The Yusei-Go whirled around the corner at tremendous speeds, its rider, a skinny, muscular young adult, with black hair and yellow highlights, and large, indigo eyes, rode silently upon it. His hair was covered by a worn out red helmet, the same colour as his D-Wheel, a dark blue visor draping down over his eyes.

Yusei turned off the highway and onto the city streets, leading up to the Neo Domino City Momentum Reactor. The tall cement building holding the reactor greeted Yusei like an old friend. He parked his D-Wheel in his own designated parking stall, and removed his helmet.

It was an overcast, dreary day - one that looked like rain. Maybe he should have drove today? He stepped away from his familiar ride, feeling as if the old Duel Machine was calling him back. He turned around and felt sad. The D-Wheel was sure looking old. It had been nearly a three years since he last worked on it now - his job as Chief Scientist at the Neo Domino Reactor took up nearly all his time. At least it paid the bills. He was able to move out of the old garage under Pippo's Clock Shop…without his friends there, the old place seemed empty and cold.

With a sigh, he turned away from his D-Wheel and walked towards the building. A device rested against the wall, waiting to read Yusei's hand print and retina. With a sigh, he followed through the usual security features.

Three years… three years since he last Duelled, since he last saw his friends. He tried to force the thought out of his mind… his old 'family' was gone, Aki was in America, probably a Doctor by now, Crow was in a new Turbo-Duel group, and Jack had gone on to become a Pro in the Pro Duellist League. He had no idea what happened to the twins. Besides news reports on Jack and Crow - he had heard nothing from his friends since they left.

"No!" He shook his head, forcing the thought away. He couldn't let that bug him… they were busy. That's all… school and work, that's what it was. Even he admitted he did not have any spare time.

"Dr. Fudo!"

"Excuse me! Dr. Fudo!"

"Do you have a moment? Dr. Fudo?"

"Dr. Fudo!"

The regular chorus rang out into his ears as he walked into work. It had taken quite awhile to get used to the title, 'Dr. Fudo'. At least it wasn't Duellists pestering him about his title as King anymore. Instead, he was constantly hounded by press asking that since he hasn't Duelled in three years, if that meant he was retired and would pass his title off to someone else… Not that he cared. He never wanted the title to begin with, it was forced upon him by Goodwin all those years ago…

"Dr. Fudo…about the new adjustments to the Fortune Program? We need your authorization to integrate them." A colleague asked, snapping him from his thoughts,

"I want to go over them one more time before we integrate them into Fortune." Yusei stated, "I'll start that right away."

But first, he had to deal with all his employees troubles. By the end of the day, he was exhausted, both physically and mentally. He was there from morning to night every day, he never left till all the night crew arrived to take care of Momentum. After all, he himself said it was his duty to protect the city, and never let Momentum go out of control again. He would never let the future Zone had told him come to pass.

It was raining when he stepped outside. With a sigh, he walked over to his D-Wheel, the worn leather seat completely soaked. Without a second thought, he lifted himself onto the seat, and started the D-Wheel. The Momentum he worked so hard on every day whirled through his engine, and it purred to a start. Without looking back, he pulled away, and started heading back to his house.

He never once saw the figure standing in the shadows, watching him go with an sly grin, "Pathetic. Simply pathetic… Looks like I'm going to have to step in and set things straight. At this rate, the end will come sooner then Yusei thinks…"

This is my first try at an original Fan fiction... I am completely new at this, so please be gentle!

Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds copywrite to its respected owners.