My Heart Isn't There Without Her

So, if you know me this is a story by Dave and Alex tweaked and helped me, but mostly the story is by me. Hope you like it! ENJOY!

Prologue (Trust Me)

Fang P.O.V

She looks helpless. Not herself. I never got to show her how much I truly love her. Let her see the world. I'm breaking inside just seeing her just lay there. Not outside playing basketball with Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Ella. Not watching Max laugh her heart out while Angel, her little 7 year old sister, tickler her sides until they both can't breathe. She never got to graduate from high school.

"Fang?" she moaned. I couldn't watch her be in this much pain and suffering.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Is this going to ever end? This pain? What am I going to tell Ange?" she must be having a good day since she said more than-pain, get the nurse, and Fang-but, after she finished her statements she coughed and almost choked.

"It's gonna be fine, sweetheart." I answered halfheartedly. I hoped it would be okay.

"How do you know?" she said right before she had a horrible pain go through her and moaned again.

"It's okay, baby. Just trust me." Right now she was about to fall asleep. Why did they forget to check the locks on the doors? Why did she have to be there? I had gotten the call when I was at Hollister-I was getting her a 6 month anniversary present since it was her favorite store-just about to buy the shirt when I got the news. I don't even know if I even got her the shirt. They said that the lion at the zoo had gotten lose and well she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was her first job that she loved with her whole heart, so why did it have to happen so badly? The nurse just walked in the room and pulled me out of my trance.

"How's she doing?" she asked even though she looked like she just wanted to go home.

"A little better." I answered even though I didn't want to look at her.

"Well, that's good. See you in the morning." With that she just left the room.

I haven't left her side since like Friday. She came out of surgery, but she isn't getting ANY better.

"Fang, man. You need to get out of here. I'm just not used to seeing you like well… ummmmm… depressed." Iggy said as he walked into the room. How dare my best friend say to go away when my true love is in pain?

"Well sorry to disappoint you." I almost yelled, but Max was asleep so I wasn't gonna wake her up. She used to be peaceful when slept, but now it was almost a forced sleep. Full of pain sleep.

"Dude, I get that your sad but everything is going to be fine the doctor said that she will probably be okay. So chill dude." He yelled.

"DON'T YELL SHE'S ASLEEP! Gosh Iggy, don't you car-" I was interrupted by Max yelling in pain.

"Max, babe are you okay?"

"No Fang it's actually getting worse." You could hardly hear her. "How do yo-"she tried but well she coughed up another storm.

"Just trust me sweetheart. Hold on please." I pleaded.


"I love you Max"

"Love you to" she mumbled as I walked out.

Hey, hope you like it. This is only the prologue and the next chapter we will go before the accident and see the love that Fang feels for Max. Please review. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!