"Hey." Sam looked up to see Danny's head sticking through her wall. She smiled.

"Hey." She said, "What you doing here? Aren't your parents going to be pissed if they catch you sneaking out now that they know…" Danny put a finger to her lips Sam stared at him then her eyes went wide.

"Sam… I… there's something I need to tell you." Danny said. Sam shoved Danny's hand away and stood up walking away from the desk where she'd been trying to focus on homework.

"Don't do it Danny." She breathed almost to herself as Danny phased the rest of the way through the wall.

"Sam please I need to tell you this." He said, "it's part of my list." Sam whipped around to face him.

"That doesn't make it better Danny!" She said throwing her hands up. "That doesn't help us now! Of all times why!?" Sam said.

"Because I could let it go without telling you." Danny said trying to grab Sam's arm, she pulled it away quickly.

"Danny… Oh… god… Danny." Sam faced the other way, "I… it's just…" She buried her face in her hands Danny wrapped his arms around her.

"That I'm dying?" He whispered. Sam broke down crying turning around and crying in Danny's shoulder.

"Danny… I just… why… why does it have to be like this." Sam asked. Danny sat there feeling Sam's warm body against him then hugged her close.

"I don't know… I really don't…" Danny closed his eyes leaning his head against Sam's, "Sam… I love you." He said. Sam started sobbing clutching Danny closer to her while Danny held her fast to his chest. He turned human letting his heart beat to the sound of Sam's sobs.

"I… I… love you… too Danny." Sam sobbed. Danny choked out a strangled cry and held Sam tighter.

"I don't want to die." He said, "I don't want to die."

(line break time)

Sam jostled awake Danny passed out in her bed, there was a knock on the door.

"Sammykins I'm coming in!" her mother said cheerily.

"Oh crap." Sam said jostling Danny awake, "I'm not decent!" Sam yelled. Her mother sighed.

"Samantha, I told you last time, you're never decent now unlock this door." Her mother said strained.

"Danny, turn invisible, she'll think we were doing something." Sam said. Danny complied.

"But we're both clothed." He pointed out.

"Doesn't matter to her," Sam whispered as she crossed the room to unlock the door, "She'll think it anyway, she's crazy remember." Danny chuckled then kissed Sam's temple.

"I'll see you at school." He said. Sam nodded pulling open the door.

"Sam, why are you wearing that ghastly night gown again, I thought we had a talk about this." Pamela said busting into the room cheerfully with her bright pink dress. Sam shielded her eyes.

"Mom, late for school, can we do this some other time." Sam said going to her closet and pulling out her regular black outfit.

"I was thinking something more like this." Pamela said pulling out an outfit that was a nearly carbon copy of Paulina's.

"Mom, we've been over this, I'd fly to the moon before I'm caught dead in that." Sam said disgusted.

"Then it's a good thing I'm planning your funeral then isn't it." Pamela said with a huff leaving the room and slamming the door. Sam rolled her eyes giving off an aggravated sigh.

"That, or the worst thing that will ever happen to me." Sam glared getting dress, "I hope she really doesn't plan my funeral…" at that thought she sighed, would Danny even have a funeral. She hoped not because if that happened it would mean they couldn't save him. If that happened that would mean that she's have to finish high school alone, sure she'd have Tucker but… there would be no Danny.

"I don't want to die." Danny's words rung through her head. Sure they were making the best of it and it was fun and hilarious but… that didn't mean that they'd forgotten the consequences. Sam hugged herself close and closed her eyes trying to keep the tears at bay.

"I don't want you to die either."

(Another line break whooo! I loved this idea from GLaDOS' Creator so much that I had to use it.)

"Tucker… careful with those!" Danny hissed. Tucker frowned.

"Excuse me this is like the second time this week I've had to get up early." Tucker gripped.

"Get over it!" Sam snapped.

"Sam you're the one who was late!" Tucker glared. Danny rolled his eyes.

"Just shut up and be thankful that we have help!" Danny glared. Then set the boxes down on the desks he then sighed, "I'm going to go let the others in, remember, we have to hurry." Danny said before going ghost at flying at top speed to the back doors of the school. He changed back before he opened to doors letting four freezing kids in.

"This is going to be epic." Said Jennifer. Danny shushed her and Carl chased Paul with a fake wand down the hall.

"Let's hurry, I don't want to get caught." Butch said nervously.

"If we get caught we're blaming you." Carl said with a sadistic smile.

"Then let's get going." Danny said sprinting down the hallway the others in suit.

"I don't mean to be a party pooper or anything, but how are we going to get this all done?" Paul asked. Danny sighed.

"Don't worry you guys just have to help put the robes on the chairs and the wands in the desks and stuff like that." Danny said.

"Wait… how long have you been here?" Jen asked confused. Danny shrugged.

"Just got here." He said.

"Then it's not like we're going all out?" Butch said somewhat disappointed.

"See for yourself." Danny said opening the door. Four sets of jaws dropped while Danny walked in casually.

"Hey Desiree, I still can't believe you agreed to this." Danny said as Desire was putting the finishing touches on the huge dungeon like class room.

"Where there are wishes to be granted my services will always be offered." Desiree said in a floaty mysterious voice. Danny rolled his eyes.

"As long as you don't cause major trouble all day you won't go into a thermos go it?" Danny said. Desiree smiled wickedly.

"But of course, your wish is my command." Desiree said.

"Whatever, just don't do anything horrible, I don't see why you twist wishes so much if the outcome is still the same." Danny grumbled.

"To have a little fun." Desiree said before winking and disappearing.

"Duuuudddeee…. That was a ghost!" Paul said. Danny shrugged.

"Yeah… it kinda was." Danny responded.

"Duuuuuuudddddeeee! How can you be so familiar with a ghost? I mean you talked to her like she wasn't even floating or green or had no legs… yeah." Carl said before getting distracted by something boiling in the corner.

"Well… my parents are ghost hunters…" Danny rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that." Said Jen while she looked over Lancer's new desk, "For a ghost she sure paid attention to detail."

"Yeah, we had to specifically tailor the wish, and also make sure nothing bad would happen like actual potions or monsters appearing that Danny would have to fight." Tucker said just before catching an elbow to the stomach from Sam, "Danny Phantom… not Danny Fenton..." Tucker said rubbing his stomach. Danny rolled his eyes.

"Ok, these boxes have the robes; I have a special someone keeping Lancer busy until the exact moment he walks in for homeroom. Let's start passing out the robes and putting notes on the desks." Danny said.

"Why didn't you just have the ghost do that to?" Butch asked while taking a robe out.

"Because then we wouldn't feel as involved and it wouldn't be as fun." Danny smiled grabbing a couple robes of his own and putting sticky notes on the desk which looked out of place in the drab dungeon classroom.

"Just keep moving." Carl said brandishing a wand at Butch.

"Plus we weren't confident enough in Desiree not to make the wands real." Tucker said having returned for a refill of robe.

"What about the Janitor?" Jen asked sticking a sticky note to a desk.

"He's occupied as well." Danny said, "Let's just say, he's not going to want to see boxes for a while." Danny laughed, Sam and Tucker chuckling along with him.

"So that weird box obsessed ghost?" Paul questioned putting wands on the desks, "How'd you get him to work with you too?"

"Easy." The trip responded.

"We just told him there was going to be boxes in a certain place at a certain time when the janitor is down there cleaning." Danny said.

"Good thing Box Ghosts doesn't really question motives." Tucker commented. He looked into the box, "We're cool dude, let's get dressed up and wait." Danny nodded as the six students moved to take their places in the prank about to begin.

(Yup another line break!)

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! What's going on here people?" Lancer demanded as he walked into the class room. He's had a horrible morning, first his coffee froze then he pants came undone in the hall and he dropped his papers having to chase them down the hallway and upstairs for what felt like hours and by the time he reached his classroom he found it decked out like some sort of dungeon with a whole bunch of wizards sitting in their seats.

"Actually that's exactly what it is, Mr. Lanc- I mean Professor Snape." A bespectacled boy said. Lancer turned on him.

"Mr. Fenton? Is that you?" Lancer said.

"Not today professor, its Harry Potter today sir." Danny said putting on a phony accent. Lancer turned red, the snickers of laughter he'd heard since he'd walked in were starting to escalate.

"Mr. Fenton put everything back to normal this instance!" Lancer demanded.

"I'm sorry sir, there is no one named Fenton here." Danny said keeping up the façade. Lancer threw his papers on his desk.

"Fine, if you want to be that way, ten points from Gryffindor." Lancer glared.

"Sorry Sir, but if you're going to be Mr. Lancer, you can't do that. You have to be a Professor of Hogwarts to do that." Danny said again, by now some of the snickers had evolved into full blown laughter. Lancer glared, "Your wig and cloak are on your chair." Danny stage whispered. Lancer turned red.

"Detention!" Lancer bellowed. Danny shook his head.

"No, only Professors are allowed to give detention." Danny insisted. Lancer was bright red by now a tick mark appearing on his forehead from his anger.

"I don't know what you three are doing, but I've had enough of it for one week." Lancer said, "If you will not remove yourself from the class room Mr. Fenton, I will call security." Lancer said sounding calmer than he looked. Danny nodded.

"I gottcha, I gottcha." He grimaced and took off the glasses. He smiled sadly to himself, "This wasn't nearly as fun as the snow day… sorry guys." Danny waved and walked out the door Lancer seemed to be pacified for the moment.

"Now, take off those ridiculous costumes and let's get class started." Lancer said pinching the bridge of his nose.

Danny sighed in the hallway then took off his cloak and rolled it up going up to his locker and shoving the fabric into it and closing the door. He glanced around the hallway real quick before going ghost and flying to the roof where he waited playing with a small ecto ball till the next class.