Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note

Warnings: Will eventually lead to yaoi. Gore. Foul language. (Mello you naughty kid XD)

Pairings: LxLight MelloxMatt (maybe one more, seriously stressing the maybe)

Summary: The creepy mad scientist L is looking for a new lab rat. Unfortunately, he seems to have found a perfect one. The poor brunette got into a car accident and L revived him. Now he owes the man. He has no choice but to undergo a series of unwanted experiments. Will he ever adjust to his new life?

The city was peaceful, relaxed. The light buzz of traffic did nothing to deter , but only aid the city's calm temperament. People walked along the sideways, cheerfully greeting one another. It was a good day. It wasn't too hot or too cold. The sky didn't feel empty as there were some big, puffy, pristine white clouds in the sky. The city folk were enjoying life as it was.

It was perfect. Perfection like this had to be broken, it couldn't exist in such a flawed world. So, with a screech and a crash, that perfection ended. Screams reverberated off of nearby buildings and blood was splattered on the asphalt. There had been a car accident.

A young man's upper body was protruding from a windshield and glass was scattered everywhere. Blood and drenched his now torn shirt. The police has already arrived and shook his head at the auburn haired boy. It was clear to all that he was dead. However, a good Samaritan was not satisfied with that. He'd been walking by and saw the whole thing happen. He watched as the teenagers good looks were ripped to shreds as he passed through the glass. He wondered, idly, what had gone through that boy's head. His chocolate eyes looked mortified.

The man walked up to the tape line, easily slipping through the gathering crowd and tried to enter.

"No civilian past this point." A police officer said. The man just looked at him with his big black eyes, mild irritation showing.

"If you don't let me through that man is going to die." He said monotonously, pointing at the boy in the windshield.

"Are you a doctor or something? If so, you aren't a very good one. That man is already dead." The civilian tightened his jaw.

"No. He's nearly dead. Let me see him, or he will die." His tone was sharp and clean.

"I'm sorry, even if you say that, I can't let you pass. Plus, we've got good enough doctor's here." The man nodded solemnly and turned around. The police man had assumed he'd given up, he was dead wrong, excuse the play on. No, this man did not give up. On anything. Instead, he pulled out his black cell phone and hit speed dial one.

"Watari," He said after the ringing had stopped. He carefully explained the situation to the man on the other end of the phone. After receiving a satisfactory answer, he hung up. He waited five minutes before the policeman came and found him sitting on the curb.

"I'm so sorry sir. My sincerest apologies." He had a fearful glint in his eyes. "Please, sir, come with me. I'll take you to that man immediately." He bowed slightly, as all Japanese men did to show respect, and lead the man back to the scene of the accident.

The raven haired man nodded and pulled off his medical bag from his shoulder. He always kept it with him for emergencies. He looked over at the ambulance. Perfect.

"I want this man in that ambulance in five minutes. He's still alive." He yelled to anybody who could hear. He watched the police officers immediately jump to attention, the medics already listening to his every command, waiting to be of use to the great and powerful man. And, as he requested, the teenager was out and in the ambulance in, admittedly, ten minutes. But, it was unreasonable to ask of anything better.

He, and his medical bag, was in the ambulance as well, pulling out all the things he'd need.

"Let's begin." He said with a grin. He was going to prolong a man's life. "Get me a blood bag. I need to take resuscitative measures. His heart needs to be restarted. I'll need to cut him open. It feels like he has a few cracked ribs." He said. An assistant in the ambulance immediately handed him a blood bag. The man hooked it up to an intravenous drip then handed the needle to the assistant. "Put this in his arm when I give the command."

The doctor picked up a scalpel and used his free hand to tear the boy's shirt open. He looked at the ripped flesh and grinned again. He put the blade on the boys chest and dragged down, making a clean cut. He then cut horizontally at boy the top and bottom of the gash, and pulled the brunette's skin open. He placed a an electro pulsar on the boys heart and looked closely. A tiny piece of glass was lodged into the muscle. He groaned.

"Hand me the mosquito forceps." The assistant handed them to him and he slowly pulled the glass out, careful not to make the cut worse. He then grabbed a needle and dissolving thread and began sewing up the tiny cut. After that was done and his gloved hands where completely soaked in blood he looked to his assistant.

"Get ready." He said. He reached back and turned the electro pulsar on and watched as it sent shocks into the patients heart. The doctor bit his lip in suspense. He hoped he hadn't waited too long. The brain was surely damaged, but a new solution he'd recently created may be able to fix that. Soon the boys heart was beating regularly and the doctor turned towards his assistant. "Now would be good."

The assistant nodded and hooked the IV up to the boy. "Also, since he's revived, he'll be feeling pain. I was in a hurry, so I didn't apply any anesthetic. Get me a curtain to separate his head from his body. Start the ambulance and take me to my lab. Start him on morphine, immediately." He didn't realize how much he was asking for because his usual assistants did anything and everything he asked in a speedy manner. "One more thing, inject he patient with a 4 milligram's of Dimethylheptylpyran. There is some in my medic bag. If you don't have any use that." He paused for a moment. "Why are you not doing anything?" The assistant quickly started doing the things he asked, first of all, telling the driver to leave and head towards to doctor's lab when he realized he had no idea where it was.

"Where is your lab?" He asked quietly. The doctor groaned. Just drive to the nearest hospital. My butler will pick me and the patient up from there. Where I have assistants that actually assist." He said, irritated. He was adjusted to just saying things and having them done. He was currently injecting the patient with DMPH, one of the things he'd asked the assistant to do. The man swallowed thickly, he's confidence in the medical field quickly draining.

"Yes, sir." He said, hurt. He walked out and told the driver the raven's orders. Soon he returned and they began moving . The doctor remained standing and was pulling out chunks if glass with some larger scale forceps. He was careful not the let the glass break into smaller pieces. This was all he could do at the moment. He couldn't stabilize the broken ribs until after he got to his lab. So, he sat there, meticulously pulling out shards of glass. He's also need to sew up the face. He could do that now, but he wanted to try out a new solution he'd just created.

"You, take this phone and call speed dial one. Tell the man that answers of the situation and where he, my assistants, and possibly my bodyguard, need to be. " The assistant nodded, glad to be giving an order he could actually accomplish.

The doc sighed impatiently, wanting to be at the hospital already. The man was alive, so there wasn't any particular hurry… But still. The glass pulling was a job the smallest of his assistants would enjoy.

After twenty minutes they finally arrived and the ambulance door was thrown open, waiting loyally was his butler and assistants. They ran up to the back and started getting to work immediately. The pulled the cart out gently, along with the IV and the Electrocardiogram machine. They loaded all of that into their own medical van. The doctor smiled, glad to have competent people with him now.

"You're job is done. We'll contact the boy's family ourselves." The raven said coldly, grabbing his bag and leaving the ambulance, crawling into the back of his van.

He looked over at his littlest assistant. He was pale, had white hair, and dark black eyes. The doctor smiled and handed him both the mosquito forceps and the regular forceps.

"Remove all the glass in this boys body." The vehicle started moving, Watari already taking off for the lab. So efficient. His pale assistant started working.

"Why did you want the bodyguard to come?" One of the assistants asked, this one blonde. The doctor sighed.

"You, get into the metal box behind you and get me some stabilizers for his ribs. Because, I feel better when he's around you three." The blonde nodded and swiftly got what the doctor needed.

"Thank you, Mello. Please start cleaning up his face" He said, taking them and the clamp. He turned towards the last one, the redhead.

"Matt, after Mello is done, try to get this man's information. With a good look at his face it should be no issue for you." He said coldly. The redhead nodded, pulling out his laptop. The raven smiled slightly and began fixing the broken ribs. After he was done he folded the skin back down and began stitching it up, satisfied. The tough work was done and they were home. It had only taken thirty minutes. Two ribs in such a short time was impressive.

They all got out and Mello, along with the albino, pulled the teenager out, Matt got the IV and ECG, trailing behind them. The doctor followed as well.

"Matt, what information have you gathered?" He asked, the teens face now nice and cleaned up. Though still swollen and cut up. Even so, the doctor was sure Matt got a good enough look to find a picture of him online.

"His name is Light Yagami. Son of police chief Sochiro Yagami and housewife Sachiko Yagami, brother to Sayu Yagami. Recently graduated from high school as the valedictorian. Took the entrance exams at a prestigious university. Yet to hear word. Age, eighteen. Japanese. Height 5'10". Weight 110 pounds. Blood type A." The redhead recited.

The doctor nodded. Blood type A. He hoped that joke of an assistant checked to see his blood type. The doctor doubted it and looked at the IV drip. It was indeed A. Perhaps they'd just gotten lucky.

Once inside the giant mansion of a laboratory and all set up, the doctor injected the teen with the regenerative unspecialized cells he'd isolated. He really wanted to see if it would work. The raven waited patiently. For thirty minutes he sat there and started at the boys face. His assistants already gone off to do other things.

Finally, the swelling on the face started to go down and the gashes began shrinking in size. The doctors eyes widened and he quickly started writing things down on his clipboard.

"It worked…" He mumbled. Lost in his discovery, the raven haired doctor didn't notice the brunette's eyes slowly open. He blinked a few times before remembering the accident. It had just happened so suddenly. He must be in the hospital, he concluded.

The teenager looked over at the man by his bed. He had crazy, wild, black hair. The man was thin and gangly. His pale skin shone brightly in contrast with his deep, black eyes. The brunette's vision was still kind of blurry, so he couldn't really make out much else. Except for the blood on the man's clothes. He coughed slightly, his abdomen extremely sore, but that seemed to, surprisingly, be the only thing. The pale raven stopped writing and looked over at the patient.

"You're awake then?" The brunette struggled to focus his vision. "Perhaps the multiplying agent worked too well…Hopefully it did what I intended though and returned life to all of those dead brain cells.."

"Wha…" The teenager said stupidly. The man's shoulders dropped.

"Maybe not." Light, finally regaining his senses, rubbed his eyes.

"Who are you?" He asked, throat extremely dry. He thought, maybe, it was the man that hit him.

"My name is L. I am your doctor."

That was chapter one. The rating will go up eventually by the way! I hope you enjoyed it!

Review! -Lunar