Aah, busy days ._. And this is a short one, I'm horrible! I cut out a scene between Kaoru and Akina only, that's why it's a little bit short. If you want to, I can translate this scene (it's not an important one) and edit this chapter then.

But first, THANK YOU for all your reviews!

I still haven't found someone who can help me with the translation .. Obviously. XD I'm going to write a big red line on my wall or something to remind me translating as quickly as possible! :D

(Crystal of the Universe, oh, you want to learn it? If you do and have some questions, just ask me! ^^)

Chapter 07: You Want Romance?

Usagi entered the house and immediately ran upstairs to her room. When she stumbled over a carton she packed last evening, she remembered that this would no longer be her room. But that didn't matter at that moment, she had to do a phone call right away.

With the phone in her hand, she sat down on her bed and dialled the number. She impatiently pushed the phone to her ear.

After a few moments, the girl she called picked up. "Aino?"

"Minako!" Usagi was relieved to finally talk to her. "Where have you been today? You don't really sound ... You know, like you're ill or anything?"

Minako didn't answer right away but laughed quietly. "I'm not. – Well, not really."

"Huh?" Usagi forgot about the reason she actually wanted to talk to her best friend and leaned back. "Alright, what's going on?"

"Um, well ..." She hesitated. "Well, I have ... a backache."

"How come?"

"Fell out of my bed. Nothing serious, actually I just didn't want to go to school."

Usagi didn't know whether to sigh or to laugh. She decided for the latter and snorted with laughter. "I wished, I could have seen that!"

"You would have been quite unwanted in that moment", Minako said in a suddenly very serious voice.

Usagi caught her breath. "Why ...?"

For a moment there was nothing but silence, before Minako began to speak. "Well ... Yaten took me home on Saturday, remember?"

"No." Usagi opened her odango's with one hand and shook her head. "But I know that he came home yesterday in the afternoon."

"Exactly ..."

"Hold on. You mean that ... He's been with you? The whole night?"


Usagi sat up. "What ...? Why? – Minako, what happened between the two of you?"

Minako kept silent.

"Minako? Come on, tell me!"

She still kept silent for a few moments, until ... "We kissed each other ...!" And then the cat was out of the bag. About half an hour, at least, Minako told her about that incredibly spontanaeous and romantic morning she spent with Yaten.

Usagi widened her eyes and blinked after each sentence her friend told her – to repeat it again and again. Of course she was happy for Minako, since she's been kinda in love with Yaten for such a long time. Well, she's been "in love" with many boys, but Yaten ... It was different.

But somehow Usagi felt a little bit awkward. She's been with Mamoru for a really long time, but they've never had such moments like Yaten and Minako had on their first night – well, morning. Of course Yaten and Minako were different, and maybe it's because they're older than Usagi and Mamoru were back then. But somehow Usagi felt like something's been ... missing?

"Hey, are you listening?"

"Um, yeah!" Usagi jammed the phone between her ear and shoulder and started to braid her hair. "I'm just ... I'm happy for you."

Minako squeaked. "Me too! Listen, I gotta hang up now. I'm going to take a bath, maybe my backache will be better afterwards, and then I'm going to bed ..."

"Alright", Usagi said. "But ... Minako, is it possibly Yaten's fault that you've got a backache now ...?"

"Oh ... Well, kind of ..."

Usagi laughed. "I see."

Minako chuckled. "Good night then, see you tomorrow."

"I hope so", Usagi said. "Sweet dreams – of Yaten, I suppose."

"What else?" Minako laughed and hung up.

Usagi sighed and put away the phone. Minako was ... enviable. And now Usagi really forgot to tell her, that she just met the girl who was talking to Seiya and Yaten at the party last Saturday.

Just when Usagi changed her clothes, she heard Seiya, Yaten and Taiki coming home. Dressed in her pink nightgown, she went downstairs and found the guys in the living room. You couldn't miss their very good mood ...

"What's going on? Have I missed anything?"

They immediately turned around to her.

"You might say that", Taiki answered with a grin on his lips.

Seiya went towards her, also with a grin on his lips. "Remember the apartment we were talking about?"

Usagi understood right away. "Yes, did you get it?"

Yaten nodded. "You might say that", he repeated what his stepbrother said before. "We're moving in on Friday. Great, isn't it?"

When Usagi looked to Yaten, she paused for a moment. You wouldn't realise if you don't know him, but she did – she could see how happy he was. Not because of that apartment. The real reason he was happy like that, was Minako. Without noticing, she slowly dropped her gaze.

"Hey, Odango, aren't you happy?", Seiya asked worriedly and put a hand onto her shoulder.

His touch let Usagi look up again right away. She gave him a smile and shook her head. "Of course I am! Is it a nice apartment?"

"Oh, yes", he answered. "It's even fully renovated."

"Hey, look what I've got here!" Haruka entered the living room with a bottle of champagne in her hand.

Followed by Michiru, who rolled her eyes. When Haruka went to the kitchen to get some glasses, she whispered: "If I can tell you a secret ... That bottle's in the kitchen cupboard since the day Seiya arrived. Haruka kept it for the day he moves out again ..."

The others looked at each other and laughed.

"Alright!" Haruka came back. "What's so funny?"

"Oh ... Just open the bottle", Yaten answered.

Haruka sceptically raised one of her eyebrows, but then she nodded. "I'd love to."

Usagi swallowed. Alcohol ... Again. Maybe not this time. When she accidentally looked to Yaten again, she had to think of him and Minako once again. Of the things her best friend told her this evening. Suddenly, Usagi felt incredibly empty. Did she really miss that much? Though she really wanted a ... romance.

Hold on.

Did she really ...? Was she finally ready to fall in love again?

... Yes, she was.

"I'm going to bed", she said. "I'm really tired, you can celebrate without me."

Haruka and Michiru were confused, but the boys got it right away – alcohol. But she could at least stay with them for a while, couldn't she?

"Oh, good night, then", Taiki said.

Usagi nodded and smiled. "Good night." She turned to Seiya, who looked down to her a little bit disappointed. He'd love her to stay with them a little bit longer. With him ... And she wanted to be with him, somehow, too. But – there was enough time, wasn't it? No need to hurry. She gave him another smile – and, after a moment of hesitation, a kiss on his cheek. "Good night!"

Startled, Seiya looked after her, when she rushed out of the living room. Now, what was that?