"Come in, Come in, hello!" Rachel greeted as she rushed Kurt and Finn inside. Her dads were away for the winter vacation and had their small house in New York all to herself. She had bothered every member of the glee club so obnoxiously they all eventually agreed to spend the night there. The blizzard was monstrous outside. Kurt had a frost-encrusted scarf wrapped all the way up to his nose and wearing a thick hat, even though it would mess up his hair. Finn took off his hat and gave Rachel a kiss. Rachel beamed.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Mmmph," Kurt groaned through his thick scarf, hands shoved in his pockets.

Tina giggled from across the room where Mike was sitting with an arm around her. "Hello to you too, Kurt," she ran to him and gave him a hug. Mike patted him on the back.

Quinn was sitting in a chair with a magazine, wearing a blue sweater and jeggings. Puck was lounging on a couch half asleep. Lauren was texting on her phone. Soft music from Spring Awakening was playing in the background.

"Okay everybody!" Rachel clapped her hands together. She wore a long black sleeve turtleneck sweater, a red pleated skirt, and green plaid knee-high socks. Kurt looked disgusted, but managed to ignore a comment as he unwrapped his scarf from his neck and hung it up. "So as we wait for the rest of the New Directions to arrive, I would like to give you a small tour. It's a quaint place, really, only three rooms not including the bathroom. Follow me!" She grabbed Finn's hand and Kurt followed.

"Um, hey Rachel, I hope you don't mind I—" he began.

"I'm going to stop you right there, Kurt, because nothing can ruin this night. All of the New Directions, bonding together on a snowy evening, it's going to be amazing!" Rachel squealed.

"Yeah, but—"

"So this is the kitchen," Rachel ignored him. She spread her hands out in a display. "Lovely, isn't it?"

"Totally," Finn said, still holding her hand. Kurt had a feeling Finn wasn't even paying attention. Rachel picked up three bowls of pretzels, chips, and M&Ms and moved into the next room.

"And now we come to the den…" she continued. The den had two small, plush couches, a tall cabinet, and lots of blankets piled in the corner.

"And now we're back in the living room!" Rachel finished. She places the bowls of snacks on the coffee table. Quinn glanced up from her magazine, paused for a second, and continued reading. Puck sighed.

"This is so boring. I should've brought booze," he mumbled.

"No, no, Noah, that didn't end so well last time," Rachel scolded. The doorbell rang. Rachel flounced to it and opened it. "Come in, Come in, welcome!" She yelled warmly, despite the enormous gust of snow that blew in.

Mercedes and Sam entered. Mercedes was holding her purse and Sam's sports bag, and Sam had his guitar. They were both as bundled up as everyone, sharing a scarf. Sam's lips that he often got teased for were almost blue, and Mercedes shivered violently.

"I-It is freezingout there," Mercedes chattered.

"Seriously," Sam said, setting down his guitar case. "It's like the North Pole out there; I was expecting to see Santa Claus." Mercedes laughed.

"So, did you guys come together?" Tina asked.

"No, no—" They both began.

"We both pulled in at the same time," Mercedes insisted, smiling.

Finn cast Sam a questioning look, gesturing to the scarf.

"She…got cold."

"Everyone in, before all the heat goes out!" Rachel demanded. They took off their coats and hats and began socializing.

After about ten minutes, everyone who was there was settled. Rachel and Finn were cuddling on one of the couches, having their own conversation. Sam, Puck, and Lauren were all in deep chat about sports. Kurt and Mercedes were seated on the floor, Kurt leaning against the couch where Tina and Mike were sitting, holding hands. The fire was radiating excessive amount of heat that tingled their cold fingertips. Christmas (or Hannukah, for Rachel) lights were strung around the room, adding to the bright light from the lamps and the fire. It sent a warm glow around the rosy colored walls and soft carpet. It was buzzing warm and so homey. The music shifted from Spring Awakeningto Rent.

While all deep in mingling, the door suddenly burst open.

"SPIES!" Rachel cried, an alarmed expression on her face. She thrust a pointing finger at the door.

"No need to be so harsh, Rachel," a very bundled up Blaine entered with four guys behind him. He wore a striped red and gold ski hat.

"Blaine!" Kurt smiled. He ran across the room and threw his arms around him.

"Hey," Blaine said into his boyfriend's ear.

"Woah, guys, slow down," Nick said from behind, making his way into the house.

"Yeah, we just got here," David told them, a grin on his face.

"What are they doing here?" Quinn asked.

"Kurt invited us," Wes smiled.

Rachel threw a furious glance at Kurt.

"I did not! …I invited Blaine."

"You could've told me!"

"I tried, you wouldn't listen!" Rachel stormed to the side as the rest of the boys entered.

"Well, you could at least introduce yourselves," Rachel crossed her arms.

"My name's David," the African American boy said.

"I'm Nick," the short boy with floppy dark hair smiled.

"Jeff," the lanky boy with light-blonde hair said.

The last boy stepped forward. "Hello, my name is Wesley." He bowed, and Quinn raised an eyebrow. Nick and Jeff mimicked him in the background as he spoke. "I am on the council for the Warblers, and I would like to say that for strict purposes—"

"No one cares, Wes," Blaine rolled his eyes. David patted him on the back.

"So, Blaine, why didn't you tell me they were coming?" Kurt asked, aware of Rachel's eyes burning into his back.

"Surprise?" Blaine shrugged. Kurt laughed and they hugged again, Blaine kissing him on the cheek.

"Ok, people, let's get down to business!" Rachel said loudly.

"But some people aren't here yet," Quinn said.

"Well, that's theirfault, because I clearlystated to come at 7 o'clock and it is 7:30 now." She took a seat under Finn's arm again.
"So, why'd we even meet?" Sam munched through a handful of chips.

"We weregoing to discuss plans for Regionals and possibly next year, until theyshowed up!" Rachel lashed out at the Warblers.

"What plans, Rachel?" Puck smirked. "Gonna send someone to a crack house again?"

"Crack house?" Jeff repeated with wide eyes. David held up his hands in some sort of surrender, and Wes, who had been sitting on the ground in front of the couch she was on, scooted away quickly.

"Should I be concerned?" Wes asked nervously.

Rachel folded her arms and muttered, "It wasn't an active crack house…"

At that moment, the door opened.

"Doesn't anyone knock anymore?" Rachel huffed, still in a bad mood.

With the wind and frost came the last three people. Brittany was pushing an ice cold Artie into the room, with Santana behind her. Artie was in a large puffy coat, but still shivering. Santana wore black leggings, boots, and a leather jacket over her sparkly silver tank top. Brittany had high-waisted black shorts, yellow and pink tights, converse, and a baggy light blue shirt on with a pink tank top underneath. A white beret was over her blonde hair curled into a side ponytail.

"Not to be rude, but why are they here?" Artie gestured to the warblers.

"The Warblers invited themselves over," Lauren told her.

"Isn't warblering some form of yodeling?" Brittany wondered.

"No, it's a bird," Mercedes said.

"How are you not frozen to death in that?" Tina asked Santana.

"Let's face it, I could be in freakin' Antarctica in a bikini and survive because of how hot I am." Santana smirked. She glanced around the room and her brown eyes landed on Rachel. "Unlike Berry in those socks." She made her way across the room and lounged next to Quinn.

"I want this night to be perfect, so I'm just going to ignore that comment from Santana," Rachel said stiffly. "This is going to be the best!"

And at that moment, the power went out. The room went dark, the soft music ceased, and the only sound was the crackling of the fire.

"This is going well," Finn said.

Mercedes brought out her cell phone, and soon everyone else did. The glowing made everyone's faces seem ghoulish.

"Tina, Sam, and Finn, come help me get some flashlights," Rachel began.

"And here we go." Santana rolled her eyes. "Of course she takes over everything."

"Sounds like somebody we know," Jeff said, looking at Wes.

"Puck, Mercedes, Kurt, and Lauren, would you mind carrying out the blankets from the den? The heat won't stay long because of the power outage, so we want everyone to stay warm. Quinn, Blonde Warbler, and Mike, get the candles and lighters in the kitchen. We'll be all set in no time!" She hurried out of the room.

That left Artie, Brittany, Santana, Blaine, Wes, David, and Nick.

"So you guys are Warblers?" Brittany questioned. They nodded.

She crawled across the room and got uncomfortably close to David and said very seriously, "Does that mean you can fly?"

After about fifteen minutes, everything was settled. The raging storm whistled outside. They all had blankets and pillows, but just sat on them for now until they lost the heat. Small lanterns, candles, and flashlights were set up in every corner of the house, providing dim light.

"Now what are we gonna do?" Mike complained.

"Ooh, let's play truth or dare!" Tina suggested. People cheered in agreement.

"I'm not so sure—" Rachel began.

"Stop being such a buzz-kill," Puck snapped.

They all gathered in a circle. Puck and Finn sat on one couch, Mercedes and Lauren on the other. Quinn remained in her chair. Rachel sat on the floor in front of Finn. Sam sat next to Santana, and Santana sat on the ground next to Quinn's chair on her left, Wes and David on her right. Brittany sat on Artie's lap, Nick and Jeff next to them on the floor, and Kurt and Blaine sat next to Rachel.

"Let's shake things up a little," Puck said. He brought out an empty bottle, assuring a worried Rachel it was from root beer, and placed it in the middle. "You don't get to choose your victim, you spin it—no passes!"

"Let's do this!" Artie yelled.

"Hostess goes first!" Mercedes called. "I call taking her on."

"Ok, fine."

"Truth or dare?" Mercedes asked.

"Hmm..." Rachel bit her lip. "Truth." Mercedes rolled her eyes, hoping for a good dare.

"Besides Finn, if you could pick any guy in this room to go out with, who would it be…and if you were a guy which girl you'd pick!"

Rachel put her head in her hand. "Oh god…ok, I have to be honest, Sam's pretty cute," she admitted. Mercedes' smile faded. "I'd definitely go out with him. Sorry, Finn!" Finn looked confused.

"Wait, did she just break up with me?" He wondered. Mike shook his head.

"And if I were a guy…? Uhh…" she scanned the room. "Well, Quinn would be an obvious choice.. because she's head cheerleader, and that would boost my status up the most and these days it's all about labels and popularity rankings, it's almost like a food chain if you're at the bottom—"

"RACHEL." Puck stopped her. "Shut up."

She spun the bottle and it landed on Sam. Finn looked worried.

"Truth or Dare?"
"Uhh… I'm going with dare."

"I dare you…to eat whatever we make in the kitchen."

"Bring it!" he challenged with a grin.

"Who's the worst cook?" she cried. There were a few cheers as the grin faded from Sam's face.

"I'm coming!" Nick yelled, followed by Jeff, Puck, and Lauren. They all headed into the kitchen with Rachel, flashlights in hand. They snickered as they dug through every drawer, cabinet, and container. They laid all of their ingredients out: mustard, hummus, pepper, salt, orange soda, root beer, BBQ sauce, milk, ketchup, pretzels, and cheese.

"Let's do this!" Rachel yelled. They poured in the milk, orange soda, root beer, and BBQ sauce. Jeff squirted in the ketchup and mustard, and Lauren spooned in the hummus. After crushing up the pretzels and Puck shaking in the parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper, they stirred it. Lauren gagged at the sight.

"He's in for a rough night," Puck said with an evil grin.

"As long as he doesn't throw up on the carpet," Rachel said. They brought in the cup, and everyone cheered.

"Happy Birthday, Sam!" They hooted as they gave him the plastic cup.

"Oh god…" Sam peered into the cup.

"On the count of three!" Kurt yelled.

"One…" Sam plugged his nose.

"Two… Three!"

He knocked it back and his hand flew to his mouth to prevent him from spitting it out. He choked, swallowed, and ran into the bathroom. They all laughed hysterically as he shoved his head in the sink, running water pouring all over his head and in his mouth. He continued spluttered for a few minutes, until he came back with a towel, blonde hair soaked. Santana clapped.

"Well done," David laughed.

"Yeah, Sam!" Artie congratulated him. Sam coughed.

"My turn."

After a few spins, it landed on Santana.

"Dare me!" she shouted before he could ask anything.

"Ok… I dare you…to let us put an ice tray down your pants!" He laughed, getting back at them for his vicious dare.

"I'm from Lima Heights Adjacent. I got this." She smirked. Luckily, the ice hadn't melted yet.

"One, two, three!" Brittany and Sam poured the ice into her tight leggings. She screamed.

"Quees tan frío!Joder,que esfrío!Midiosmaldito,sacarlo, sacarlo!" She started cursing in Spanish.

"What is she saying?" David asked as she ran around the room.

Tina shrugged.

"She's saying 'holy shit it's freezing, get it out'," Wes translated in an official manner.

"Esto ed una tortura!" Santana continued. Everyone burst out in laughter.

After she had finished, she sat down, furious. "I'm gonna cream the next person I get!" After spinning, it landed on Blaine.

"You're gonna get it!" Brittany whooped.

"So, Blaine Warbler, truth… or dare." Santana said.

Blaine smiled. "Dare." Kurt's jaw dropped. How on earth could he choose dare after what Santana had just said?

Santana's expression turned to scheming. "I dare you to kiss me." Blaine's smile weakened as everyone whooped with excitement. "Full on these juicy lips." She crawled across the circle.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" Brittany clapped, and everyone was chanting and clapping with her as Santana moved in.

Blaine leaned forward, everyone's chanting getting faster, and right as their lips were about to touch he snapped his head and planted his lips on Kurt. Kurt's eyes widened as Blaine's hands grabbed him by the neck and pulled him closer. Everyone exploded, screaming and laughing. Kurt's hands flailed and he fell backward against the couch. Blaine kept pressing as everybody continued shouting and hooted. He finally pulled away and threw his hands in the air in achievement. Kurt wobbled and fell completely over, his pale face blushing in the faint light. Jeff high-fived Blaine and Rachel was still screaming.

"GET SOME, HUMMEL!" Puck shouted, and Kurt flushed even more, out of breath.

"Santana's not the only girl that could have some fun!" Blaine laughed. "Alright guys, my turn!" He spun the bottle, and it landed on David.

"David, truth or dare!"

"I'm going with truth," he said.

Blaine's face became very serious. "What would you do to a girl for a Klondike Bar?" Everyone started laughing.

"Of course you would ask that," David said. "I wouldn't do anything, because I'm lactose intolerant, idiot."

"Dammit!" Blaine yelled. "That was a good one, too!" David spun the bottle.

It landed on Brittany.

"Truth or Dare?"

"I don't want the Klondike Bear to come and get me," she said to herself. "Dare."

"Okay…I'm not good at dares, who has one?"

"I'm the king of dares!" Puck shouted. "You and Brittany have to trade clothes!" everyone hollered in agreement.

"That's more embarrassing for me!" David shouted. "Isn't she supposed to be the daree?"

"Too bad, no passes!" Lauren laughed.

"Do you have your bird jacket?" Brittany asked. David nodded. "I want it!"

Brittany looked surprisingly good in the jeans David was wearing, and the slightly too big Warbler jacket over her hot pink tank top was adorable. However, David, wearing Brittany's tights, shorts, and baggy blue shirt was hysterical. Everybody catcalled and hooted.

"Work it, David!" He gave them death glares.

It was now about 11 o'clock, and everyone was doing pretty much nothing. Quinn was texting on her phone. Mike and Artie were having a small conversation. Wes was reading by flashlight, Nick and Jeff were playing patty-cake, and David was also on his phone. Sam and Mercedes were sitting on the floor, quite close, talking with Tina and Lauren. Blaine sat on the couch with his arm around Kurt's waist. Santana was trying to explain to Brittany why the blazer wouldn't make her fly (they still hadn't traded clothes back yet.) Rachel, Finn, and Puck were arguing quietly. Soon everything went silent.

"We need music," Mercedes groaned.

Blaine stole Sam's guitar, strummed a chord, and began, "You think I'm pretty, without—"

"NO!" every Warbler (and Kurt) shouted.

Blaine, defeated, set down the guitar.

"I think my battery radio might still work!" Rachel said suddenly. She ran out of the room and came back a few minutes later with a big stereo.

"Jeez, Rachel, I was expecting a dinosaur, not a system," Puck's eyes widened.

"Let's get this party started!" She yelled, and it began blasting Party Rock Anthem, by LMFAO.

Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time
And we gonna make you lose your mind
Everybody just have a good time

Everyone started dancing. Brittany, Santana, and Mike were the first to start. They twirled in the dim, flashing candlelight. Rachel grabbed Finn, Kurt grabbed Blaine, and Sam grabbed Mercedes and they joined them. Nick and Jeff pulled Quinn onto the dance floor, who shrugged and started dancing crazily. Everyone had joined, and was going crazy to the beat.

Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time
And we gonna make you lose your mind
We just wanna see ya


Brittany spun Artie around in his wheelchair, dancing on him. Mike and Tina held hands and did all sorts of dips and turns. Kurt, Blaine, and Mercedes all danced together, tossing their heads around. They bumped hips and twisted each other around. Wes and David were rocking the robot, and Rachel was just leaping up and down, arms in the air. The chorus started over again, and every started singing: "Party rock is in the house tonight! Everybody just have a good time, and we gonna make you lose your mind! Everybody just have a good time… Party rock is in the house tonight! Everybody just have a good time, And we gonna make you lose your mind!"

"We just wanna see ya—


The last to words echoed into silence. Then Artie yelled:


The insane music started up again. Mike leaned over and Brittany flipped off his back. He pulled her under his legs and leapt over her in a flip. She took his hand and he twirled her around. She threw a high kick and landed in a split. Mike left to dance with Tina, and she pulled Santana on the floor with her. She spun her around, and Santana dropped to the floor. The moved their hips and laughed as they swung each other around. "Shufflin', Shufflin'!" Artie shouted again. As they cleared the circle, Santana grabbed Jeff's hand, and pulled him into the circle. He bumped and danced to the beat, and was a surprisingly awesome dancer. He didn't get to show off his moves much in the Warblers. He jumped into a backflip.

Step up fast and be the first girl to make me throw this cash
We gettin' money, don't be mad now, stop, hatin' is bad
One more shot for us, another round
Please fill up my cup, don't mess around
We just wanna see you shake it now
Now you wanna be, you're naked now!

All the girls (and Kurt, as he got pulled in my Mercedes) moved into the middle of the circle, and sang:

"Get up, get down, put your hands up to the sound"

Quinn bumped to the beat, throwing her short blonde hair around. Mercedes shimmied and Tina twirled around.

"Get up, get down, put your hands up to the sound"

Santana swung her hips around, and Brittany threw back her head as she sunk into a split.

"Get up, get down, put your hands up to the sound"

Kurt and Rachel jumped up and down together. Rachel spun around, her brunette hair flying. Kurt moved his shoulders and hips together, singing with the rest:

"Put your hands up to the sound, put your hands up to the sound"

Their moves got more intense as the beat's pace quickened.

"Get up, get up, get up, get up
Get up, get up, get up, get up

Get up!"

"Put your hands up to the sound, to the sound!"
"Put your hands up, put your hands up, put your hands up, put your hands up!"

The guys joined in the middle and everyone shouted the chorus again. They didn't even notice the fire's hot flames disappearing into glowing, soft-lighted coals or the cold creeping into the house from their dancing and singing.


And Artie sang:


After a long while of more dancing and singing until midnight, they decided not to drain the stereo's battery. Everyone high-fived and shouted, then suddenly realized how out of breath they were. Hey were all hot and sticky, but realized the fire was almost gone.

Rachel decided it would be best if everyone set up sleeping arrangements. In the living room on the floor was Quinn, Brittany, Santana, Wes, David, Blaine, Kurt, Artie on one couch, Mercedes on the other, and Sam on the floor next to her. In the den were Finn, Rachel, Puck, Nick, Jeff, Lauren, Tina and Mike.

And soon everyone was sound asleep.