New story based loosely on a concept PaperSky95's story, Love Notes and Shakespeare Quotes

Nico:12 Percy:16 Bianca:15 Annabeth:16 Beckendorf:28

Silena:26 Drew:4 Jason:38 Piper:37 Thalia:12 Grover:15 Leo:25 Michael:27 Lee:25 Will:23 Nyssa:22

Nico diAngelo sat on the right side of the car, back seat, legs pulled up close to his body. Today, he was going to meet his father for the first time. He began to feel the heat of the car's heater and took off his gloves and hat.

Bianca diAngelo sat in the front seat of her mom's car, bored out of her mind, green hat flopping in front of her face. She had no desire to meet this man. She buckled her seatbelt then propped her legs up on the dashboard. This would be a long ride.

Maria diAngelo buckled her seatbelt and prepared to drive to the lotus hotel where she agreed to meet Hades Pantos, her children's father. She had a bad feeling about this storm. Snow was blowing and she really wanted to call and reschedule. She didn't want to run the risk of having to deal with Hades' lawyer, Alecto Dodds, though, so she started the car and began to drive.

"Mami, are we almost there?" her son, Nico asked. His curly black hair lay over his eyes, which were sometimes hazel, sometimes brown, but always dark. Like his father's.

"Si, we are almost there" she said with an Italian accent.

"Mami, why do we have to meet him?" Bianca whined, slouching in her seat. She looked very much like her brother, except she had more hazely than brown eyes, she was a girl, and she was 3 years older.

"Mia Figlia, I don't know. Your father, he thinks you should become a part of his family now." she said with a sigh.

Bianca huffed. "But Mami! If he really wanted us, he would've wanted us years ago! Mami, please don't make me go!" she pleaded.

"Mami?" Nico asked. He knew now probably wasn't a good time to butt into the conversation. "I want to meet Papa. Can I meet him if Bianca won't?"

Maria laughed,on the inside, and out of the corner of her eye, saw her daughter trying not to laugh too. Her son knew how to brighten up her day, even withought trying.

"Of course!" she said excitingly, and added "but she's going to meet him anyways!" Nico laughed, and Bianca scowled playfully.

The mood in the silver Honda accord remained pleasant and friendly for a while. Bianca sat listening to her iPod, songs she liked and artists varying from Black Veil Brides to Justin Beiber.

Nico read, well, to the best of his ability. He had dyslexia, so it made it harder, but he loved it anyways. What he loved more though, was futbol. No, not Football! Futbol. Soccer. he was reading a book on Emiliano Viviano, his favorite player of all time. He was good at it too.

Maria kept her hands on the wheel. The wind blew, but it was only half an hour away, so she wasn't stopping.

The car lurched as another car going way past the speed limit drove past.

The driver, Kronus Shamm, was drunk at 3:00 in the afternoon for who knows what reasons. He thought it would be fun to race with his gang, the Titans, after a couple (or more) of Dinosyis' Bar shots.

He drove at 90 in a 60 zone and bumped the diAngelo's car onto some ice. The car spun clockwise.

"Dal segno della Santa Croce, Dal segno della Santa Croce" Maria prayed,almost yelling, and tried to swerve the car into control.

"Mami, Mami! Mami!" Bianca shouted grabbing the seat for dear life.

"Mami, Mami, Aiutatemi per favore!" (help me please) Nico shouted, hugging his legs closer.

"I love you so much, miei bambini! (my babies) Stay strong!" Maria shouted, and took her hands off the wheels and braced herself for the hit. She recognized she was fighting a losing battle.

It crashed into a pole. Maria was gone.


"Mami!" Bianca yelled over and over until her voice was sore.

Nico just sat, stuck, crippled by sadness, crying.

Neither of them saw the second car coming until it was too late to move.

Another one of his buddies came barreling out of nowhere, fast and crazy. His vision was hazy, he didn't see the silver amidst the white.

Towards right side of the car.

"NICO!" Bianca shrieked.

"BIANCA!" He yelled.

They reached for each other.

Instinctually, he stuck his legs out straight, strangely towards the car door, trying to soften the impact.

The impact came.

Crunch went the car. Crunch went Bianca's beautiful body. Crunch went Nico's legs. Shock went Nico's lower spine.

Sally Jackson was driving to pick up her son Percy from swim practice. He didn't care the weather. He just wanted to swim.

She saw the first car drive by her. She let it pass, not wanting an accident on a day like today.

She saw the second car hit the familiar looking car. Then again, all cars are somewhat similar. She pulled over and got out immediately.

Through the crunched aluminum of the silver car, she heard a whimper. Her motherly instincts turned on. She ran.

"Bi? Bianca?" said the soft voice.


She ran frantically, hoping for a mere coincidence as her brain frazzled.

No. Not Maria.

Nico diAngelo there. Exposed from the twisted aluminum. Eyes red and horrified. Cuts on his right cheek and through his navy coat that he had protected himself with.

Hand still in Bianca's. Oh no. She was gone. She could see that.

Sally kept looking down Nico and looked down.

His legs. His soccer instrument. Smashed. Were they even there? All Sally saw was red. Bones. Blood. Muscles. Metal. Plastic. All mixed together.

His eyes found her.

"Miss Sally!" he said, as if he was in pain (which he was)

"Help me"

Sally rushed over with more urgency and tried to grab his hand, but ended up only able to reach the top of his head, which was inclined towards the opening in the shredded door.

"I got you."


"Hello? 911, what's your emergency?"

Sally gulped, hand on Nico's head while he cried. She ran her fingers through his hair and said, "major accident on the interstate, please hurry!"

"Any survivors?"

"Just one. He's 12." Nico cried out in pain as the shock started to wear off and reality set in.

"Help is on the way"

A call came to the fire station. Charles Beckendorf, fire chief, picked up the phone. He was a big black man with a beautiful wife and daughter. One kid survivor. Beckendorf immediately thought of his daughter, Drew, at home.

He rang the bell. The firemen and women slid down the poles and got ready to slam into action.

Leo Valdez and Nyssa Capiche slid down the pole and began to suit up.

"What is it this time?" Nyssa, a woman of medium height and brown hair and brown eyes asked.

"Double crash. Two dead one survivor. A 12 year old boy." Leo replied. He was a little lanky and tall for a firefighter, with brown curly hair and slightly upturned ears and eyebrows. He was the guy that carried people out of houses.

"Shame..." Nyssa replied, and continued to lace her boots.

Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, and Will Solace got in the ambulance and began to drive towards the interstate.

"What do we got?" asked Lee, a mousy man with pinched features.

Will read over the report. "Boy, legs crushed." he read aloud.

Michael continued driving. Lee and Will prepared the truck for whatever would be necessary. From the accident, he would be taken to Olympus County Hospital. They drove for a couple more miles until they began to hear the wail of sirens from the first responding firemen. The boys snapped on plastic gloves as they reached the scene and hopped out of the car.

"Man..." Michael said, pulling up around the police cars, "I'll be out in a minute. You'll need all of us to get this kid out." The boys snapped on plastic gloves as they reached the scene and hopped out of the car.

The car was totally destroyed. The hood of the car was folded and the window smashed. Maria diAngelo's body was mangled and bloody. Bianca's was broken in the midsection and was ripped open by shards of glass.

Nico was still attached to his seatbelt, hand gripping Bianca's cold one.

Sally was pushed aside as the paramedics and fire and police came. Nico didn't even notice. The loss of blood was making him delusional.

"Mami, my leg hurts. Mami, Aiutatemi. It really hurts." he mumbled.

"Little man, you are buried in deep crap." Leo said while trying to figure how to untangle Nico without causing him anymore pain.

Leo took those mega scissors and began cutting away the seatbelt and door that restrained him.

"Ouch Mami, stop. Aiutatemi, Mami, stop!" Nico yelled.

Leo opened the door. Looking down at the boys legs, he uttered a couple words and stared for a moment.

Leo grabbed the boy by his shoulder and carried him bridal style over to the gurney where the paramedics were ready to rush him to the ER.

"Holy crap! WTF happened to this kid?" Lee asked. What he lacked in size, he made up with in attitude.

"Dude, he's just a kid!" Michael scolded. "Hey buddy!" he said softly, turning to Nico as they started to wheel him over to the ambulance. "What's your name."

"Mami, ho freddo. No, sono caldo. No, ho freddo. No, sono caldo." He mumbled incoherently.

See, until the age of 7, Nico, his mom, and his sister lived in Italy, Venice, actually. Nico's first language was actually Italian.

"Dude, what is this kid saying?" Will asked Michael. As the oldest of the three, they looked to him for advice.

Just then, Sally Jackson ran up and grabbed Nico's hand.

"Mami?" he asked.

She stroked his head. "No, it's Miss Sally." Nico nodded in recognition.

"Umm… lady? Who are you?" Lee asked, still pushing the gurney towards the ambulance.

"Sally Jackson. His mom and I are," she paused and wiped her eyes, "Were part of a single mom's club. He's like my other son." She paused, and a panic flashed by her eyes.

"Shoot! Percy!" She smiled at the Paramedics, though, and said, "May I ride with him?"

"Sure, why not?" Michael said.

Percy was sitting inside the doors to the indoor pool. His mom was late to pick him up.

*I hope she's ok.* he thought.

Just then, his phone rang.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hey Perce! It's Mom."

"Hey mom!" he said. "Where are you?"

"Umm… I'm at the hospital… but I'm OK." Percy breathed a sigh of relief.

"Umm, ask Grover's mom to drive you to Olympus County Hospital, if she doesn't mind."

"I'm sure she won't Mom. What's up anyways?" he asked.

"I'll tell you when you get here." In the background, he heard a voice. 'SALLY JACKSON, CALLING SALLY JACKSON TO THE DESK'

"Gotta go, Perce. Love you." She said, and she hung up.

Percy picked up his swim bag and walked over to the therapy room with the one way glass. Standing there was Astral Underwood, Percy's best friend Grover's mom.

Astral Underwood was a small woman with curly brown hair and brown eyes. Her and her relatives were vegan, organic, hippy(ish) and a bit out there. They all had an irrational fear of underground and a go green personality. Sally and Astral were in the Single moms club with Maria diAngelo.

"Hi Ms. Underwood." He said. She saw Percy and smiled.

"Hi, honey! How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good." They stood awkwardly for a minute or so.

Grover was struggling. He was trying to straighten his knees and kick, but his legs couldn't find the strength.

Grover had a muscle disorder that made it harder for him to walk. He took physical therapy at the pool and that's how the two boys met.

Two boys sat next to each other, waiting for their moms to come pick them up.

One was nine and one was ten.

"Hey." Percy said. "I'm Percy.

"Hi. Grover." Grover said, sticking out his hand. Percy took it and shook it.

"Are you one swim team? I haven't seen you around." Percy asked. He was a fast swimmer, and though he was only ten, he was already swimming with the 13-14 year olds.

"Nah. Therapy." Grover said, pointing to his crutches.

There was an awkward silence for a couple minutes until both boys' moms came to pick them up, coincidentally at the same time.

That's where the Single mom's club began.

"He'll be done in a minute." Ms. Underwood said. She saw Percy looking through the glass.

"Oh. My mom was wondering if you could give me a ride to Olympus County Hospital."

"Is she alright?" Ms. U asked nervously. She began to nibble on the aluminum of her recyclable bracelet.

"Oh, yeah, she's fine. I don't know why she's there, but she asked if you could take me." Percy asked embarrassedly.

"Sure, hon! Anything for you." Astral said, ruffling his hair. Percy blushed and brushed his hair into place with his finger. Astral laughed.

Grover opened the door to the pool into the waiting area and saw Percy.

"Peercy!" he bleated. He and Percy had an inside joke of Grover secretly being part goat.

Grover had a curly brown Jew-fro and brown eyes and freckles across the bridge of his cheeks and nose. He had a small nose, chapped, and was only about 5'2, compared to Percy's 5'11.

"Hey. You're giving me a ride." Percy told him while walking outside. He was holding Grover's stuff so that he could use his crutches.

"Cool. Where to?" Grover asked as they reached the car.

Grover crutched over to the trunk of the car. He stuck his crutches in the trunk and hobbled over to the front door of the car.

After he and Percy got in, Percy responded, "Olympus County Hospital."

Grover paled and turned slightly green immediately.

Oh yeah. Grover also had an empathy disorder. When he heard of other's pain, he seemed to feel it too.

"No, she's fine. Don't have an attack." Grover went back to normal.

They drove the thirty minutes to the hospital and Astral dropped Percy up in the front.

"Call me if you need anything, ok Perce?" Astral asked.

"OK," he shouted as he got out of the car and the Underwoods drove away. "Thanks for the ride."

He ran through the automatic doors into the cold hospital waiting room.