A/N: Thanks to G-Bear for being both a pest and a sweetheart.

"I'm so confused," Kim admitted to the teenager munching away on the carrot sticks that sat on plate between them. The twins were eating too, but they were mostly sucking the salad dressing dip and gumming on the carrots than actually eating them. Kim and Hana took turns wiping off their fingers and making sure they stayed to their own bowls of dip so as not to contaminate everything with baby drool. Kim kept a close eye to make sure they wouldn't start choking.

"Why's that?" Hana asked in between chews. She picked up another baby carrot and lathered it with dip before biting it with a crunch.

"She's nice enough to the boys," Kim said, sticking a finger in Rileys mouth to retrieve a relatively large piece of carrot that he would have had trouble swallowing. He grinned at her before slobbering over another carrot and smashing it against his food tray.

"What if this is," she gestured between her herself and her babies," is really not what she's looking for?" She knew it wouldn't be fair to Shego, or to the boys if she tried to force a relationship between them. "I somewhat regret not telling her on the get-go."

"Maybe she's changed her mind?" Hana supplied. "I mean, she's had a chance to see how cute the babies are."

"Hana, babies are cute but they're also hard work," Kim said.

"Well, I saw Teen Moms and they were doing just fine. Hey, maybe I should have babies."

Kim narrowed her eyes.

"I'm just kidding," Hana poked Kim's shoulder.

"Alright, alright," Shego held up her hands to stop them before rubbing her brow. "I want you all to put your weapons down."

The children laughed as they complied.

"Okay, now sing your parts," Shego told them.

They all groaned.

"If we wanted to sing, or if we could sing, we'd join the school chorus," complained a trombonist. He played well but he let it get to his head. It annoyed Shego to no end because he could have been a better player.

"Uh-uh." Shego wagged a finger. "If you can't make out how it's supposed to sound, then how are you going to play it? I need to hear that you really know what it's supposed to sound like."

A pitiful chorus was formed. The music, if one could really call it that, sounded like a combination of cat yowls and a funeral dirge. Nonetheless, when Shego asked them to play again with their instruments, they sounded much better.

Shego sat down on her chair with a tired sigh after all the students filed out of the room,

"That was pretty good," a voice said.

Shego jumped up and turned. "Hey, Dr. Director. What are are you doing here?"

Her friend and mentor, Betty Director, had a PhD in Music Theory and taught college students in the regular semester. In the summers, she lead the high school marching band. She was the best band director in the state.

"I'm going to the meeting later to defend why we deserve some funding for the music and arts program more than the town football team," Betty rolled her eyes. "The football team hasn't won anything in twenty years and I don't expect that to change with that idiot, Barkin, coaching the team."

"We, on the other hand," Director gestured to the cluttered awards in Shego's office. "Well, it should go without saying but we both know that's not the case."

Shego smiled cynically, agreeing with the other woman's sentiments.

"Well, I gotta go fight the good fight," Betty remarked. "See you later."

It was another frustrating day dealing with idiots and their improper allocation of the school budget. She was there to teach, not placate incompetent principals and his brainless cronies in the school board. She shouldn't have to beg for much needed musical supplies especially when the instruments the school owned were much older than her. Not that she really begged to begin with because Drakken about pissed himself when she growled and not so politely asked for his considerations. The problem with that approach was that Barkin, the steroid using football coach, scared the hell out of Drakken, too.

The phone on her desk rang and she frowned, picking it up from the cradle. However, her posture physically relaxed when she heard the voice on the other end.

"Hey, Pumpkin," she greeted.

"'Pumpkin'?" Kim asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, 'Pumpkin.' Got a problem with that?" Shego challenged playfully.

"No," Kim laughed. "But I have to cancel our date tonight," she added regretfully, "My sitter, Hana, is sick. It's not bad but I just don't want the boys to catch it. I really can't find anyone else I can trust on such short notice."

Shego was quiet on her end, thinking. A crazy idea was forming in her head and she knew that she stepping closer and closer to the deep end but she managed to quietly mutter. "Why don't we have dinner at my place instead? My brothers will be there but I can shoo them away if you'd like."

It was Kim's turn to be quiet, contemplating the offer. She had already met the boys and had seen them after a few dates with Shego, she was a little wary of how the twins would react with strangers. And she knew that there was still some reluctance on Shego's part when it came to the boys. It could get a little awkward.

She bit her cheek.

"I promise not to poison you," Shego joked to lighten the mood, she anxiously tapped a pen on her desk.

Kim looked up to the ceiling and breathed in deep. Finally, she said, "Are you sure it's alright with your brothers? I guess we'll see you at six then. Do you need me to bring anything...?"

"It's fine, I think Hego will bring something."

Surely enough that evening, Hego arrived carrying a bag full of groceries in each arm. The boys trailing behind him also had their own packages. They had needed to replenish the food they devoured each time they visited.

Shego explained, "As much as they're family and all, my teacher's salary can't afford to fill their bottomless stomachs. They can't cook as well as I do so they do they get everyone's groceries and eat here. "

"Sounds like a pretty good system," Kim replied.

"Don't listen to her," Hego said, "I can make a mean chicken pot pie and it's damn good." He puffed out his chest exaggeratedly.

"And, who are these guys?" Hego asked, smiling over two little boys. The looked up at him, marveling at the tall man that towered over them. Compared to them, he was a giant.

"Cool, we each get one!" The Go twins exclaimed, startling the Possible twins. The toddlers cried a little and hid under the table where Kim was sitting.

"Hey little bros, it's cool," the older twins ventured , reaching out to the toddlers. With some encouraging nudging from their mother, they reluctantly let themselves be picked up. They both pulled away a little to look at the strangers' faces. The men fussed over them and cooed.

"I'm sure feeling the testosterone," Shego rolled her eyes. She crossed her arms and smirked at her brothers, feeling a little embarrassed by their exaggerated cooing and fussing.

"Dude, they're awesome," one Go twin defended.

"And they're ginger!" the other exclaimed. He carried Riley in his arms and gently moved the boy's chin up and down. He pretended to be a ventriloquist speaking through the redheaded toddler, "Imma eat your soul!"

Riley only giggled at the strange man's antics and allowed his face to be smooshed around. Bailey, on the other hand, pushed a pudgy hand against the other Go twin's face with a disgusted look. He didn't even bother accepting the arms reached out towards him.

Shego frowned, "I'm pretty sure their mother doesn't appreciate you guys telling them that they have no souls."

"Sorry," the Go twins said sheepishly. "We're just messing around." They reluctantly let the the babies back on the floor. Bailey toddled over to Shego, holding up his arms in the universal sign of "pick-me up." She lifted him in the air before setting him on her hip where he clutched at her shirt.

"What?" Shego asked after feeling Hego's eyes on her.

"You look like a natural," he smiled, visibly swallowing down his concern.

"So... Kim," Mego began as he chewed with his mouth open, "What does a girl like you do for fun? I mean, you've got these ankle biters to look after and all that." The babies in question were happily making a mess on their bibs. Shego and Kim were tag teamed in feeding them, getting their own bites in between.

"How kind of you to think of me," Kim said dryly as she cut a miniscule piece of lasagna even smaller for tiny baby mouths.

"Why don't you go drinking with us one night? Shego's been a wet blanket lately," because of you. "But maybe you can make her go," Mego suggested as he forked another bite.

"Maybe some other night," Kim nodded, "But not too late. My sitter has a curfew."

"I'd happily volunteer to watch them," Hego said enthusiastically. Shego rolled her eyes as she wiped Riley's chin.

"Nuh-uh, we call dibs," the Go twins exclaimed.

"Well, I'm highly qualified," Hego replied. "I know my first aid and CPR."

"Because implying that they'll choke on your watch is totally helping your case," Shego mocked.

"I'm just saying," the large muscled man grinned earnestly and threw Kim a wink.

Shego had intended to go home after she drove Kim and her babies home but somehow, Kim managed to drag Shego to her bedroom after the kids were sent to bed. It was Shego's first time entering Kim's room and she was somewhat surprised that it took her a while to do so. She was normally in and out of a woman -and the woman's bed- in a matter of hours.

There was nothing extraordinary about Kim's room but it felt cozy and lived in like the rest of the house. Shego looked at the pictures Kim had all over the room as Kim rummaged through her closet. The pictures were mostly of the boys.

"Kim, who is that?" Shego asked. She pointed at a picture frame lying on Kim's night stand. It was Kim and another woman each holding a twin smiling at the camera. They looked like a family. Her stomach churned when Shego somewhat recognized her. She remembered seeing Kim kissing a woman at her doorstep the day she tried to come over and apologize.

"Who?" Kim asked, confusion clouding her face before she saw the picture Shego was referring to and smiled. "Oh, that's Allie. The twins' birth mother."

What the fuck? Shego's mouth opened and closed before she found her words, "Birth mother? Are you... with her?" Her eyes widened. "Oh, shit... is this an affair!?"

"What!? No, no, no," Kim corrected, reaching over to touch Shego's shoulder. "It's an open adoption so the twins spend time with her. Allie and I are close, too. That's all."

She said it so nonchalantly but Shego stared at her like she grew two heads.

"What's wrong?" Kim asked as Shego slumped down heavily on the bed.

"You are still keeping things from me." Shego grit out, staring up at Kim with narrowed eyes. Her fingers clenched on the sheets.

"And you still want to make a run for it," Kim stood in front of her, daring her to blink.

Shego was about to shoot an angry retort but stopped.

She laughed wryly instead.

At Kim's petulant frown, she reached over to grab the redhead's hand and tugged her closer. "We're a piece of work, you and I."


Kim took it as an open invitation to straddle her and sit on her lap. She buried her face against Shego's neck.

"How long have we been going out?"

"A few weeks," Kim mumbled. She rested her weight fully on the dark haired woman's inviting lap. She was getting all sorts of tingly.

"Nearly a month and a half," Shego corrected, not allowing herself to be distracted. "And when were you planning to tell me that the boys were adopted?"

"I wasn't keeping it from you," Kim protested, her fingers tracing Shego's bra under her shirt. "It's just not something that came up during our conversations."


"No, you don't understand," Kim replied, pulling away to look at Shego's face. "They're mine. My babies.

I'm not ashamed or trying to hide the fact that they're adopted. It's just that I don't think of them that way. It's not a biggie to me. Even if they were biologically mine, I wouldn't love them any differently than I do now. I won't apologize that it's not obvious to you that they're adopted because it doesn't matter to me. To me, I'm their mother and they are my babies," Kim said firmly. She tried to sit up but Shego's arms tightened around her and squeezed in apology. Kim huffed but settled down.

Shego sighed, pressing their foreheads together. Try as she might, Kim couldn't stop the small, shy smile that grew as she stared into those deep green eyes.

"Anything else about them that I should know about?" Shego asked after a long pause. "They do look like you, you know." She passed a thumb over Kim's lips. "They have your smile."

She sighed and shook her head. "It's not my story to tell... but...

Do you want to meet Allie? I was going to ask you when I knew for sure that's she's coming to town... but I guess I should just throw it out there. She comes to visit them when she can." Her voice was laced with uncertainty.

"I'd like that," Shego replied, kissing Kim's jaw soothingly and Kim allowed herself to be soothed.

Kim sighed deeply.

"What?" Shego asked.

"We've been going out for a month and we're taking this way too seriously," Kim laughed hollowly but stopped at Shego's somber look.

"I just want to be sure." The hanging silence said everything.

"Well, I'm sure," Kim replied, grabbing the collar of Shego's shirt.

Shego clutched at Kim's hips, leaning her head toward the redhead. She mumbled against Kim's lips, each word brushed their lips, "Are you really?"

"I'm playing for keeps," Kim murmured.

"I'm not playing at all," Shego clarified.

Kim grabbed her by the back of the head and pressed their mouths together. The slow burn she felt from their proximity was quickly evolving to something else.

But Shego was not a shirking violet, with a growl she bucked upwards and tried to flip them over. Kim's strong thighs held her in place.
"Nuh-uh," she whispered with a mischievous smile, taking delight in the surprise in Shego's face. She nuzzled her nose to her cheek before giving a playful bite to her chin.

"You are so beautiful," Kim murmured, "Did you know that?"

"Hm," Shego pretended to think. "I may have heard that once or twice," she grinned.

She didn't squirm when Kim pinched her side.

"I'm serious," Kim pouted. All the while, her fingers roamed all over Shego's torso before her thumbs hid themselves under the teacher's shirt to caress a soft navel.

"I want to kiss you," Kim whispered.

"Aren't you doing that already?" Shego squirmed, feeling both aroused and tickled.

"You know what I mean," a finger traced a the outline of a silver button round and round. There was no protest as the button was freed from its confines. Fingers eagerly then proceeded to a brass colored zipper. Grinning metal teeth opened to a lazy yawn and the fingers entered the space between to-

"Maaaaaa," echoed a voice from the hallway.

Shego blinked.

They both exhaled as Kim sat up and smiled apologetically. Shego shrugged her shoulders and inclined her head.

Kim smoothed her shirt and tossed another glance behind her as she walked across the hall.

"Hey, baby," Kim cooed when she saw Bailey standing up from his crib holding out his empty bottle.

"Ma," he greeted, sleepily.

"Still hungry, B?" Kim asked him, "You ate a lot at dinner. See? Your tummy is poking out." She rubbed his round baby belly. He pouted crankily at her.

"Okay, okay," she picked him up and kissed his cheek, "More milk for Bumble Bee, coming up."

A quick trip to the fridge and Bailey was half asleep, absently sucking on his fresh bottle. He whimpered in protest when Kim placed him back on his bedding. Kim kissed his cheek and tucked him in. She also checked on Riley and fixed his blanket before giving him a kiss and walking back to her room.

Shego had not moved from her spot on the bed but turned when she heard Kim's approach. Kim thought she looked like she belonged there.

The redhead leaned on the doorway, "Stay the night?"

A/N: Thanks for still reading.