Sorry this chapter was horrible. Yeah looks like this is coming to an end soon, but I think I decided to do another Lelouch and Suzaku story. Ahahah the next one will involve more characters and probably have more of a story to it and more characters in general.

They kissed only briefly when Suzaku had another change of heart. He clamped Lelouch's mouth shut with his hand and his free arm held Lelouch tightly.

"You must be tired. The horrible thing about you is that you really have low stamina. I could keep going for hours and hours." Lelouch squirmed in his tight grip trying to free his mouth at least.

"Well at least you have enough energy to be entertaining," Lelouch's oily shirt provided a light barrier between their skin, but still, Suzaku could feel Lelouch's muscles beneath his skin and his bones. Suzaku nuzzled against Lelouch's neck enjoying the sensation of Lelouch's struggling, "Your skin is so soft. It drives me insane."

He continued to kiss Lelouch's neck and then released him for a moment. Suzaku spun Lelouch around and pushed him on his knees.

"Suza-" Lelouch began, but Suzaku pushed his penis in. One hand was guiding Lelouch's head on the speed he should be going and the other was reaching in the dark for something.

"I'm sorry, Lelouch, that was rude, but I'm a gentleman. I promise," his voice was menacing and uncaring, but he did keep true to his word and pulled Lelouch away as he came.

"You're ejaculating faster and faster," Lelouch remarked sulkily.

"Why are you so mouthy when you're not in a situation to be? It isn't cute."

"I'm sure you find it cute," Lelouch smirked, "Now let me go."

"I'm glad that fighting spirit of your's came back. You being so complying gets a little boring."

"But you acting like a domineering lover is boring."

"Domineering? Oh you're going to pay for that." And in a flash he produced duct tape which was placed was over Lelouch's mouth.

Suzaku picked up Lelouch and threw him on the bed. Suzaku taped Lelouch's wrists together and calves to his thighs. Suzaku then produced a fleshlight and looked over at Lelouch.

"I'm sure you don't know what this is," Suzaku climbed back into bed and tore piece of fabric off the bed sheet. He tied it around Lelouch's eyes laughing as he completed the action.

"You're a dirty boy if you know what this does," Suzaku placed Lelouch in his lap, took the fleshlight, and inserted Lelouch's penis into it. Lelouch was exhausted and his soft, slow moans reflected that.

"Hmm you're not acting as surprised as I thought you would be. I hope you and Rivalz wouldn't look these things up on the internet in your free time," he cackled.

Lelouch let a longer, louder moan signaling he was done and Suzaku threw aside the fleshlight. He kissed Lelouch on the top of Lelouch's head and then spun Lelouch around to kiss Lelouch over his duct tapped mouth. They were both sweaty and fatigued. Suzaku went for his knife and sliced the tape and pulled it off Lelouch's skin. He laughed as Lelouch screamed in surprise. He left the tape on Lelouch's mouth, collected his clothes, and left.

Lelouch stared at the door in disbelief, gingerly ripping the tape off is mouth, and then let his head hit the pillow. Emotional betrayal, anger, or whatever was bother Suzaku wouldn't be of concern to Lelouch right now. Right now all he needed was sleep.