Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note

Warnings: Will eventually lead to yaoi. Gore. Foul language. (Mello you naughty kid XD)

Pairings: LxLight MelloxMatt (maybe one more, seriously stressing the maybe)

Summary: The creepy mad scientist L is looking for a new lab rat. Unfortunately, he seems to have found a perfect one. The poor brunette got into a car accident and L revived him. Now he owes the man. He has no choice but to undergo a series of unwanted experiments. Will he ever adjust to his new life?

Light awoke, breathe ragged. He cracked open his dry lips and tried to get in as much air as he could. It wasn't exactly working. He tried to sit up, but found his body was too weak. Light's auburn eyes darted about the room, trying to find somebody, anybody. Ah… Of course. Near.

With a heavy sigh, he tried to talk, the only thing coming out was little cracks. He tried to thrash around to get the albino's attention, but really couldn't move all that much. The brunette felt dizzy from the lack of air. His eyes widened with terror. No. He couldn't go like this! Not in a strange place, under a strange man's control. For the first time in a long time, Light wanted his father.

His eyes watered and he continued to struggle, to no avail. It was then that Light saw a man clad in black. Hopeful, he continued to gasp. The man shook his head and hooked his arm under Light's neck, holding a glass of water to his lips. Light drank in large gulps, grateful. He clung to the man and drank and drank until there was nothing left.

"Th-thank you…" He wheezed. The man nodded and set Light back down, walking over to Near.

"Near!" He yelled, the albino finally looked up, seeing the mans disappointed look, more or less. The bodyguard was wearing sunglasses. "You're patient nearly died! The hell are you doing?" He asked, clearly angry.

"What?" Near asked, still apathetic. The guard's voice grew dark.

"You were suppose to be keeping an eye on him. Do you realize what it would do to your research if he had died?" The man said. Near's eyes widened a bit. So he was worried about their research? Why?

"How would that affect you?" Near asked blatantly.

"Your research makes you happy." The guard growled. "Pay more attention. You should check him out, he's still not fairing so well." With that, the raven spun on his heel and stormed out of the room, still seething.

Near stared after him, a bit intrigued. That was the first time Near had heard the man talk so much. He shook his head of the useless thoughts and walked over to wear Light was laying. Near stared at the pale skin, sunken in eyes, and the sweat pouring off of Light.

Near left the room, saying nothing. The brunette's eyes widened. He knew the albino didn't like him But to seriously leave him in this condition?

"No… Please…" He croaked. He had thought that everything was going to be okay, but no. Near left him like this! How could he? Was that kid even human?

Near returned shortly with a peach. He put some latex gloves on and lifted Light up with one arm and held the fruit up to Lights mouth.

"Bite." He instructed. Light happily obliged. The juice squirted into his mouth and he chewed heartily. His brows furrowed and he chewed slower, looking at Near worriedly. "Can't taste is, can you?" Light shook his head in the negative.

"Mr. Yagami, I believe that you have a serious vitamin and protein deficiency." He said, walking away. "It was something so clear… How could I have missed that?" He frowned. "The proteins and such needed to recreate your finger took a reall toll on your body and you weren't ready for that…. If we had removed your entire arm like I'd wanted…. It probably would've killed you." Near looked ashamed. How could ha have been so blind?

"I will send Matt in later to inject you with a booster." He said, walking out. "Until then, just try to rest. You need your strength."

Light looked down at his hand, remembering the surgery from Near's little speech. Five. He had all five fingers! But… It almost looked like he was wearing a ring on his index. Upon closer inspection, he could see that it was a scar! L really had cut off his finger. He looked at the tip, trying to find the scar he had from when he was little and tried to cut a watermelon. Nothing.

So then… Was this a new finger entirely? Could it be that their formula really worked?

Light heard timid footsteps and he looked over to see the sympathetic face of Matt, holding a syringe.

"Hey Light." He said sadly, turning to the IV so he could inject the protein fluid into it.

"M-Matt." The brunette said, eyes heavy.

"I'm sorry about this. Y'know, they really should've done something to prevent this…" He shook his head. "If they had decided to take off a larger part…" His voice was cold. "They aren't suppose to make mistakes like that anymore."

Light couldn't really hear what the redhead was hearing. It was just mumbling to him. He was falling back asleep, too weak to maintain consciousness.

"That should do it…" He said, walking away, seeing that Light had already fallen asleep.

"L, how could we have overlooked this?" Near said darkly. The raven nibbled on his thumb, lost in thought. If they had made such a simple error, who's to say they wouldn't do it again? "Honestly, what if we'd done something else? The test subject would've died and then what? We can't test on Matt anymore…" The albino's voice faltered, guilt overcoming him momentarily.

"Near…" L said, voice hinging on delight. The albino raised a brow. Why was L in a good mood? "Do you realize what this means?"

The albino frowned. Did L figure something out? Was there anything to figure out? If so, how come Near hadn't thought of it yet?

"What?" He asked begrudgingly.

"We've done it!" He said, getting up from his curled position on the couch. "This is it! This is the uncertainty we didn't' know about!" He clapped excitedly. Near looked away. It was embarrassing to see an adult perform such an act.

"L. You're wrong." He ground out. The raven stopped and deadpanned.

"I doubt it."

"L, all we've found is another uncertainty." He challenged.

"Uncertainty? In what way, Near?" The albino sighed and ran a hand through his white locks. He paused momentarily, looking at his unnaturally colored hair. Yes, they'd all undergone experiments for the sake of L's research…

"Well, for our main purpose, we've reached nothing but another calculation to deduce." He explained. L frowned, the kid was right.

"So… How do you suggest we go about figuring the mathematics." Near looked down, ashamed. The albino put his hand on his forehead, so that he didn't have to look at his white bangs as he said the cruelest thing he could.

"We need to torture Light." His face contorted with irritation. He knew the difference between right and wrong. He knew what was good and what was bad. But there had always been something he was never certain on. Is the good of the many worth more than the good of the one?

To torture an innocent man for something like this… It was such a dark way to go about it. Near was a noble person, honest, and solid. But now, he felt as though he'd been pushed against the wall. This was the only option. But it wasn't a fair option. Oh, how he hated shades of grey.

L nodded, not nearly as guilty as Near.

"I suppose you're right. So, what should we take next?" He asked, moving on. Near frowned. That was L. Cold and unfeeling. He really didn't like L. The raven played dirty. For him, the many was held way above the one. Near narrowed his eyes, it was time to work. He couldn't busy himself by think about such things.

"I don't think we're quite ready to jump all the way to large body parts. Let's attempt the regenerate Light's kidney. If it doesn't work, considering it's make up is much different from a finger, he'll still have his other one." That was the least brutal thing he could think of.

"Logical. Alright, let's get to work." L said, pressing a button on a monitor. "Watari? Could you please connect me to the nearest mortuary?" Near sighed, pulling out a few pieces of paper and a journal.

"What do you think they are going to do to him?" Mello asked, laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Matt stood by the door frame, fiddling with something connected to the wall. He took the Philips out of his mouth to answer the blonde. "I mean, what was all that stuff Near was talking about?" He said, annoyed.

Matt sighed and put the Philips back in his mouth so he could get back to work. Mello wasn't talking to him because he wanted to hear his opinion. He just wanted to rant.

"Who does that nitwit think he is? He did it just to make me feel like an idiot!" Matt frowned. No, that's not it. Near simply doesn't understand them. He had no clue that he wasn't explaining it simply enough. He explained it that way because he'd assumed they were smart enough, or well advanced enough in that particular field, to understand. In an odd way, it was actually a compliment.

Of course, Mello would never see it like that.

"I really hate him. Why was he chosen to be L's main assistant?" Mello growled. "I could've done it just as well!" The fiery blonde yelled. Matt sighed. "It's because Near is better at sucking up. He tries to act like L to get more attention."

That's it. Matt had had enough. He spat out the Philips and it clanged on the ground. Mello stopped to look over at his roommate and best friend.

"Mello! Open your fuckin' eyes! Near. Doesn't. Like. L! Where have you been? He got the position because he IS smarter than you! And you weren't even that interested in that field! You prefer hands on and you know it!" The goggled man yelled, fed up. "You just bitch and bitch and bitch! I know! I know you're angry and frustrated because you feel left out and that L doesn't see your worth!" The redhead threw down the rest of his tools and took off his gloves.

"The hell crawled up your ass, Matt? Quit being such a dick!" The blonde yelled, face red.

"He see's your worth! That's why he always gives you all of those secret assignments!"

"Secret? Shit! He always makes the guard go with me!"

"And it's not because he doesn't believe that you are capable of doing it on your own! It's because he cares for you! He cares about you! Dumbass! He just wants to be sure that if anything bad does happen, you aren't the one who gets in trouble. He wants to be sure that if that gun you have is ever fired, the guard gets blamed!" Matt slammed his fist against the wall.

"You can be so single-minded! Quit pissing and moaning and just get over yourself already!" The boy had been waiting so long to say all of this. "Just because you are still in the damn closet doesn't mean you have to take out all of your frustrations on everybody else! I'm not your punching bag, Mihael!" He shrieked, running out of the room, heading to the roof.

The blonde sat on his bed, staring at the place where his best friend once was. Since when was Matt so insightful? How did he know all that? Mello smiled slightly. Maybe that was why he loved the man. He always knew just what to say to make the blonde feel better, even if this was a little different then how it usually happened. Still, Matt made good points. The more Mello thought, the more he saw how childish he was being.

"Ch." He adorned a shit-eating grin. "Matt! You dick!" He yelled as loud as he could.

I hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you thought of it! The chapters are about to really pick up and we'll start seeing some BL and gore! Yay! Thank you for sticking with me for soooo long!

Review! -Lunar