Boarding School with a bit of Angst: Chapter 1
So this story is going to have quite a few odd pairings, but it's just me messing around, so don't worry about it too much (as well as casually ignoring my other stories I might add) bahahha. : ) I hope you enjoy it!
The main pairing will be Sakura Gaara, while the other pairings will include, but are not limited to: Ino and Kankuro, Tenten and Shikamaru, Hinata and Kiba, Karin and Neji, and Shino and Temari. Woot woot for crack pairings!
They were sent to a boarding school to help stop their crazy schemes and antics, but no there was no way a stupid school could control them. The boys that were in the school however, maybe could… if the girls let them.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
Today was supposed to be a fresh start for the group of six females. They were all attending a new high school after the old one mysteriously blew up over the summer… It's not like they had anything to do with that. But their adopted mother didn't see it that way; Tsunade had been fairly certain the group of girls had everything to do with the destruction that was once Oto High. It wasn't really their faults, though, their principal Orochimaru had been creeeeepy. Seriously, his school deserved to get blown up.
Sakura grinned as she looked around the room she would call home for the next year. She was seventeen and planned to go to college the following year, if she got around to it. It's not like she could leave her sisters behind, no matter how annoying each of them was. Well, Hinata wasn't that bad, Sakura mused to herself, and Tenten and Temari could be cool, when they weren't trying to kill each other.
Sighing, Sakura looked at the school uniform she would have to wear at her new school. Tsunade had known they had something to do with the school blowing up so she had forced them into a boarding school; it was so kind, really. Tsunade knew the girls were against everything snooty and rich, and she thought it would be the perfect punishment to send them to a richy rich school. Sakura growled at the thought.
Quickly pulling on the too small green and black plaid skirt, Sakura quickly pulled on her favorite t-shirt: a black skin tight cage the elephant t-shirt she practically lived in. Grabbing the black three quarter sleeved button up shirt she was supposed to wear, Sakura threw it on without buttoning it. Even if there was a dress code for this new school, Sakura refused to comply with it. She needed to be original, if her hair was anything; it was only in support of this fact.
Sakura's hair was short and pixie like; the color was a rosette pink that seemed to go with her pale skin perfectly. Throwing her hair up in her usual pig tails, Sakura felt it necessary to check on her sisters; she knew most of them were probably asleep. The only one other than herself that was probably awake would have to be Hinata, and Sakura was sure the raven haired girl was already making breakfast; she could practically smell it. She was surprised the smell hadn't woken up the others, but this way Sakura could have a little fun.
Walking into Ino's room, she saw the girl frantically running in and out of her closet; so maybe she and Hinata weren't the only two ones up. Staring at Ino impatiently, Sakura sighed before looking to the blonde.
"What are you doing Ino?" Sakura asked as she watched the blonde flail around her room; really, did she do anything else?
"What am I going to wear today!" Ino yelled as she ran back into her closet. Sakura could have snorted at the blonde's behavior, but then again, this really was everyday Ino. "I want to look totally hot and sluttish, but I don't want to look too easy!"
Sakura lifted her eyebrow but then chuckled. "We have uniforms Ino," Sakura said off handedly. "We really don't have to worry about what to wear."
"You know nothing about fashion," Ino mentally sighed before she flew out of her room. "I need to find Karin! She knows how to make the slut-look look good."
"So you say," Sakura found herself responding as she left Ino's room. Walking to the next room over, Sakura's emerald eyes glittered in mischief. Of course Tenten would still be sleeping; the girl really didn't do anything else. Walking into the brunette's room quietly, Sakura's eyebrow rose at the position not only Tenten was in, but also Temari.
Temari was slumped over Tenten's front, a bottle of grey goose in both female's hands. The position would have been any male's wet dream, and could have been seen as a little erotic. If she didn't know her two sisters better she would have assumed they were going lesbian for each other. Nothing wrong with that, Sakura thought to herself as she captured a picture of the sleeping lovers with her wonderful blackberry (oh how she loved the thing); some days Sakura liked to pretend she and Tenten, or really any of her sisters, were an item. She liked to weird people out, and pretending she was a lesbian seemed to do so.
Walking closer to the bed, Sakura sighed before opening her mouth. "I know you two probably want to dry hump again or something, but we have to leave for school in like a half an hour. Get your asses up and moving!"
Tenten stirred slightly, and opened her brown eyes to give Sakura a glare. "Don't tell me you're jealous Sakura," Tenten said as she slumped her arm around Temari; she effectively drew the sandy blond closer to herself. "Temari's a better lover than you any day."
"You caught me," Sakura sighed dramatically, and had to hide her grin; she loved being sarcastic with a hung over Tenten. "I always wanted a threesome with two other girls; especially my sisters. It has most definitely been on the top of my priorities list for some time. But I have been excluded once again; I shall be waiting in the kitchen crying on Hinata's shoulder. Maybe she could give me the love I deserve!"
"Don't you dare taint our sweet Hinata!" Tenten called to Sakura as she walked out of her bedroom door. Smiling, Sakura knew her job was done and walked down the stairs to get some of Hinata's wonderful banana and chocolate chip pancakes; they were legendary for their awesomeness.
Following the wonderful smell, Sakura walked into the kitchen. Hinata sat at the counter reading a book as the food sat untouched on the table. "Why haven't you eaten yet, Hinata?" Sakura asked while finding a seat at the table.
"I wasn't going to eat without you guys," Hinata said softly as she smiled. The raven haired girl was wearing the uniform like it was supposed to be worn. The black shirt was buttoned all the way to the top, and the skirt had black leggings under it. The girl's long hair was left cascading down to the middle of her back.
"That's a nice sentiment, Hinata," Sakura said while she reached for a pancake. "But I'm hungry. Eat with me?"
"You know we need to wait for the others, Sakura," Hinata said with a slight tsk; Hinata had acted more of a mother than Tsunade did at times. The raven haired girl was too sweet in Sakura's opinion.
"It's not like they would wait for us," Sakura accused as she heard her dear sisters walk into the kitchen.
"Of course we would, Saku dear," Ino said with a smile as she sat down beside Sakura. Sakura's eyebrow rose; Ino was done getting dressed already? But that's when she looked at the blonde's attire and snorted.
Ino wore the black button up shirt with three buttons unbuttoned; Sakura was sure the blonde was wearing a push up bra to make her boobs look even better than they already were. Her skirt, Sakura noticed idly, was higher than Sakura's own; knowing Ino, she probably rolled her skirt up thinking it wasn't short enough.
The blonde's hair was tied in a high pony tail, as perusal. Deciding to ignore the blonde, Sakura grabbed the first pancake off of the stack. As she did, she heard the other chair beside her groan against the floor. Looking to her left, Sakura greeted the red head with a mock salute.
"Sup slut?" Sakura asked while grabbing the syrup to pour on her tasty pancakes; God did she love these things.
"Nothing much Forehead," Karin responded back smoothly; the group of girls had all gotten to ignore the nicknames each one had for the other. Looking to the red head beside her, Sakura's eyebrow rose. Karin was wearing heels, Sakura shuttered, and had also rolled up her skirt along with Ino; really, couldn't they just not be slutish for a day?
Sakura mentally cheered when she saw Tenten and Temari walk into the kitchen. "What up my hoes?" Tenten grinned before sitting next to Hinata. "Well other than you Hinata; you're too sweet to be a hoe."
"Um, thanks Tenten," Hinata said with a small smile. "Let's hurry up and eat so we can get going!"
Nodding in agreement, Sakura looked to her other two sister's outfits. Sakura smirked as she noticed Tenten was wearing blue jean pants under her skirt; she was also wearing a green The Black Keys band t-shirt under her unbuttoned shirt. Tenten's hair was tied up in her usual panda buns.
Temari was wearing the skirt normally, but Sakura had noticed the small pair of booty shorts she wore underneath. Her shirt had about two buttons undone at the top and the bottom, Sakura also noticed her hair was in her usual four-pony do.
"I forgot to inform the family that Temari and Tenten were finally in a relationship," Sakura commented with a smirk after finishing a bite of food. Taking out her phone, Sakura flashed the picture she had taken earlier to everyone. "I know we've been expecting this for a while, so congratulations to the two of you!"
"I think it's too early for your sarcasm," Temari muttered with a glare as she rubbed her temples; well someone had a nasty hangover.
"I think it's wonderful you two are finally getting together," Karin commented as she took a sip of some orange juice; from across the table Hinata was a startling shade of red; it actually matched Karin's hair perfectly. "I was beginning to think that you were going to hide your relationship from us forever."
"Not you too red," Temari groaned while lifting up her orange juice cup. The dirty blonde flinched before putting the glass against her head, she sighed.
"Hell yes, me too," Karin grinned while shoving a fork of pancakes in her face. "It's not our fault you and Tenten had a drinking party without us."
"Yeah," Ino commented with a glare. "An invite would have been nice, ya know."
"Meh," Tenten commented while placing her head in her hands. "You guys are too goody-goody to drink the day before we go to school."
Sakura snorted as she stood. Walking over to the sink she placed her plate in the sink before looking back to the brunette. "Goody-goody, really now Tenten? You know I could have totally drunk you under the table last night if I had known you two were drinking."
Tenten grunted but kept her head securely placed in her hands. Sighing, Sakura looked as her sisters started to finish their breakfast as well. "So, who's driving?"
"I would think that would be obvious," Ino commented from beside the pinkette. "I'm driving; Karin and Hinata are going to ride with me. You three lesbians can figure it out on your own."
"You know you'd like to party with us," Tenten muttered with a wink.
Sakura shook her head but looked to Tenten and Temari. "I assume I'll be driving then," Sakura said while grabbing her keys from the counter. She didn't get a response, but saw that her two sisters were following her. Sakura stepped outside the nice looking house that Tsunade had bought for them; living alone with five other females was really torturing them, at least that's what Tsunade had thought. The group of six now had no supervision, and it was going to be so sweet. Sakura smirked when she saw Ino waiting for her in the driveway; Sakura hadn't seen the blonde move that fast in a while.
"Let's have a friendly race, shall we?" Ino asked sweetly while sitting in the driver's seat of her red ford mustang. Sakura shook her head as she, Tenten, and Temari walked to her own car. The green apple jeep wrangler; Sakura liked to call her jeep Charlie.
Walking over to Charlie, Sakura smirked before getting in the driver's seat; she waited for Tenten and Temari to get into the car before nodding her head at Ino. "Sure thing Pig," Sakura said with a slight smirk. "I'll even give your car a head start."
"Winston doesn't need a head start," Ino practically purred while petting her steering wheel. "Let's just go Forehead!"
"Yeah yeah," Sakura said with a shake of her head. Looking to Tenten who was in the passenger seat, Sakura fought a smile. "Do you guys mind?"
"Hell no!" Tenten said while glaring at the blonde. "Let's waste her ass!"
Sakura snorted at Tenten's choice of language but nodded anyway; she totally agreed. Of course Ino's mustang would be faster than her dear Charlie, but that didn't matter. Sakura was a hundred percent sure Ino didn't even know where the school was. She laughed at the thought as she watched Ino zoom out of the driveway and down the wrong way of the street.
"She doesn't even know where the school is," Tenten commented from beside Sakura with a smirk. Nodding her head in response, Sakura started up Charlie, and began her way to school. She knew that Hinata would catch on that Ino was going the wrong way; there was no doubt in Sakura's mind that Ino would be racing back within five minutes. Sakura was sure Hinata wanted to give Charlie a head start; she had always liked Charlie. Putting her foot on the gas, Sakura's speed increased until she was only a few blocks away from the school. Noticing that the blonde's car was still nowhere to be seen, Sakura smirked.
Finding a parking spot, Sakura sighed before turning off the car. "I daresay we won ladies," Sakura commented with a grin as she looked to Tenten and Temari. The latter female was actually starting to look more alive now; it seemed Temari was finally getting over her hang over.
"Ha, Ino is so stupid," Tenten commented while jumping out of Charlie. Sakura nodded in agreement as she saw the red mustang racing around the corner. Grabbing her backpack which had been strategically placed in her vehicle the night before, Sakura decided to wait until the rest of her sisters had parked before going into the school. It seemed silly to go and look for the office by herself when the other five girls needed to find the office as well.
Grabbing her beloved black berry, Sakura turned on her Pandora application and sighed. The first song was a song she knew all too well: psychotic girl by The Black Keys. Sakura noticed that Tenten seemed to relax instantly as the song played.
Watching as Ino slammed her beloved Winston's door shut, Sakura fought the smirk that threatened to show on her face. "Nice to see ya here Ino," Temari commented from her position on the ground. Temari had decided it would be comfortable for her to sit cross legged on the ground while they waited for the others. "Don't worry; we weren't waiting for very long."
"You knew I didn't know where the school was," Ino pointed an accusing finger toward Sakura. "You just let me drive off thinking I was beating you."
"You never asked," Sakura commented with a sly smirk. "I would have let you follow me."
"Meh," Tenten commented with a wave of her hand. "I really don't care at this point. Let's get our schedules before we're late for class."
"Really now?" Sakura raised an eyebrow at the bun headed female. "You want to actually go to class today? What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I'm assuming there are some really yummy looking boys here," Ino commented while looking across the school's parking lot. It was fairly empty, but that was because the school day was about to begin. School started at eight o'clock, and it just happened to be seven fifty-five. Sighing, Sakura shook her head.
"I don't care about yummy looking boys," she said with a sigh as she started to head toward the building's entrance. Her black berry was still playing loudly, the song Better Together by Jack Johnson. "I just want to go to class and try to stay out of trouble for today."
"I don't want to get in to trouble in the first place," Hinata spoke up softly from behind Ino. Sakura sighed but smiled at Hinata's innocence.
"Oh dear Hinata," Karin smirked while wrapping an arm around Hinata's shoulders. "We'll corrupt you yet."
"There will be no corruption of Hinata!" Tenten yelled while grabbing Hinata from Karin's grasp. Sakura smirked at her sister's antics, and reached the entrance of the school building. The school was actually impressive, but not so much so. The building was a large brick building that had green ivy growing on the walls. The school was old, but it was beautiful.
Opening the door, Sakura waited until the other five shuffled in before her. "Where's the office again?" Ino asked while looking around the hallway; Ino was never very good with directions. Sighing, Temari decided to take the lead; the halls were almost empty, but the students that were on their way to classes eyed the group of six curiously.
Glancing at her phone, Sakura decided it would probably be a good idea to silence the music before heading into the principal's office. Grabbing her phone, Sakura plugged in her headphones before putting one headphone in her ear. Deciding to ignore the principal completely wouldn't do; they had a reputation, and Sakura was sure the principal would be utterly pissed if she were to cause as much trouble here as she did in Oto. She was actually counting on it.
Arriving at the principal's office, Sakura sighed before stepping forward. Giving the door a hard knock, Sakura waited until she heard a male's voice grunt, "Enter."
Opening the door, Sakura allowed her sisters to enter first, because she was a complete gentleman. Smirking to herself, she closed the door behind her before looking to the male before them. He had long white hair, and a weird red lined-tattoo on his face; Sakura's eyebrow rose as the male finally turned to look at them. The principal's jaw dropped.
"It's not my birthday until next month!" The man practically squealed as he ran towards Hinata, who stood in the front. Before he could reach her, however, Temari pulled Hinata back by her shoulder, and glared at the man.
"You're principal Jiraiya?" Temari questioned looking unimpressed. The man that stood before them looked ridiculous. He had long gray hair that was tied in a low pony, and was wearing an overly large red vest. Sakura knew this man was a pervert; she just got the feeling right away.
"Why," the man asked with a perverted smirk; Sakura had been right on the money. "Who's asking?"
"Temari, Tsunade's daughter," Temari said simply. Sakura walked to the front of the group of girls and glared at the male.
"And I'm sure our mother," Sakura said with a glare; she really didn't like perverts. "would very much disapprove of us not getting to class on time. We need our schedules, now."
"You're Tsunade's daughters?" the male gulped before jumping back behind his desk. He grabbed six pieces of paper and gave them to Sakura before bowing his head. "I'm sorry! I didn't know you were her daughters! I thought Kakashi sent you for an early birthday present. He's wanted me to continue my novel Icha Icha Teenager for the last couple of weeks."
"I don't even want to know," Sakura muttered while she passed out the schedules. Looking to her own Sakura tried to commit it to memory.
Sakura Haruno
First Period: Advanced Calculus
Second Period: AP Biology
Third Period: World Literature
Fourth Period: Lunch
Fifth Period: Art
Sixth Period: Advanced History
Seventh Period: Music
"Thank God I have music at the end of the day; at least I'll have something to look forward to," Sakura said to herself. Noticing her sisters' sour looks, Sakura raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"They didn't put us all in the same classes," Karin explained while glaring at the piece of paper. "I think there won't be more than three of us to each class, besides lunch."
"Well let's just see," Sakura said while grabbing Karin's schedule. Looking it over, Sakura gave it back with a small frown. "At least we can cuddle together in art."
Tenten snorted before she started to walk down the hallway. "Now who's the lesbian?" Tenten asked before she looked over her shoulder. "Come on Sakura! We gotta get going to math."
"Right right," Sakura said while looking to her four other sisters. She gave them a mock salute before following after the panda headed girl.
Like it or leave it : ) This has actually been really fun to write so far.