The Riddle Twins

By: The Witches 11

Chapter 1:The Twins are Born

Me: Alright people I'm sorry I've taken so long to write anything but there were some personal issues this week. Anyway this is my newest story. And no I'm not giving up on my other stories. Now, Luna! Disclaimer!

Luna: Atosha does not own Harry Potter. If she did...

Me: ...Harry would have been born a Riddle!

Tom: Can we get on with this?

Me: Right. Lights, Camera, Magic!

Normal (POV)

It was a quiet Halloween night at the Riddle Manor. The Dark Lady Thorn Riddle had been pregnant for nine months now and was due at any moment. But for now all was quiet.

"TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS i AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Well, at least it had been quiet. As that scream was piercing through a girl of about twelve was running through the halls trying to reach her brother's throne room. When she reached the doors she flung them open and ran straight to the man on the throne. He looked tall and intimidating with pale skin, high cheekbones, jet black hair in a messy disaray, and cold blue eyes that lit up when he saw his sister. "Atosha! What are you doing here?" he asked

"Thorn...she's..." "TOM YOU BETTER LISTEN TO ATOSHA OR I SWEAR YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN BE ABLE TO HAVE CHILDREN!" at hearing this Tom paled. He stood up and aparated to Thorn. Meanwhile Atosha turned to face Lucius Malfoy and Xenophilius Lovegood. "I sudgest that you grab hold of your wives. They're about to go into labour in three, two, one..." As soon as she stopped counting both women let out ear spliting shrieks. Both men quickly grabed hold of their wives and Atosha and had her apparate them to the same room that Tom and Thorn were in. The men quickly put their wives on the two beds next to Thorn's. Atosha stood in front of the three couples. "Okay, confession time. Thorn, you're going to give birth to a boy and a girl at the same 't worry I already have a potion to help you." she said, handing the vial to Thorn. "Another thing is that you're daughter and son are going to be soul bonded to Cissa's son and Selene's daughter at the stroke of midnight. They are all going to be born at 11:59 so we must be quick." The three couples stared in shock. A soul bond? It was amazing. Lucius and Xenophilius bowed. "We are honored to join your family My Lord." the two said. "No need to bow for tonight..." Tom trailed off, not knowing what to say. "We become family." Atosha finished for him. "Alright let's get to work. We only have two minutes. Tom, Lucius, Xeno please stand ready to get the children." The men nodded and took their places. Atosha took Tom's wand and started doing some complicated movements. "Alright girls push."

*Two Minutes Later*

Two cries could be heard throughout the manor as the Dark Twins, the Malfoy heir, and the Lovegood heiress, were born. "What are their names?" Thorn, Cissa, and Selene asked Atosha at the same time. Atosha smiled at their antics. Cissa, you named your son Draco Lucius Malfoy." Draco had the traditional Malfoy pale skin, high cheekbones, and platnum blond hair. But he also had Narcissa's liquid silver eyes. They had a modesty and warmth that you could only see in a child. He was curently crying and yelling smiled at her son. Draco. Another star name. Then Atosh turned towards Selene. "I'm particularly honored about the name you chose for your daughter Selene. You named her Luna Selene Lovegood." Luna looked like the exact replica of Selene. She had her pale skin and silvery blond hair. She also had Xeno's dreamy blue eyes. Selene looked at Atosha "Luna? I used your middle name as her first?" Atosha nodded and smiled. "I'm very happy that you did." she assured her. Finally she turned to look at Thorn along with her niece and nephew. "Thorn you named your children making their birthmarks their middle names. So their names are Harrison or Harry Fulminibus Riddle and Hermione Thorn Riddle." Harry looked like a mail version of Thorn. He had her pale skin, angular features, and blazing flame green eyes. But he had Tom's messy jet black hair. He and Hermione, unlike Luna and Draco, hadn't been crying and just watched the room with curiosity. Hermione looked like a female version of Tom Riddle. She had his pale skin and distinguished features. She also had his dark, haunting blue eyes. Though she had Tom's wavy raven-black hair. Thorn smiled at her children. She had already seen their birthmarkes. Harry had a bolt of lightning on his forehead while Hermione had a rose with many thorns on the side of her neck. 'Ironic.' she thought "Indeed" Atosha said. Everyone looked at her. "Thorn thoght Mia's birthmark is ironic." she explained "Mia is a nickname for Hermione." she said before anyone asked. They all nodded. "Anyway, it's time to begin the soul bonding. Tom sit Hermione and Draco on one crib. Xeno, you put Luna and Harry on the other crib." she instructed. The moment they were together Harry reached for luna and pulled her into an embrace. The moment Luna's head touched Harry's shoulder she stopped crying and snuggled up to him. He stroked her small amount of hair and looked at her with the most loving look that they had ever seen.

Meanwhile, the moment Draco and Hermione were together Hermione reached foreward and put her hand to Draco's face, wiping his tears. The moment they made skin contact Draco stopped crying. He then reached for Hermione and pulled her into his own embrace. His eyes lit up as he held her. Then, it happened . Hermione and Luna reached up and kissed their cheeks. At that moment a glow surronded the four children in a blinding light. When it was gone they each had something on. Hermione had on a star shaped silver necklace with the initials D.L.M on it in black. Luna had a similar necklace except that it was in the form of an emerald green lightning bolt with the enitials H.F.R in black. Harry had a white gold ring with a image of a cresent moon and the enitals L.S.L in gold. Draco also had on a ring but his was a platnum ring with an image of a rose with many thorns and the enitials H.T.R in silver.

After a couple of seconds Atosha spoke. "It's done, they're married. No spell or potion will work on them. They will only love each other." Just as they were about to leave the children to rest they heard a large BANG! Then they heard a crack of apparation and turned ready to attack until they saw it was Bellatrix.

"Bella, what's wrong?" Narcissa asked. "Order members! They came with Dumbledore!" she told them. Atosha ran to the cribs and grabed Luna and Draco. "Cissa, Lucius take Draco and go. We can't let them know you were here. Xeno, Selene take Luna and follow them, we'll be there soon. Bella watch over the twins. We'll deal with the Order of Birds."With two loud CRACKS the two famalies were gone. The three Riddles turned and ran towards the scene of chaos. But little did they know this was all a trap.

Albus-too-many-names-Dumbledore ran through the halls to where the children and Bell lay. His plan was fullproof. He would take the kids and have Hermione raised by muggles while Harry went to the Potters. After a year he would kill them on this very night, pretending it had been Voldemort and claiming that Harry had been the only one to survive. Then he would drop Harry off at the Dursleys' home where he was sure they would neglect him. This would make so that he could mold Harry into a weapon of the Light. During Hogwarts he wold feed Harry and Hermione Love Potions keyed onto Molly's twins Ginny and Ron. And after Harry killed Tom he woulod kill Harry claiming that Harry had been a dark wizard all along. That way he would take all of the glory and the Weasleys would get the Potter fortune. It was perfect. Too bad he wasn't aware about the events earlier.

When he reached the room he stunned Bellatrix from behind and took the twins. With a loud CRACK they disapered.

After the "Order of Chickens" left the Riddles went upstairs to check on the children. When they saw the door was open they ran inside. What they saw horrified them. Bellatrix was on the floor, stuned, and the twins were gone. 'The old fool' they thought.

* One Year Later*

It had been a year before they heard of the twins again. When they did they were furious. That old man was trying to turn Harry into a weapon! After much discussion between the Riddles, Malfoys, and Lovegoods they reached a decision. That, and Atosha had antother vision. Nine years from now when the children would recieve their Hogwarts letters they were going to tell Draco all about the soul bond to Harry and Hermione and they were going to Diagon Alley that same day. It was going to be Atosha, Luna, and Draco since Atosha would be going to Hogwarts with them. They were going to meet Harry and Mia at Madam Malkin's. Now all they had to do was wait.

Me:Well there's the first chapter. Please review and tell me if youlike it so far!