
UC 0083.11.12-13: The Delaz Fleet is able to execute the last stage of Operation Stardust. A colony in the midst of being transferred is hijacked by the remnant Zeon Fleet with the intent on dropping it into the Earth. Earth Federal Forces attempt to halt the colony drop but are unable to do so. The colony hits the fertile North American breadbasket not only causing a great loss of life but also adversely affecting food production.

UC 0083.12.04: In response to the Stardust Incident the Titans Task Force, an elite counterinsurgency unit under the command of Jamitov Hymem is formed.

UC 0083.12.18: Earth Federal Forces Command worried that there are other unaccounted for Zeon Fleets orders the Space Force's Fourth Fleet to mount an expedition to Mars to discover any Zeon remnants. While many see this move as a means of showing the flag, the consequences of the move would have massive repercussions for not just human history but the entire galaxy.

UC 0084.06.16: Earth Federal Forces arrive at Mars. Much to their surprise they find a Zeon remnant operating upgraded mobile suits based on designs from the One Year War. While the Mars Zeon forces put up a fight, the Earth Federation's superior forces both in numbers and quantity win the day albeit with significant losses.

UC 0084.06.25: Earth Federal Forces conducting mop up operations of Mars Zeon encounter magnetic field disturbances in the Deseado Crater. Acting under orders, the crater is further examined. Much to their shock, an underground base containing several starships and a malfunctioning Mass Effect core is located.

UC 0084.07.14: The news of the find reaches the Earth Sphere. Despite Federal efforts to keep it quiet it quickly spreads across all of human space.

UC 0084.07.19: After repeated requests for confirmation, the Federation admits the truth and officially confirms the presence of alien ruins on Mars.

UC 0084.07.21: Using his influence, Jamitov Hymem is able to put control of the Mars base under the Titans' jurisdiction.

UC 0084.07.24: Much to the disappointment of many Spacenoids, the Earth Federation Assembly votes to keep the status quo for the time being until the 'alien ruins' are properly catalogued and discovered.

UC 0084.08.13: Char Aznable returns to the Earth Sphere. After hacking the Earth Federation's military register, he is able to infiltrate the Earth Federal Forces under the name of Quattro Bajeena.

UC 0085.07.31: The Titans use poison gas to suppress a demonstration at Colony 30 of Side 1, wiping out the colony's three million inhabitants. While the incident is hushed up, anti-Federation resistance increases and the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG) is organized.

UC 0085.09.08: Construction of the Space Colony Gryps based in, the headquarters of the Titans begins.

UC 0087.03.02: The AEUG warship Argama attacks Side 7 and manages to steal three prototype RX-178 Gundam Mk II Experimental Mobile Suits from the Titans.

UC 0087.05.03: Bright Noa joins the AEUG.

UC 0087.05.11: The AEUG launches an assault on the Federation base of Jaburo. However the Titans having known of the planned assault prepare a trap in the form of a nuclear bomb. While the AEUG is able to escape, countless Titan and Regular Forces lives are lost and the base is destroyed.

UC 0087.06.08: Gryps is moved from Side 7 and the Asteroid Base A Baoa Qu to Luna II. The Gate of Zedan is now complete.

UC 0087.08.10: Titan Forces launch Operation Apollo, an invasion of the lunar city of Von Braun.

UC 0087.08.16: The Federation Assembly votes to put all Federation forces under the Titans direct command much to the discontent of many Federation personnel. Blex Forer the leader of the AEUG is assassinated.

UC 0087.08.24 The Titans attempt to execute a colony drop on the lunar city of Granada.

UC 0087.09.21: The Titans attempt to use poison gas on Side 2's colony 25.

UC 0087.11.16: The AEUG launches an assault onto the Federation Assembly in Dakar and denounces the Titans in front of the entire Earth Sphere. Support for the AEUG grows.

UC 0087.12.07: Titans Forces use the Gryps 2 colony laser to destroy Side 2's colony 18.

UC 0087.12.14: Titans forces destroy Side 2's colony 21 with poison gas killing all of its citizens.

UC 0087.12.28: Under heavy pressure from Spacenoids but Planetnoids as well, the Federation votes to strip the Titans of their powers and declare them enemies of the State. The chain of command of the Earth Federal Forces is restored. Former members of the EFF who joined the AEUG are pardoned.

UC 0087.12.31: The Titans now a rogue entity begin to fortify their stronghold the Gate of Zedan. Jamitov Hymem announces that unless the Titans authority and status is restored the Titans will destroy a colony every forty-eight hours until their demands are met.

UC 0088.01.01: The EFF launches an assault on the Gate of Zedan. Casualties are high but the Titans forces are defeated. After five years the bloody reign of the Titans is now over.

UC 0088.02.02: Char Aznable addresses the Earth Sphere revealing his true identity as Casaval Rem Deikum, son of the Zeon Zum Deikum. Building on his father's words, he announces that humanity needs to leave the corrupting confines of the Earth Sphere and to begin the exploration of the galaxy at large. Many historians would consider this as the beginnings of the Human Destiny movement.

UC 0088.02.10: The contents of Laplace's Box are leaked across the Earth Sphere shocking Spacenoids and Planetnoids alike. Spacenoids begin to agitate for increased representation in the Earth Federation's Assembly.

UC 0088.02.18: In an effort to keep their jobs the Federation Assembly votes to increase funding of the Mars project. Countless scientists and engineers are sent to Mars to begin research that had been previously halted due to the Gryps conflict.

UC 0089.03.10: Federation scientists discover that Charon previously thought to be Pluto's moon is actually an alien object enclosed in ice. Traces of the particle now known as element Zero is also found.

UC 0089.04.16: The ever-growing research base on Mars is attacked by Zeon remnants that had based from the mobile base Axis. This marks the start of the Neo Zeon War. Interestingly enough Char Aznable, now a member of the Federation Assembly is the first to condemn the attack. EFF begins preparation for a massive fleet to retake Mars.

UC 0092.02.21: End of the Neo Zeon War.

UC 0093.04.26: Federation scientists uncover the means to establish an FTL drive via element zero.

UC 0094.07.15: The Charon relay is activated. The first ship is sent through the relay and arrives in the Arcturus system that is discovered to have several other Mass Relays.

UC 0094.09.21: The Federation launches a massive exploration and colonization effort. In light of the increased burden on the EFF, the Assembly approves the Vinson II Plan drastically enlarging the EFF. The Earth Federation begins fortification of the Arcturus system.

UC 0096: Amaterasu colonized

UC 0097: Eden Prime colonized

UC 0098: Terra Nova colonized

UC 0100: Shanxi colonized

UC 0108: New Canton colonized

UC 0109: The Earth Federal Forces move its headquarters to Arcturus.

UC 0112: Watson colonized

UC 0117.08.21: Relay 314 Incident. A Turian patrol fleet intercepts Federation vessels trying to activate the relay known to the Citadel known as Relay 314. The Turians open fire destroying all but one ship that manages to escape to Shanxi.

UC 0117.09.01: Turian forces track the escaped vessel to Shanxi. Thinking that the space colony in orbit around the planet is some sort of giant warship the Turians open fire, killing over a million civilians. Among the dead are Mirai and Chemin Noa. Seeing that the space colony is destroyed, General Williams commanding the forces on the surface of Shanxi orders the detonation of M-warheads releasing m-particles into the atmosphere of Shanxi.

UC 0117.09.02: After trying unsuccessfully at obtaining accurate fire support the Turians send in ground troops to the surface of Shanxi in a bid to take it over. There they meet mobile suits for the first time with shocking results.

UC 0117.10.14: Sortieing from Arcturus Earth Federation's Second Fleet under the Command Vice Admiral Bright Noa launches an attack on the Turian Fleet in a bid to retake Shanxi and relieve General Williams.

UC 0117.10.15: Battle of Shanxi. Thanks to the m-particle and mobile suit technology, Earth Federation's Second Fleet decisively defeats the Turian forces under General Desolas Arterius with little casualties. Amuro Ray piloting the newest version of the Gundam cements his legacy as one of the most feared aces of all time. Both sides begin preparations for a war, one that human military planners believe will easily eclipse the devastation of the One Year War.

UC 0117.10.31: An Asari ship enters the Shanxi system in an effort to make peace with the Hierarchy and the Earth Federation.

UC 0117.11.04: The Earth Federation and the Turian Hierarchy sign the Treaty of Arcturus, ending the First Contact War. As a means of compensation, the Federation is given a portion of the Skyllian Verge to settle. The Batarian Hegemony withdrawals from the Citadel in protest.

UC 0117.12.15: Despite Asari efforts, the Earth Federation refuses to join the Citadel. Most notably is their opposition to the idea of Spectres, elite agents of the Citadel Council that are immune to prosecution operating within their space. To many humans Spectres bring up memories of the Titans and their reign of terror. Another issue between the Federation and the Citadel is the latter's refusal to classify humanity's space colonies on the same level as Garden Worlds.

UC 0118.06.23: A shuttle carrying Amuro Ray explodes killing him and 56 other passengers. While there is no proof many suspect that the Salarian STG was behind it. As a result

UC 0118.08.07: Bright Noa, the liberator of Shanxi commits suicide. Many attribute this to the loss of his family to the Turians. At his funeral Bright Noa is posthumously given a double promotion to Fleet Admiral.

UC 0118.10.15: On the first anniversary of the Battle of Shanxi. An anonymous letter hits the extranet denouncing alien influence on humanity and the need for a "Cerberus" to guard the gates of humanity from the aliens who would wish to prevent humanity from achieving its rightful destiny.

UC 0119.9.15: A mega freighter in the skies above Palaven's capitol city suddenly explodes spreading countless M-particles around a forty-mile radius shorting out the city's electronic hardware causing nearly a trillion credits in economic damages. Cerberus claims credit for this attack, declaring that the deaths of Amuro Ray and the colonists of Shanxi have been avenged.

UC 0120: The Federation begins colonization of its portion of the Skyllian Verge. This puts them in direct conflict with the Batarians who wish to claim the entire area as a zone of Batarian interest.

UC 0121: Zaeed Masani and Vido Santiago found the Blue Suns Mercenary Company. While nominally independent, the organization has deep ties with Federation intelligence and is used to assist the Federation in policing its half of the Skyllian Verge.

UC 0123: Batarian financed raiders and pirates launch a raid on Mindoir killing many and enslaving many colonists. Only one survivor is found alive. In response the Federation begins a proxy war with the Batarian Hegemony with Blue Suns and Batarian backed forces fighting with one another. This marks the beginning of the ongoing conflict.

UC 0125: The Quarian Migrant Fleet enters the Terra Nova System, seeing the massive amount of ships the Federal Forces begin defensive preparations. However it is quickly evident that the fleet is not an invasion fleet but a refugee fleet. With both governments distaste of the Citadel, relations between the two soon form. The Earth Federation soon becomes the preferred location for many Quarian's Pilgrimages.

UC 0128: Fortification of the Arcturus System is completed. While the exact defenses are classified, a Turian observer notes that any assault on Arcturus would be bloody to the extreme.

UC 0130.05.12: Batarian sponsored forces launch a surprise attack on the Federation colony of Elysium. However the attack is beaten back singlehandedly by an unknown Mobile Suit pilot. While Federation officials deny the existence of said pilot, footage of the battle is leaked to Citadel Space alarming the Citadel Council. With a clear Casus Belli, the Federation increases its forces in the Skyllian Verge.

UC 0132.02.14: Federation and Blue Suns forces launch an assault on Batarian sponsored forces on Torfan. The raid results in a diplomatic embarrassment for the Federation as footage of Blue Suns soldiers executing Batarian prisoners of war is leaked to the extranet.

UC 0136.05.01: Election of Benjamin Aquino as Prime Minister of the Earth Federation, the first planetnoid to hold the office in forty years. One of Aquino's goals is normalization of relations with the Citadel much to distaste of many conservatives.

UC 0138.03.07: Current Date