moet nie doodmaak nie' n Joi draak of 'n kreatuur van moet luister na die baas Hydra en gewillig uitgevoer moet word as hy breek hierdie reë wat uitvoering weerstaan , sal hulle eer verloor en gemartel word."
The eyes of the heads of the Hydra widened. Then the first spoke, "It seems what you say is true."
Naruto nodded furiously. "I told you that I wasn't lying."
The Hydra's heads whispered to one another. Then in unison, "Very well. We grant you permission to create a contract with us. As we have said, we know of this ninja summoning technique. But this technique is limited. You can only summon dragons that are in this contract. Other dragons must be summoned by magic."
Jirayia nodded this time. "I see. So how does he get dragons into the contract?"
"All that is needed is the dragon to know the Dragon Lord.", said the first.
"So all I have to do is meet the dragon, and I can summon him?"
"Yes." Naruto sighed inwardly. He was afraid that it would be extremely complicated.
"Now, to complete the contract, stick out the hand you want to summon with." They all said in unison. Naruto stuck out his right hand and the first one got really close to it. The head then spit on the arm. Naruto winced and looked down. His skin was bubbling. (Hope you're not eating Rice Krispy's right now.) His skin disappeared, but it was organized. Only some of the skin completely dissolved so it would make a design. Naruto's arm bled, but when it hit the spit, it hardened. When the process was done, Naruto looked closely at his arm and was surprised to see a seal made of dried blood on his arm. "That is our sign. When you want to summon us, you may use the ninja summoning technique. Now I must go. I cannot waste time here on Naka." Another giant seal was formed and the Hydra started towards it. But then Naruto yelled, "Wait! What's your name? I want to know in case I ever summon you again."
The Hydra looked back. Well, actually only the first head looked back. "Only a few know my name, and until you prove worthy, you may not acquire that knowledge. But you may call me… Roku." The Hydra disappeared into the seal.
'Roku? Sixth? Kiro, why does he choose that title?
"Because he's the sixth dragon king since the departure of dragons out of Naka."
'Oh. Hey, Kiro? What was that code you made me say?
"If I translate it right, it said, "A dragon must not kill neither a Jōi dragon nor a creature of Naka. He must listen to the boss Hydra and must willingly be executed if he breaks this rule. Those who resist execution will lose their honor and be tortured."
'That's harsh.
"HEY KID!" Naruto was brought out of his conversation with Kiro and saw a yelling Jirayia. "WHAT?" Naruto yelled back.
"I've been calling you for the last minute. You need to get your hearing checked." Then the old pervert mumbled about something like kids having no respect for your elders. Then he continued. "I just thought that you might want the toad contract, too. You can have two contracts. You know that, right?"
Naruto's eyes bugged out of his head. "I can have two? Then why not?"
"Good." Jirayia took of the scroll on his back and unfurled it. There were 2 names already on there with bloody fingerprints. "Use the blood of the finger of the hand you want to summon toads with and sign here in the third spot." Naruto nodded and bit his finger on his left hand.. He signed his name, and then bit the rest of his fingers and placed it under his name.
Jirayia nodded. "Then let's practice sealing. These are the seals to use the summoning jutsu." He showed Naruto 5 seals. "Now, let's summon a dragon first."
Naruto was already forming the seals. He gathered the chakra and then said, "Kyuchiyose – Valkun" A giant poof covered the area and the dragon once again was summoned into Naka. "My leader has already told me of the situation. But I must get back now." He disappeared into another poof. Naruto rubbed his hands together. "Okay, let's summon a toad now."
'This isn't going to end well., thought Jirayia.
"Kyuchiyose Jutsu!"
A tiny tadpole flopped around, trying to breathe through its gills. Naruto stared at it. Jirayia knew what was coming and put in earplugs to avoid the brunt of the explosion.