Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.
A/N: Another entry to Vicky's contest. This is one is for Dobby.
Hope you guys like it.
Oh, and this may not seem like it isn't in first person, but it is. Dobby never refers to himself as I, remember.
Harry Potter asked Dobby to help him in this very important task. Dobby is honored, but Dobby doesn't have enough energy. I must get Harry and his friends back to Shell Cottage. I must.
It has always been Dobby's dream to help Harry Potter. I cannot fail, even if it is the last thing Dobby does; especially if it is the last thing Dobby does.
Dobby would love to die for Harry Potter. It would be the best possible way to die. Dobby would not mind dying, as soon as he has gotten Harry Potter to safety. After that, nothing matters.
Dobby has to concentrate really hard to get them to Shell Cottage-much harder than usual. Dobby knows death is coming. The knife in Dobby's chest will be the end. Dobby doesn't care. Dobby needs to get Harry Potter safe.
Finally, we land. Harry Potter looks around, and turns to the goblin, saying "Are you all right?"
Dobby wishes Harry Potter would acknowledge him, before Dobby dies. The last thing Dobby wants to see is Harry Potter, Dobby's one true master. If this happens, then Dobby will be happy. Helping Harry Potter tonight is the best thing Dobby has done, and it is Dobby's happiest time of life.
Harry Potter asks Dobby a question, but Dobby is too tired, and close to death, to answer. Dobby really wishes Dobby could answer, though. That would make Harry Potter calm down, which would make Dobby happier. However, Dobby is already very happy.
Dobby can barely stand, never mind answer.
When Harry Potter notices Dobby's condition, Harry Potter screams my name. Dobby can hear the worry and concern in Harry Potter's voice. Dobby is happy that Harry Potter appreciates Dobby. Dobby will miss Harry Potter, but it is ok, because Dobby helped Harry Potter, when Harry Potter desperately needed it. This makes Dobby ok with dying. Dobby doesn't struggle.
Dobby listens to Harry Potter scream for help, and Dobby is very touched. It brings tears to Dobby's eyes.
Dobby outstretches his arms, and Harry Potter lays him down on the ground.
Harry Potter tells Dobby not to die, but dying is what Dobby's fate is.
Dobby manages to get out two words, "Harry…Potter…."
Dobby dies, looking into the eyes of the greatest wizard of all time, and Dobby is happy.
A/N: I know it was bittersweet, and more on the sad side, but this seemed like it would be Dobby's happiest moment.
Review, please. Thanks!