Eighteen men and women stood in two neat rows, their eyes glued to him. Backs straight, heads held high... They were all hand chosen by Becker himself. He assessed the group carefully once more before speaking.

"As you know, I am Captain Becker, your superior here at the ARC. The ARC; The Anomaly Research Center. We deal with one of the most strangest, yet most deadly occurrences on our planet. Anomalies. Rifts through time that allow creatures from the past and or future to enter into our own time. It also works vice versa but I hope it will never have to come to that." Becker thought about Danny, Connor and Abby, how they were stuck in the past because he had let them go through an anomaly. He was glad they were back. Well at least two of them.

Becker continued. "Your job here are to protect the ARC's core team. Matt Anderson, Connor Temple, and Abigail Maitland. If any of the creatures go out of control or manage to escape, it is your job to detain it. Killing it is only for last resort. Understood?"

There was a chorus of 'yes sirs'. He nodded in satisfaction. "The core ARC team, including me, are always on call, though they usually work in the day. That is why half of you will be joining the night crew and the other half will work in the day."

The rookie's glanced at each other nervously before looking back at the Captain. Becker elbowed one of the two men standing on each side of him who handed him a small square of paper.

"Let's get started. Listen carefully for your name. Those working during the day are: Corporal Richards, Lieutenant Lovell, Lieutenant Toxic, Second Lieutenant McKay, Lance Corporal Darcy, Lieutenant Harrison, Private Solomarn, Sergeant Regozani, and Lieutenant Johnson." Before anyone could begin talking he started again. "Those working at night are: Corporal Kane, Lieutenant Meadows, Corporal Novak, Lieutenant Chase, Sergeant Clemings, Lance Corporal Carsons, Lieutenant Mackenzie, Lieutenant Smith, and Sergeant Mattison."

Becker repeated the list of names once more before tucking the slip of paper in his back pocket. "I hope you realize that this is a risky job, but I am confident in all of your abilities."

The man that had given Becker the paper looked down and muttered something that sounded like "Lies,".

Ignoring him, Becker gestured to the other man standing beside him. "This is Second Lieutenant Caspar. Your rank may be higher than his but you still have to respect him." Now he gestured to the taller blond on the other side. "Lieutenant Keevers. Again, respect him because he is my second in command."

"It's Holland, to my friends and my minions. Pretty much everyone." Holland added.

"Those in the night group will be under the command of Caspar when I'm not around. Those in the day group, I am sorry but you are under the command of Holland." Becker ignored the rather rude retort that was whispered to him from Holland and continued. "There will be a training day next Tuesday. What you will be doing on that day will be chosen by whoever is in command of your group. Now the week after that is when the real fun begins."

The silence in the meeting room was appreciated by Becker, but he bet that on the inside they were nervous and panicking. "Meeting dismissed. If you have any questions, ask one of them." He gestured to Holland and Caspar, the former giving him a look clearly saying that he didn't want to participate in a Q/A session. "I will see you in two weeks, soldiers." With that he walked around the new soldiers and out the door.

A/N: I apologize if I made a mistake in anything or forgotten anyone. I will alternate with my co-author in writing the chapters. Now since I have two of my own OCs in charge, tell me if your character hates or likes them. Please and thank you. Next chapter should be the night group.